Sadly neither zone is a hot zone. Click it. I would recommend this place only if you have a group of actual people. Pretty much all the critters assist each other though. The merc trio can easily handle content to level 80 with you solidly playing your main toon (and dragging along the other two characters). A mercenary's icon will show their archetype and hailing them will tell you their class. Aggressive: If you or any group member is attacked, your merc will attack. You can follow it for some exp or ignore it like most people do and just fight out of the prison and then wander the zone killing everything. You can actually come here about 60-61 and kill in the area around the zone in/out. Click here for more information. They tank for you, heal for you, or dps for you. The very best stuff is random world drops from Empires of Kunark mobs, with nameds dropping them more frequently. When you complete an HA you are given a three hour lockout timer for THAT PARTICULAR HA. Fourth, never underestimate buffs. That said, the HAs are the only thing that scale. Making it doubly worth it. Made a handful of edits as of 1/13/2017. From PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's Harbor, Board the ship Stormwave or talk to the teleporter guy if it's all broken>Dead Hills. If you've made it this far without a guild, then maybe it's time to look for a real guild with people in it. You can hire a Mercenary at any Mercenary Liaison. You can very easily start pulling groups of 4-5 by 70 and by 72 can straight swarm pull and still not see your mercs mana fluctuate. 38-44 especially will come in a matter of hours. The key issue is that there are gobs of wandering mobs. Wall of Slaughter (64-68)(Guild Hall>Buy Chipped Shard of Slaughter>TP to Wall of Slaughter) - Even with this not being a Hot Zone anymore, in this level range with a group this place is pretty great experience. When you zone in, the area you are in has mobs level 88-91ish. All EverQuest servers, and all website pages and services, will be taken offline for scheduled extended maintenance and game updates on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. PST*. After that you need to go back to the bottom right side of the map and start killing nobles and highborn. They can take a long time, but with a little research and experience you can get the times down on her missions as well. They do not have much in the way of HP, but can hit hard. While I didnt test this strategy in The Bloodfields, I think that zone also has a fast respawn rate of 10 minutes and 40 seconds, so this strategy should also work there if you can find a similar camp. Loping Plains(75-80)(PoK>Steamfont Mountains>Loping Plains) - At 75 come here and head around past Bloodmoon Keep. If you have a group, a great place to go is over to the bottom left of the top section of the zone. I don't like them and only do them if guildmates beg me to. Too many HP, pain in the ass abilities. It's one of the two expansions that made me quit EQ for any length of time. ALTERNATIVES: Argath (88-92)(Guild Hall>Buy Chunk of Argathian Steel>TP to Argath, Bastion of Illdaera) - I only put this here because it is a hotzone and because of that, isn't bad. The north and east you can at least run out if you botch a pull. Just be careful as everything has a huge aggro range and the pathing can mess your world up. If you don't like the scenery, zone over to City of Dranik. BEST (78-83): Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale (PoK>Blightfire>Goru'Kar>Sunderock Springs>Direwind Cliffs>Ashengate) - I want to make it clear that the run out here is nuts. Bastion of Thunder (62-68)(PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Torden, Bastion of Thunder) - The giants and bees of Thunder are excellent exp. Same goes for a male Mercenary Liaison. Look at my map in comparison to your map to see the location. You can get yourself a mercenary for free to help in your leveling. I also ding to 57 at this camp in the video including the sweet ding noise and a cringey. Fear Itself (88-93)(PoK>Feerott, the Dream>House of Thule, Lower>House of Thule, Upper>Fear Itself) - Even before this place was a hot zone, I loved this place. At 65 I like to head up to the second levels and kill the higher level guys there. I didn't realize how good this zone was until I was recently leveling and grouped with a guy who dragged me out here. A great place to solo for a lot of classes at 105 for AAs. Also assuming you don't have access to a Druid or Wizard. The Call of the Forsaken expansion introduced mercenary equipment, gear you can put on your mercenary . EverQuest Leveling Zones for Each Level Reaching higher levels can be determined by your zone, so let's start from the beginning with zones 1-10. I have added it in now. /autoskill allows you to toggle combat skills to automatically active while attacking (formerly unlocked at 61). Everquest, Everquest Leveling Guides Since leveling speed in Everquest is determined by Hotzones, which changes every now and then it's hard to find a leveling guide for Everquest. Friends of mine swear by them though, the Gyrospires especially. The burynai camp to the south of the