By closing this banner or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies. Today, we have the very top leadership team of HARMAN to attend this press conference. Preparing Public Service Announcements, Section 12. I have been on the job for 104 days. Start approximately on time -- no later than 5 minutes after the scheduled time. If you can make human contact with those folks, and especially if you can make their jobs easier, theyll return the favor. HARMAN plays a unique and critical role in this area, as we are the trusted advisor and technology partner to the worlds automakers in all areas related to the connected car and the in-car experience. There are all kinds of things that we can do that the Japanese understand, I think, as well or better than any country in the world, and the explicit commitment is that we will work with the Japanese Government to help the poorest countries do better at prevention and then also do better at response once disaster happens. 292 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. When you want to react to a related event; for example, when a national report relevant to your issue is released. One was that--a recognition that internal consumption probably was going to be a major driver of economic growth. BpN.wrC2{.1714I5|\n~T>jv E%mT,/sVC~'O7x`,S Zf@+,EB@c,Uva:l%;0-s12*O>FO#5[jfOt>+DaF0op;7|iib++qF\ )0S 7/ Page 1 of 29 . He Struck The Perfect Emotional Tone Chief Schmaderer spoke in human terms throughout the press conference, saying, "It's as if we lost one of our ownthe tears and the hugs that I got when I got to the hospital, I could feel the pain of the officers." Media Distribution List. NovoChatTalk to customers on their preferred messaging apps. How To Handle Rejection In Cold Calling? I mean, we have experts inside the World Bank who have walked with many, many countries through their own process of economic growth, and we stand ready to work with any government in the world, all of our member countries, in thinking about medium and long-term approaches to growth. What went well? Sir, it happens that several emerging markets, particularly in the ASEAN region, are very prone to disasters, to effects of climate change; so, moving forward, how do you see the World Bank in terms of its cooperation, actions, evolving in this region, and particularly in the Philippines, how do you see the actions of the World Bank work, operations, particularly in the Philippines? THE EVENT PLANNERS for planning a great event. 8:00 am Good morning everyone. Welcome Speech for Conference: The opening speech for a conference normally explains in a brief run-through about the list of events planned for the day against a corresponding timeline. There are microphones right in the audience. People with high credibility, such as local politicians, the director of a local health promotion organization, or a physician may make effective spokespeople. stream )A1HWU c, We will go through these, step by step: To the extent that you can, make personal contact with representatives at least of the major media outlets represented. Our job at the World Bank Group now is to make sure the growth over the last five years that we have seen in developing countries in Africa and Latin America and Asia is not destroyed by further worsening in the situation. Last modified on September 2, 2014 by Brad Phillips, Media Training Workshops Customized For Your Needs, Public Speaking Workshops Customized For You, Executive Presentation Training Workshops, A Guide to Presentation Training Companies. Also, pick a site that provides visual interest and relationship to each topic--such as the state capitol building, city courthouse, or a local clinic or other site where the activities youre talking about are actually going on. Microsoft Word - Press Conference Script.doc Author: dwitte Created Date: 4/11/2012 12:29:16 AM . Now, that's the distinction. The Omaha police chief, Todd Schmaderer, delivered an almost perfect press conferenceone that stands in marked contrast to the shameful media interactions in Ferguson, Missourithat should be studied by PR professionals as a terrific example of how to communicate in crisis. Be clear and concise avoid using jargon, rhetoric, or inflammatory language, and stifle "ums" and "ahs." And I think fundamental values like making sure that the inputs to spur further economic growth are in place, to ensure that economic growth is inclusive of young people, especially young women, that women in general are at the center of the development process--these are all critical issues. 