GMS Mini Farm Glenn & Maria St. John Rocheport MO 573-698-2006 email We raise carefully selected cross bred mini cattle and Shetland sheep on our small farm where everything is organic and natural - no pesticides used on anything! keywords. 6K Miniature Cattle Ranch mini beef cattle Kuehler Family Amarillo TX email We raise Lowline, Miniature Hereford, British White Parks & crosses. Cosby Farm Irish Dexter Cattle Glenn & Nancy Cosby Sherkston ON 905-894-4809 email Cant Find The Right Miniature Cow To Buy In NC? USA: Massachusettes (MA) A $250 deposit is required for each Dexter (non-refundable). We own Ginger's full Rocking L Ranch miniature Scottish Highland cattle Chad Lindula Buckley WA 253-315-0925 email enquire by email or text about semen/embryos. They make great family pets and are easy to care for. We specialize in providing affordable animals for the family homestead. Shadow Mountain Miniature Herefords Dan Taylor Genola UT 801-361-4703 reg show quality purebreds Easy to handle. White Mountain Miniature Cattle Irish Jersey Cattle Daren & Jennifer Brabant Danbury NH 603-768-3412 email I have gathered cattle from top breeders across the USA from Washington, Florida, Illinois, to Louisianna, and brought them to Texas. He has a half belt! Our Mini Highlanders do not get over 38" Tall most are between 34.5" & 38" Tall. Email Levon & Lynn Sargent or cell 256-717-7486 or home 256-657-6545. Bruskotter Farms miniature Beltie crosses Karri Bruskotter Oxford OH 513 756-0141 email Bruskotter Farms is a family farm located in the southwest corner of Ohio where we breed Arabian horses and miniature belties--a combination of a belted breed and a naturally smaller breed (Dexters are always fun). Sunnyfield's Macho Man and Sunnyfield's Fawn. Bryan Hill Farm Mini Herefords Broadway VA 540-896-5755 email Breeding cattle occasionally available. Selling animals, milk, soft cheeses, yogurt, kefir, soap and shampoos. Little Friends Farm Western Heritage miniature cattle Sean O'Brien Sussex NJ email Our goal is still to breed small, friendly, hairy cows that thrive on grass alone. "Mini" Moderators are flashy with white faces and markings! Before paying for the animal, make sure to call and check if the seller currently has cattle available for sale, check the animal in person, and feel free to take a veterinarian with you to inspect the animal, if the seller allows it. We have mid-size mini, micro mini and registered Scottish Highlands. 2010-2022. Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. Ruddy Byre Highlands standard & miniature heritage Scottish Highlands Philip & Yvonnda Agent Rockvale TN 931-446-9723 email Mini Highland Cattle. Our seed stock has great confirmation. miniature cows for sale in north carolina miniature cows for sale in north carolina. He would make the 1 views . Winterose Farm Ltd Belted Galloway Dennis & Helen Martin West Montrose ON 519 664 2454 email TDH Miniature Jerseys Toni Duke Hairston Danbury TX 281-704-0920 email We raise miniature Scottish Highland cattle for milk & meat. up to the breed standard. Contacts us here and we will add you to the list. Although the state of North Carolina is a southern state, Western North Carolina is a "different breed" (pun fully intended) from the rest of the state. I have some really small miniature cows and bulls, bulls are 400 to 500 cows are $600, if your wanting small then here they are, located in Flat rock Alabama, calls or text only no codes, Dexter cattle are a small breed, with three year old cows measuring 36 to 42 inches at the shoulder and weighing less than 750 pounds. Also willing to tra Milan , GaWe have so many farm animals available. Join our "For Sale" Email List If you are interested in purchasing an animal, please consider joining. FIAT Farm Belfairs & homestead milk cows Tim & Tricia Nobis & Family Corning IA 402-253-6777 email Click [ Add to Cart ]. . USA: Delaware (DE) Copyright 2023 Picalily Farm | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Another member of the MHBA, Knotts Mini Herefords raises registered mini cattle in Greenville. Paradise Ranch Mini Herefords Oliver Ray Fort Myers FL 239-825-0015 email Our goal is to breed quality, very small registered Mini-Herefords (4-aught and 5-aught frame scores) that continue to have correct breed conformation. 