bottom sarnak fort is also really good as the Orechomper drops a good shoulder and the group level tank face item, Mask of Dust. There is a big black stone in the bottom right corner of the zone. You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing. As aforementioned if you are a Free to Play(F2P) player you will only be able to select an Apprentice Mercenary. Murder the Rallosians, crystal golems, and frogs. Youre looking to create a merc team of Tank/ DPS/ Healer. That spot is, like, the ideal afk spot. Q: Can I give my mercenary weapons and armor similar to a pet? The ramps leading down into each area of The Grounds are great camp spots and there are halls and nooks of the various buildings in Erudin Burning that you can set up in without much fuss. To begin with, you will want to get yourself attuned to Dead Hills, which is the zone with the easiest HAs. If you'd like to see every single zone in the game that I have a guide for, head over to my Everquest Index Page. A: No. Really good guide. Those are raid mobs and will have mechanics you won't be able to deal with even if you could fight them. At 8-9 go to the last cave that is next to the little paddle thing on the lake and kill bears. From the time your mercenary dies to the time you can Rez him is 5 minutes, just like when you'd suspend him. He made a name for himself with his amazing storytelling and music all featured in his videos of his train-hopping travels across North America. A guide specifically for Clerics and Paladins is my next endeavor. The respawn rate is also ludicrously high. Cooling Chamber does have a lot of undead in it for Paladins and Clerics. At that point start pushing through the shopkeepers to the south or go up the ramp to kill the masters and grandmasters. It's still pretty decent at the 80-82 range, though there are better places. If you're looking for the old information that used to be on this page you'll find those guides along with all my other EQ content here. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. Mobs are tightly packed in some places and lots of classes who can swarm like to swarm here because of it. To level up your Mercenaries, simply take them on bounties - they get XP for each fight you beat. You can manage your merc's appearance clothing via your persona window. The mobs here are level 67. Let the mercenary do all the work for you. Unless you're 4 boxing or uber twinked, killing these will take some time, but about 3 kills will take you from 20 to 21. Erudin has some mobs that aren't kill on sight, so try not to kill them. Based on the information provided my first thought was that the begging skillup RNG was better on higher level NPCs than lower level. Currently, most returning players are forced to molo (solo with a merc) from level 1 to 80+. Kill dragons and drakkin on the north path until 81-82, then shift to the east path. Journeyman is an order of magnitude better than Apprentice and is only available to people who pay for Everquest. Glass cannon mobs, simple pulls, a real honest to god tank can easily take 2-3 at a time. JavaScript is disabled. By this point you should have gear that can hold up and healers who know what's what. Wall of Slaughter has repop time of 10 minutes and 40 seconds. If not, stay outside. Black Reaver included. I just want it known that this is an imperfect guide, just like every guide. I know there are a LOT of mobs you can access off this area, but have no idea what nameds if any are common here. Third, get yourself maps immediately. With a group you can pull them pretty easily and have access to a HUGE number of mobs. From level 1-100 and from Luclin to Call of the Forsaken, all AA's but crafting are given to you for free. As pay to play, you really don't break for AAs, just turn on autogrant and there you go. You also must be out of combat. Feel free to tell me how terrible my suggestions are, as long as you leave a different/better idea. When you first zone in, the closest mobs are farmers and tired farmers. Mobs run on live side so ignore it. The good news is money is now weightless! It's called No Heroism Without Fear and begins at Investigator Drolmer. You'll need a high level to help you with the missions and quests. Each time I go back I wander for 5 minutes lost until I log again. Don't fight the ones in the fields as the majority of them are cleric mobs with big heals and a resistance to stuns. Worth about half a level in that range. Lceanium (100-107) - There are a couple of decent camps here that I have used. Let the mercenary do all the work for you. It's a very good zone with lots of low HP mobs, but it is definitely the best for Clerics and Paladins. Also please note the races that can be clerics are the only races allowed to be healers, same goes for tanks. The shades there are the highest level normal mobs in the zone. Fun times. Neriak Fourth Gate (accessed off Neriak Third Gate or from ETWK if you've done attunement) - One of my favorite zones for grinding these levels out. Once you zone in there is a monster bridge. True - but depending on the area / level / buffs needed you can set up for AFK and go out to work for the day - then come home