2. j$i^[rJ*WV`Glr97j3J`e^3ob'A;${ Hold Questions Until the End of the Call, and Set Aside Time for a Q&A Session. Great nations like Japan take tragedy and share lessons learned with others. We didn't do that here . Secondly, I just want to ask you about the relationship between the World Bank and emerging economies. We need to be more nimble and focused on delivery. However, wed like to present spectators a window to a big world, a world of connectivity and music enabled by HARMANs industry-leading solutions. Thank you. If you can have a short, pleasant conversation with these folks and make a good impression, theyll remember you when they need information or a story about your issue, and theyll respond when you contact them. PR pro Dave Statter, who writes the excellent STATter911 blog (and wrote about this story first), called this one of the most effective and timely presentations following a police involved shooting Ive witnessed. Hes right. If written correctly, a press release can reach your target audience, bring in new customers, and drive user engagement. These customer wins represent HARMANs true global reach in providing both innovative connected car solutions, and bold audio systems that lead the industry. Chief Schmaderer spoke in human terms throughout the press conference, saying, Its as if we lost one of our ownthe tears and the hugs that I got when I got to the hospital, I could feel the pain of the officers., When asked whether he regretted his decision to allow Cops to film in Omaha, he gave a genuinely reflective answer, one that indicated that he had spent some time agonizing about that question: Personally, Ill have to live with this forever.. % Learn how to plan and execute a successful press conference to share your message and gain support from the community. QUESTION: Thank you. As you can tell by what we just covered, innovation and collaboration are at HARMANs core which is why HARMANs acquisition by Samsung made sense not only for our shareholders but for our customers from automakers to end-consumers. That's an intrinsic benefit that is inherent in the nature of the experience itself. And so, while we will always stand ready to help with short-term needs for food security, we are also very engaged in trying to help each of our member countries build in long-term sustainability in their agriculture systems. And following these sample conference call scripts that actually work will bring you one step closer to hosting the perfect conference call! The main body of your speech is going to be different for every event and audience. Transcript of Chair Powell's Press Conference -- September 22, 2021 Ladies and Gentlemen. Even the most focused outbound calls can turn into chaos if not structured properly let alone conference calls with 100 other people. Let me address a couple of questions more generally. National News. Now, QE can be private sector asset-based, or also sovereign-sector, public sector asset-based, or both. So there isn'tI can't give you a, a, a set of numbersfor example, a numerical threshold like we used for a time back in 2012, I guess it was. Thank you very much. MEETING SCRIPT ROLE: MEETING ORGANIZER, MEETING MODERATOR, MEETING FACILITATOR, EVENT MANAGER, MEETING ADMINISTRATOR, MEETING MANAGER 7:55 am The audio conference call is open and we will begin the meeting in 5 minutes. You may also want to make personal contact with major media representatives before or after the press conference. Introduction To start, make sure to introduce yourself and anyone you're calling in with. At the same time, however, you may get better grades because you've read Shakespeare. First, this is a country that is about 40 percent of the West African economy. So, for us, the task is urgent in the sense that we have to find ways of boosting economic growth. The Grantsmanship Center. Mr. Kim, in light of change in Middle East, what new policies does the World Bank have in mind, especially for the Arab Spring countries and regarding Syria? Because: You and your organization could hold a press conference whenever there is an event your organization wants to inform the community about. For example, if an education funding bill were introduced in the state legislature, you might want to convene a press conference that same morning to react to the bill's implications. We have time for one more question. That leads to an important point about crisis press conferences: Press conferences often serve as a proxy for how competent a spokesperson is not only as a communicator, but behind the scenes as a leader. UQX(QQ(z -}Ji*xR}<9xCW\Z$P[ ,9exhmZK u?^~gXYcxC ;_w4/eGByB:o27JQ2Se^YI|;mAjZzmX/),iIM,\js@*>twvM~9}z;J2p:/*aLTjo&YDmwmcEKrI Wopa=UP}v As you know, my name is , and I will be facilitating this conference. Many nations take tragedy and improve. Good afternoon, distinguished guests, dear media friends, welcome to the HARMAN press conference! Press briefings (audio and transcripts) - January 2020 to September 2020. Opening Press Conference This script is ideal for small meetings where you probably know your participants and are familiar with their names, something like internal department conferences or sales kickoffs. 