Peter Parker has a secret identity and he desperately wants to keep it that way. He sneered, kicking one of his books away as Peter reached out to grab it. Despite choosing not to tell Tony about Flash, he had spent a decent amount of time making Tony promise not to give him any extra attention. Peter didn't wantto be beat up, but if he didn't, he knew Flash would do it on someone else, someone who couldn't deal with it, someone who couldn't fight back. So loud, so scared. I know I saw you dressed and ready to leave this morning at breakfast.. Written in Peter wasn't sure if he was lucky or not to have spent the night at the Tower. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and best of all, Peter didn't have to walk to school. In no conditions its a place for a student to fit it. Meeting the Avengers obviously. Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Female) Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Summary: (Y/N) never understood science based subjects, despite putting all her efforts into studying them. Ultimate Marvel / Transformers crossover by The Writer With No Name, composed of two fics. A genius kid without an equal who grew up to shun his own genius in fear of being unaccepted. gets the attention of The Remaining Avengers so the charity ends up being run from inside the lower levels of Stark Tower.Then about three weeks after The Snap, May is killed, leaving Peter, homeless, orphaned and living at The Avengers Tower without a guardian while trying to keep his Aunt's charity alive and keep Spider-Man's secret identity under wraps and without getting taken into custody by Foster Care. How to Fix the Avengers: A Guide by Peter Parker, Sorry, Bullying at Stark Industries is Illegal. Eddie doesn't turn evil and is redeemable. When the apocalypse breaks out, the Avengers are forced to run. He mumbled unhappily. Wait 3:30 pm? * * * * * Peter followed the group of students around the Tower. Because of that, he's bullied. "That's a good thing?" Or: All the times Peter has a less than stellar introduction and the one time his reputation precedes him. Peter replied, hugging the books that didn't fit into his bag to his chest. Or. Peter got a job and yknow what comes with that. Ned and M.J. watched Peter as he glared at the two of them. But when Wade has to leave for special forces, he promises to never forget Peter. Lets move along.. left kudos on this work! A/N This was requested by Yoyoyoyomynameis_joe (thanks very much btw) if you have a request pls just comment it I'll make sure to credit you (unless u don't want me to, I completely understand if u don't) u can also do it directly to me if u'd prefer (I think thats a thing, I dunno) anyway, here's the story! The prize to pay for the lost souls 15 parts Complete Thanos was the worst thing that happened to this universe for a lot of reasons. The Avengers walked to the first classroom of the day, chemistry. #irondadandspiderson So then why does Peters stomach erupt in butterflies every time the other teen is around him? The avengers are ignoring Peter, and he has no idea why. He said, lifting his fists. Tony and Peter spent the night in the lab working and watching TV until Pepper told FRIDAY to kill the connection. When Peter is given the chance to go back and save everyone, he is sent back to before Civil War. When the former Avengers finally apologize and return to the tower, Tony insist Peter wait before he meets them. I take requests. Peter yanked his hoodie strings to try and hide his face. They know about what happened in the trilogy so they managed to convince Adrian to stop what he's doing and turn himself in. and not knowing anything is not something Tony can do, he has to know everything. Peter ends up excluded from a surprise class field trip. Avengers: Infinite Wars by free man writer is a crossover between Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which starts in a slightly AU-MCU post Ant-Man where Pietro survived the Battle of Sokovia and Scott and Hope became official Avengers.. 77 Peter almost tripped on his untied shoelaces as he ran into the kitchen, having awoken slightly late that morning. We forgot to call Thor and I promised I would!. "Hey, Pete, time to wake up." Tony whispered to his adopted son. Peter had been acting weird around him lately, but he wasn't sure why. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter was their baby boss, their CEO-in-training. is chicagoland speedway being torn down; is iperms down They know about what happened in the trilogy so they managed to convince Adrian to stop what he's doing and turn himself in. Peter greeted with a grin, sitting on his aunt's bed as she watched on the TV. He just wants to keep his head down, do his job as Spider-Man and to keep his loved ones safe. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! An inspirational, peaceful, listening experience. The Guardians of The Galaxy were the only ones on Titan to try to fight Thanos, the ones that didn't become ash during The Snap are the ones that helped get Stephen Strange back home. Im one of roughly three of Peters dads. Cute. "one day," wade says, "we'll live like kings." Tony took the suit and everyone he cares about is lying to him. Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant; endgame therapy; Self-Indulgent; Peter is the tour guide; Flash isn't that bad; Peter lives with the Avengers; Aunt May isn't dead; Pietro Maximoff Lives; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Summary. Featured Quizzes & Stories. Yet when he gets a chance to finally, finally fit in, it's not like he'll turn it down. ", "oh buddy, you asked for that in your previous life, you stuck with me". He could easily make it down the tower safely. Tony reluctantly introduces Peter to them but doesn't tell them he's Spider-man. -Lots of hurt . #peterparker Peter Parker along with Harley Keener, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, and Lila and Cooper Barton go on a field trip to their home Stark Industries or Stark tower. Pretty much what the title says. Tony reluctantly introduces Peter to them but doesn't tell them he's Spider-man.Chaos ensues. Dude! However, before he can ask, he was interrupted. Sickfic. The superheroes gathered in the room smiled pleasantly at the young woman. Dude, even Thor is going to be there. ", Flash rolled his eyes. When the group got home, everybody was latched to Peter. He became infatuated with Michelle Jones, and competed for her affections with Peter Parker during their class trip to Europe. Flash called from across the room, "Is this too lame for you?". as well as Red Booth Seats, Checkered Tiles, and Neon Lights. Today was parent teacher interview day, meaning that everyone's parents of Peter's year would be organising interviews with the teachers in order to find out how their children were going at school. This is a story about a yandere version of Wanda Maximoff and a bullied Peter Parker. fix microsoft teams not displaying images and gifs. ~~~~~ The avengers have been looking everywhere for (name). Stephen's eyebrow twitches in annoyance. And even if she would have never related those whimpers and cries with the contagious voice of Peter, she knows. + All characters belong to Marvel except for a few here and there that i make up. Word Count: 1,613. However, Flash pulled Pete by his arm and pulled him back into a dark corner of the school. Flash says something way out of line that hurts Peter more then he expected. Flash is a jerk as always which is nothing new. Peter looked at the window. The fact that he was being bullied and that no one aside from his school knew about it was bad. Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader. Please heed the trigger warnings and proceed with caution. Aaand Im giving Thor his thing back never mind. The call ended suddenly. Certainly from someone like Peter, who wasn't very important. avengers fanfiction peter intern meets team cap. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, the avengers are Peters parents and extended family, Peter is a Young Boy and has lots ahead of him. The film is a sequel to The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Avengers: Infinity War and a crossover/sequel to Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel. A house with no one but his aunt, who took care of him with nothing but love. His class doesn't believe him, his teacher doesn't believe him. Tonys blood was just about boiling, Peter only spaces off because what you teach is probably boring and he could do it in his sleep. The school does not tolerate such appalling behaviour of its students and demands the presence of his guardian to take action. Talk? if someone wants to beta feel free to tell me!!!! how many seats are in the gila river arena? Im Steve Rogers. The Avengers walked to the first classroom of the day, chemistry. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I swallowed a bite of my sandwich nervously, feeling the bruise on my neck which Oscar had left when he partially strangled me the day before. EDIT: DISCONTINUED Please read the twelve chapter. Even Peter calling you kid. When Peter can't find a way out of his class field trip to Stark Tower quite in time, his classmates (and the rest of the world) receive quite the surprise about the real family of the weird nerd they grew up with. Ned, deciding he needed to help Peter, ran to the door and stood in the way. The Avengers walked to the first classroom of the day, chemistry. While the team investigate a lead on a new Hydra base, they trigger an unknown Hydra experiment that displaces all nine Avengers- Captain America . Natasha and Clint came out next, Clint with the fake moustache and floppy hat, and Natasha just wearing her normal clothes. Harry is against his father. A kid who was bullied. Peter said, standing up from his seat. Adaptational Jerkass: In Homecoming and Far From Home, Mr. Harrison is at his best an ineffectual dork, at worst an Apathetic Teacher.Here not only does he make it clear he does not believe Peter when he says that he works at Stark Industries, but he has him sent to the principal office when he refuses to "admit" to forging Tony's signature, having his field trip and school activity privileges . Work Search: Will Spider-man have anything to do with his son's death which is still a mystery? Thanks MJ, thats really helpful. There's an alley on the side of the house that Allison Brenn is watching for 6 weeks. If he makes it through the entire day without being suspended, it'll be a miracle. Wanda was the only one vaguely normal in the current situation. Peter almost tripped on his untied shoelaces as he ran into the kitchen, having awoken slightly late that morning. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. "Alright, does everyone remember the plan?" Peter normally likes being the tour guide at Stark Industries, Not this time. This definitely warranted a meeting with the boss. fix microsoft teams not displaying images and gifs. 12257 97 Avenue, Surrey, V3V 2C8. So maybe Peter hasn't told the Avengers that he's Spider-Man yet. Natasha, Tony, Steve, Bruce, Bucky, Clint. (Avenger's high school AU, stories can be read in any order). Homecoming dance is up, and Tony has a free spider-baby night that is gonna spend locked in the lab. Optimal Advice comes just a bit of a while after the clone incident and Peter Parker 's breakup with Kitty Pryde. Though you have telepathy and could get the answers by reading the smartest kid's brain in the class or one better your teachers'. Wanda didn't . Steve asked the Avengers seriously, holding the bag of disguises in one hand. A rewrite of an old marvel story I discontinued. Did he not really spend time in the shower, watching blood run down the drain? Waiting. Warning: This is a bit depressing. They were planning on everyone watching a movie together but when they went to (name)'s room, she wasn't there. Instead, she listens the pitiful sobs that are coming from the lower locker, where students are supposed to keep their gym clothes. Rhodey even said that if he has nothing he'll be there!" The Avengers are a little (okay a lot) protective of their Chibi Baby. "It's going to be so embarrassing. Unlike the last teacher, Peters photography teacher looked absolutely delighted to see Peter. Peter's banned from the field trip by the school. Don't roll your eyes at me! Ned answered, still not looking away from Peter. About Spider-Man.. Language: English Words: 130,459 Chapters: 56/? Peter covered his mouth to stifle his giggles, Bucky and Steve leading the way up to the school with the chins held up proud, Steve holding Bucky's hand to 'make it more realistic' he said. Harry is against his father. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . Fanfic: Five Times An Avenger Found Out Peter Was Getting Bullied Ch 3, Avengers | FanFiction Peter woke up, blearily blinking his eyes open. "You were the one to walk into him!" Glancing down at his watch, he stifled a yawn, then did a double take. Just another site When the former Avengers finally apologize and return to the tower, Tony insist Peter wait before he meets them. He was SI's little genius. That name slammed against his mental defenses accompanied by the sound of a 'chime' as he gasped and woke up. But after it all he will still try and be Spider-Man, even if its only for a little bit longer. The day finally ended, and the group made their way out to the front of the school. You know that we love you no matter what any of your asshole teachers say, right? Bruce asks affectionately. The teen didn't know why he'd been called to the office. ", That was when M.J. decided to sit down at the table. "We're going to disguise ourselves as Mr and Mrs Hayter, Peter's adoptive parents. Saying that youre cheating? Peter doesn't want to go on a field trip to Stark Tower. The door slammed shut and Peter bounded off towards the school bus, handing the permission slip to his teacher then climbing on board. They finally came to a stop at the lockers, near a gaggle of cheerleaders, sending the pair dirty looks when they came near before turning, flipping their hair and stalking away. I just need, PETER PARKER! Tony yelled down the hall leading to his bedroom, Why did I get a call that you skipped school? "Wait, I don't have a lunch," Peter said, looking in the backseat just in case one had appeared there. He wore a science pun t shirt that Tony had bought him, paired with a jacket and jeans. "Oh my go-" "Hi, I'm Bruce Banner I'm a scientist and I'm Peter's uncle nice to meet you. He sat down at the dining table, inhaling his breakfast while Natasha tied his shoelaces for him, seeing as he had forgotten to do it himself and everyone knew he would manage to trip on them before he even got out of the door. Peter patted his pocket where his Stark phone (a birthday gift from Tony) and permission slip were. But instead when two freshmen enter, one of them picking on the other, he's left with no choice but to interfere. One was the Geneticist working for The Avengers, one worked with infants and babies, one was a veterinarian, and one was a Pediatric oncologist. (it's me, anon) rn i am so sore bc in gym we're in the weight room & can u do a drabble or something where the reader's sore from gym & working out and she asks peter (parker) to massage her calves and shoulders & yeah. Tony had Mondays, Steve had Tuesdays, Clint Wednesdays, Thor and Bruce had Thursdays, and Wanda had Fridays (since Fridays were the days Natasha often had missions she had to go do). He said, causing the others to start laughing too. "Um, yeah, I guess," Peter mumbles, looking back at his food.
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