and spend your time grinding. Once you get there, it's party time. Dismiss: Permanently get rid of this mercenary. Also something to keep in mind is if you complete the themes out of order you will not unlock the mercenaries from the theme's below it. There are only a small handful of places where you have to fight more than one mob if you don't want to. The center of the zone is all undead. This is a list of all the / type commands which can be used in Everquest. Kill lots of rotdogs and snakes. #everquest #project1999 #sinnycool 2 MINUTE SPAWN AFK CAMP to 60 / Everquest Project 1999 green / Update since V5.5 patch what changed? Balanced: This stance is exactly how it sounds. Special mercenaries are unlocked via other means, usually involving an expenditure of real money. I dont recommend using one ever unless you know the class to begin with) a questline was added in Feerott, the Dream that unlocks all ranks of Journeyman Mercenaries. The first camp is in the large room in the bottom right side of the map. Don't know how popular that still is, but it's still not hard to get anything done. Is it really AFK XP if the only people gaining any experience are the mercs that are doing the work? In comparison to their equivalent in Underfoot, the mobs are vastly easier. This will easily take you to 56-57. A NOTE ON MERCS: At 75, you can do the Korascian Warrens progression. I can't think of many places where the time taken to get there and get setup to afk xp wouldn't have been better spent just killing or questing for regular xp then logging out. Some players are reporting trouble verifying their email address. Your destination is the top right corner buildings, which contains a ton of animated hands. One or two nameds are easily accessed from here. While it is fastest to level in Hotzones, it is always good to have options on where to level. There is also the named Ancient Dracolich who drops a nice bag if you don't have a bunch of those and a named zombie. Lots of mobs to kill here. To upgrade your mercenary you have to complete SoD progression lines. Start off near the entrance, then push up to the area around the house. Erudin also has a LOT of undead which are very concentrated in a few areas, making Paladin swarming much easier as well. I do solo leveling all the time for the challenge of it. You dont really explain where things are/how to get there. Go through a little valley into the south side of the zone though and it becomes Tier 2. You'll make the amount it takes to pay them and more from those 5 mobs. A high level KEI type spell coupled with a mercs naturally high regen rate can ensure your merc never runs out of mana to heal you. Also during spell cooldowns they will use agro reducing abilities. You may finish them and have 30-45 minutes to wait. Plenty of zone to go around. NB Loot is rubbish but you don't have to buy any armor until 65. Level 5 Unlocked AA: Origin. EverQuest Cheats & Guides. Great post. Otherwise, kill puslings and bubonians. 54-60 Plane of Nightmare (PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Plane of Nightmare) - Things hit very hard here. Killing mass numbers of light blue mobs is particularly easy with this merc setup and a player toon. Maybe talk about Guard Hanarn or Harnan? Still do! The Dead Hills Gribble HA's have been removed from rotation, though they are still the easiest and most reliable way to get through the levels. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Grouping is still one of the best ways to get experience, but the mercs help you when you can't find a group. Welcome to EverQuest! Kor-Sha Laboratory (105-110) - Only really worked 2 camps in this zone. You should easily average about 25% of an AA for each of the light blue mobs while at the South or North Camp. We have updated our Privacy Policy. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85 This is a guide dedicated to leveling your character automatically while either fully AFK or partially AFK. Make me want to fire up the game again! What i mean is if you do Field of Scale, you'll have the rank IV merc, not the III or II. There are plenty of other sets from House of Thule and Veil of Alaris that can be had relatively cheaply, so do your research and check them out. It just depends on gear if solo and number of boxes/size of group if not. Additionally, the mobs in Wall of Slaughter have a larger agro radius than the Plane of Fire mobs which helps. Burn: Your merc will focus primarily on damage, always assisting the main assist. Depending on how fast you're going this place is wonderful to 38, but tapers off to just decent after that IMO. This should be a priority. It's a hot zone occasionally and of the Alaris zones that cycle as hot zones, I think it's the best. You do have to be careful if Hardcore Heritage is going on cause this zone could be boosted up into the 70s-80s range if the event is ongoing. Start killing everything around the front of the zone. Healers have a chance of actually rezzing you! This place isn't bad for everyone else in general and is much easier to get to than Ashengate, so it might be a good alternative.
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