2. Transcript of 2012 IMF World Bank Annual Meetings Press Conference Dr. Jim Yong Kim, October 11, 2012 Transcript of 2012 IMF World Bank Annual Meetings Press Conference Dr. Jim Yong Kim, October 11, 2012 . If we take Shakespeare, for example, reading Shakespeare provides you insight into the human condition. But the role of development and crisis response has been played by IMF and World Bank since World War II, so what is your idea for the future of those kinds of global relationships? Now please join me to welcome Mr. David Jin, President of Northeast Asia and Greater China at HARMAN International, to deliver a welcome speech. With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. Last week, an audio technician for the television program Cops was killed by friendly fire while filming a robbery at a Wendys in Omaha, Nebraska. So, clearly, they are making financing work within them by using their own currency, not by using the advanced economies currency. Thank you. Improve your public speaking and media interviewing skillsand enhance your career by signing up. Leaders who are great at the behind the scenes portion of their jobsbut who are not great public communicatorsmay be perceived as lousy leaders. President Kim will deliver some opening remarks, and then we will be very happy to take your questions. I am learning how to become an active member of the society, to have a job, and it is great. A successful conference call comes from an effective structure of your calls and thorough preparation. Oftentimes, because theres an open discussion, participants might go off the topic of the conference call. So I am going to make this a special part of my Presidency. So there will be meetings today to discuss ways in which the Japanese experience in health care can be used to help countries all over the world build these kinds of comprehensive, universal access-type programs. But IMO they should have designated one person to speak on the production companys behalf. I mentioned it earlier. Thank you. Turn website visitors into high-converting calls, Talk to customers on their preferred messaging apps, 10 VoIP Security Best Practices To Keep Your Business Safe In 2023, How To Find Phone Numbers For Effective Cold Calling, Is Cold Calling Still Relevant Today? Its important to know the speaking order and how to control the flow of the conversation as it unfolds during the call session. This industry leading HARMAN solution designed to improve user experience was created to offer Automakers a cost-effective and scalable platform to offer drivers a vastly improved experience that harmonizes the visual look and feel between all in-car systems, as well as improve system flexibility and performance. HARMAN is proud of its legacy of achievement and innovation in every facet of our business. My name is (name) and this is (name) , (name) , (name) , and (name) . Provide enough seating in the room for reporters, and enough room for their supporting equipment (e.g., cameras, microphone). Yes, maam, right there, please, in the third row; yes. So, what we are going to do is we are going to bring the breadth of our experience. And Im pleased to note that in the last several weeks HARMAN has signed new contracts with three Chinese OEMs for expanded connected car and in-car audio business. It includes 10 steps for a successful press conference as well as other related checklists (e.g., setting up a press conference). And again, South Africa doesnt necessarily need our money, but we have agreed to build what we are calling a Delivery Knowledge Hub in South Africa. More than 25 million automobiles on the road today are equipped with HARMAN technology solutions. Thank you. It is our job to have a catalytic effect on poverty. Things that are happening in one part of the world, such as in Europe, can have huge impacts in other parts of the world. Background information about the issue (i.e., statistics, historical background, case histories, or reprints of news stories). I was just at one such platform, the Sendai Dialogue, yesterday. He Conveyed a Sense of Complete Competence. I think we simply must do it. Dear media friends, good afternoon! If your conference call features a Q&A session to engage participants, you need to equip yourself with better conference call management skills to handle the sessions effectively. Chief Schmaderer did many things right in this press conference. Covering COVID-19 now and in the future -- A self-directed course for journalists. Current Cold-Calling Trends, Key Elements Of A Sales Cadence and Its Importance In Sales Prospecting, A concise opening and brief introduction of yourself (the speaker), The reason(s) for the conference call, covered briefly, Some background information about the conference call. If you schedule it later, you risk missing the afternoon paper or evening news. Given the large scale of Chinas economy and the world is still suffering in the crisis, in your view, how long do you expect the transition progress to take, and what challenge do you expect China to face during this transition? It is significant that the very first country I visited as President of the World Bank was Cote dIvoire, and Cote dIvoire provides some very important lessons. Knowledge gained in one part of the world can apply to another. QUESTION: Thank you. President Kim. Add your own phone numbers, or purchase one from us. If you feel that a participant is deviating, dont panic. Don't fiddle with or clutch anything -- it's distracting and makes you appear nervous. HARMANs booth is relatively compact by comparison for this Auto Show. As you know, the BRICS countries are now making the currency swap agreement within them, and also, there is a very basic idea of a BRICS Bank. x]o#7=@5@>dM4'gY >xm(H9~\ol6gngh~qvXdosxPk2u+o"3N/Td"kkjUNL~0_l{vONec|lVwZmvS0NuQyr _*/1_*E|8H After about 45 minutes, bring the formal conference to an end. The best time to schedule your press conference is between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m, to ensure maximum coverage by the media. Transcript of Chair Powell's Press Conference July 28, 2021 . A press conference is interactive; you can answer questions from the press, and emphasize points you might not otherwise have a chance to make. In many cases, you may want to encourage the media to stay for further informal conversation with the participants. Thank you. HARMAN-equipped GAC vehicles redefine infotainment system standards and showcase how advanced in-vehicle connectivity can improve driver efficiency while minimizing distraction and simplifying the user experience. Another area of cooperation is on health care. I am Jerome Radis [ph.] HARMANs vision is to revolutionize the in-car experience, and we continue to take bold steps to lead the industry with innovations that enhance and better integrate across the consumers digital footprint from home, to office, to the car. If you havent made those contacts, this is a good time to start. If you don't know the answer to a question, say so. MR. MILLS: Good morning, everyone. The task of building the economy so that ex-combatants can have jobs and see a different future for themselves was critical, and we have to move quickly. We have a team in Myanmar right now, and we are working with the government to really catalogue the arrears that have accumulated over the years, and our hope is that we can move forward very soon as a united global community to support the reforms and to help the people of Myanmar with things like health, education, infrastructure, and also to help Myanmar boost its private sector so that more businesses can grow in that environment. Can we find ways of creating an enormous market for new technologies focused on mitigation of climate change? When he was unable to answer a question due to the legal process, he used a technique I call commenting without commenting: While I cant show the videoits evidence and its needed for the Grand Jurywe did provide still photos to show what the officers had encountered to the best of our ability., 4. Thanks to our consolidated manufacturing, innovation, and service networks, HARMAN is now well positioned to address the growing demands of the China market. Finally, do not forget to thank all the participants for their time and contribution. On the evening news theres a short television clip of a speaker surrounded by a crowd of reporters asking questions. We are in challenging times. This is a win-win alliance, which will provide HARMAN with great potential for further exploring the China market and continuing to serve customers in China. You can also use the feedback that the participants shared with you to improve on your next conference call. And when I visited Cote dIvoire, I saw right in front of me the nature of our task. He or she will be in charge of convening the press conference by introducing the issue and participants. We know the world is interconnected. There was a training program that I went to visit, and there, ex-combatants in the war were learning how to be electricians. If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call (800) 645-7484 for assistance. You mentioned that the Philippines especially is vulnerable to disasters and also to the effects of climate change, so let me start with climate change. I am from the Islamic Development Bank Group. We learned the lesson again in Mexico and Brazil through the conditional cash transfer programs. Have members of the press sign in, with their affiliation, and give each of them a press kit. + $4.99 shipping. Tokyo, Japan. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> An increasingly large number of those vehicles are now located here in China, from customers such as BMW Brilliance Automotive, Beijing Benz Automotive Company, GAC Group, Great Wall and Geely. Welcome Speech for Conference: Very good morning to one and all present here, my name is Suraj and I'll be giving the welcome speech for today's conference and kicking off the 3-day event, starting today. Arranging News and Feature Stories, Section 6. Others you'll want to be sure to include on your list are reporters you have worked with before, contacts in the media you may have, and reporters who may have covered the issue in recent months.