998 Virgil Greer Road Lansing NC (Ashe County) Phone (336) 384-8199 Email Us. Mini Cows West Fullblood mini Belted Galloway, Lowlines Gene Kantack Idaho Falls ID 208-523-5959 email Miniature Cows are great tax write-offs for the small acreage farmer. Several available - ages range from 1 to 5 years. We are a small family farm established in 2014 - owned and operated by Adam & Emily (Western North Carolina natives). The legend starts here in the Texas hill country. The below These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. We offer fine family cows at a reasonable price. Specializing in Micro-Mini Western Heritage Cattle, Zebu & Texas Longhorn crosses. Corleys Miniature Acres Scottish Highland, Yak, Beefalo, Pineywoods, Dexter, Zebu Trout LA 318-992-8101 email 2 Men & a Hen miniature Highland composites Ryan & Christopher Thatcher Barryton MI We raise Irish Dexters, miniature Highlands, HighParks, HighShires, Mangalitsa pigs, Nigerian Dwarf goats and chickens that do well on small homesteads using traditional farming methods. Sunnyfields See'n Spots -2020 Loud Black & This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Lorries Luck Farm Miniature Belfair (Jersey, Dexter) Deloris Willis, Annie Karakachan Dixon MO email Auctions are live & online; centrally located, all breeds welcome. SOLD to MD. Once they calve, they are amazing mommas to their little ones. . Lovable Little Ones LLC Highlands, Dexter, Whiteparks, Hereford, Shorthorn, Pandas Talia Herman Seibert CO 719-349-0638 email AKA Ts Tiny Tails; We breed quality miniature pet cattle. Kierra and RJ and practicing both packing and packing panniers with the Zebu. The highland breed is gentle and lovable! Greengrove Highland Cattle Gerry & Karyn Greengrove Armstrong BC 250-546-2003 email Physical Address. Miniature Zebu Cattle are measured at their withers, behind the hump and not to exceed 42" at three years of age. Sold to a repeat client! USA: Tennessee (TN) Once you submit your order, full details for payment will be sent to you by email or sent via text using the phone number you are to provide . Star Gate Ranch registered Irish Dexter cattle Ron & Ellen DeLoach Pittsburg TX 903-725-5250 email red, dun, black; located in northeast Texas Miniature Herefords are about 30-50% the size of traditional Herefords. Their smaller size also makes them a lot easier to handle and they also do less damage to pasture and fencing. Number of Head: 20. Glenfiddich Galloways Traditional Galloway John McIlwraith Puslinch ON 905-979-9227 USA: Connecticut (CT) These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. V3C Vertically Challenged Cattle Co registered miniature and small framed Texas Longhorn cattle Eric & Anna Redeker Blum TX 361-675-0469 email 40 inches or below (at age 3) some will call a dwarf. RCMG Miniature Homestead miniature Angus (Lowline) X miniature Scottish Highland cattle Rich Carter & Marie Gulliford Fitchburg MA 978-868-5039 email Sunnyfields Benny 2021 Red & White for sale. Peculiar Farm miniature Highlands & "Highparks" Kurt Austin Williams Harrisonville MO 816-589-0063 this page for animals as they become available or contact us Oliver Miniature Acres mini Hereford & Lowline Chris & Amanda Homann Jacksonville TX 903-521-9638 email Registered & Unregistered Mini Herefords, Lowline (Aberdeen) Angus and a few other mini beef breeds and crosses. and you might find them perfect for you. Star C Miniature Herefords Kevin & Sarah Cheairs Savoy TX 214-284-0703 email Wortley Ranch British White, Miniature Jersey cattle Steve & Debbie Wortley Raymond WA 360-589-0048 email We raise organic grassfed cattle, chicken, pork & lamb. Willow Mor Farms Belted, Traditional, White Galloway Tom & Shirley Morrish Devlin ON 807-486-3622 Find us on Facebook. We believe in client education along with communication - you will Cherokee Ranch Breeders registered show quality Miniature Herefords Joni Brewer Leonard TX 972-571-0231 email We have always had a love for animals. Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ MaynardsTripleM. If you are looking for a bull please let us know as we often have bulls for sale or know of bulls available from other breeders. HopeNHeart Ranch Miniature Hereford Lorrie & Cam Fraser Delisle SK email We have both polled and horned mini Herefords, some registered, purebred and commercial. Diamond C Ranch is family owned and run small farm in the heart of North Carolina with a small and diverse herd of Texas Longhorns. DOB 03/18/19. southwest of Ft. Worth. We are proud to offer Miniature Cows For Sale. Additionally, miniature jerseys should be proportionally smaller than a standard jersey. We strive for the best genetic lines for our miniature cattle cows and bulls. Mini cows are exceptional pets that demonstrate a great deal of affection, are very social, and are easy to take care of. We hope you find, Thank you for looking around. the Homestead & Miniature Cattle Resource Directory For any other inquiries on how to place your order, price per livestock or shipment cost, do not hesitate to contact us. These petite bovines offer all the benefits of regular cows in a smaller, more manageable size. Sold to a repeat customer in TnT farms goal is to produce colorful painted Miniature Zebu with the conformation to WIN in shows--most have competed in the show ring and most of them have WON. Our Little Acres "HighPark" mini Scottish Highland composite cattle Jerell & Connie Graham Grantsburg WI 715 431 1748 email We have moved from Minnesota. 250-546-3644 email small family milk cows for the homestead; find us on Facebook at @LowlineCattle.MiniatureCattle Maryland Mini Cows Western Heritage Miniature Cattle Kelly Nolte Salisbury MD 410-430-5664 email Breeding and selling both mini and micro mini Western Heritage cows & bottle calves. Cattle for Sale. Bauder Ranch Mini Belted Galloway & Panda cattle Tom & Alena Bauder Plattsburg MO 816-741-6291 email Mulberry Acres Farm Mid & mini Jerseys and Jersey crosses Brenda Arthur Indianapolis IN email Galloway Cattle Company Hockley TX email Fullblood Galloway registered with the Belted Galloway Society. His miniature Watusi composite has heavy based, upright horns. They MUST be with other cows. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. USA: South Dakota (SD) Hess Haven Farm Belfairs & Dexters Eric Hess Fort Valley GA email Breeding quality family cows. Baxter was one of our bottle raised calves in 2010, and in return he is just a love bug!! These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Tatlayoko Fold Scottish Highland Cattle, Irish Kerry Cattle Eliza Mitchell, Mares Creek Ranch Tatlayoko Lake BC 250-476-1220 email Breeds of Miniature Cattle Miniature Jersey Cows for sale. Founded by Chuck & Beverly in 1977. heifer Our breeding program is designed to Hollys Highlands percentage miniature Highlands Grand Junction CO 970-216-6939 Black Walnut Pastures Traditional Galloway Scott O'Dell Puslinch ON email Registry Member: 1802 Avery Belcher Oak & Fennel Farms J&K Farms mini Jerseys & Belfairs Kristen Reynolds San Antonio TX email tested herd of family cows Rocky Mountain Miniature Ranch mini Highlands Crystal Earl Raymond AB find us on FB Mauldin Mini Herefords Jack & Anita Mauldin Ector TX email breeding and show stock focused on classic size beef cattle - the size of original heritage cattle "Conrad". We are excited about the return to the family farm that is taking place in America. ~ Mini Miracles Farm. As always, the breeding stock of J.West Cattle Company is 100% grassfed. Alabama. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Miniature cattle breeders are scattered all throughout the United States. Courser Meadows Miniature dual-purpose cattle Sadie Margaret Courser Warner NH 603-456-2164 email We raise dual purpose miniature cattle for milk, meat and oxen, including Dexters, Lowlines, and Irish Jerseys. We wish you luck in buying your next cow feel free to send us a message if weve helped you find a proper one! our repeat client! They are not easily found in the US so we have made very long road trips to bring them home from various states! call or email to be placed on our pre-birth deposit list or to see Keely Farms Miniature Jersey Keely Zeller Exum New Smyrna Beach FL 386-314-5111 Half Pint Highlands Dan & Erica McCarty Bend OR email we raise miniature Highlands This is our specialty! Our herd is all naturally polled, and we do not have any cattle with PHA or Chondrodysplasia genetic defects that some dexters carry. We are proud to announce that 3 Sunnyfield Farms bottle babies were chosen to start the 1st registered zebu herd in Costa Rica. Douget Fold Miniature Highlands, Highland crosses Erin Doguet Jourdanton TX email Sure Shot Cattle Co Miniature Jersey & Lowline Sara Haas Gering NE 303-931-9950 email Cathryn Kerry Cattle Sam & Myrla Johnson Black Diamond AB 403-933-7863 / 403-818-2017 email We believe in the traditions of the American small farmer and homesteader. Esquire Miniature Herefords Edwin or Dorothy Sisam Boerne TX 612 730-6799 email South Arrow Ranch Miniature Belted Galloway Round Mountain TX 830-733-0472 email His herds carry chondro, but have a beefy conformation that handles it with no problems. We began showing cattle in 2005 and have enjoyed great success over the years in the show ring. and hope to start driving with them in . Our Find us on FB. Jon's Funny Farm Jonathan Jespersen Westlock AB email Farm tours or mobile petting zoo with mini calf, yak & more. Animal. Braden is a beautiful yellow poll highland with an amazing coat. We, Tom and Jo, are retired, so we are with your calf all day, Please email any updates or corrections to Ayers Farm Belfair, Irish Dexter, Mini and Midsize Jersey, Mini Highland, White Dexter Levi & Shyla Ayers Mancelona MI 231-388-4903 email On our beautiful northern Michigan farm, our goal is to breed great heritage and miniature cattle, little homestead cattle that can be used for milk, beef, or awesome pets; also Shetland sheep. They are very calm, gentle breeds and do well in any climate. Available Calves of 2023. These are very rare cattle that we have developed by selecting for small frame score for over 25 years. fullblood British White Warren & Sally Coad Philadelphia TN 865-213-0590 email We have one of the largest herds of registered Dexter Cattle in the United States, in southeast Tennessee. _________________________________________________________________________. Carrousel Country Miniature Cattle quality miniature beef cross cattle Mary Jane Albright Ennis TX email Mini Cattle Fluffy Cows Mary Jane Albright Telico TX email Located in the DFW area, we raise miniature Highland cattle crossed with Beltie, Galloway, Panda and White Park genetics--find us on FB @mini.cattle.3. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Our Little Acres Est 2006 Mini cows for sale in Wisconsin 715-431-1748 Small herd fall calving cows for lease to family w/land, labor & desire to be in beef business, Jauer, Phh & Rcc breeding $1,500. Animals are grassfed only. Rockin Bar E Calves are 6 mos old and younger. We sell & ship calves and frozen semen from 3 bulls. Dit R Done Mini Bucking Bulls Kerri Ann Ditter Gill CO 970-819-8661 email Ashton Oasis Farm Heritage Guernsey Herman Drescher Enderby BC 250-838-2655 email The owner is Adam C. Pardue and he has been raising miniature Jersey cows since 2007. Running B Ranch is located in Mooresboro, NC. Wee Hoofs miniature Jersey, Scottish Highland SvetLana Fedje Evansville MN 714-200-5529 email We have one fullblood miniature Highland bull. Rock-A-Billy Ranch pure Miniature Highlands & HighParks Jerry & Victoria Green Garland NE email Miniature Highlands of Nebraska, breeding quality Miniature Highlands and High-Parks for fiber and pets. Lone Willow Farms Miniature Jerseys & Square Meater (mini Murray Greys) Debra Meiring Zionsville IN 765-437-0018 email Find us on Facebook 816.741.6291 Email We raise mini Highland and HighPark crossbreds and Miniature Jerseys for the homestead. Give us a call today or check us out. They should be 44 inches or less at the hook bone at 3 years of age. All animals sold at The Bucking Mini Ranch are clean & tested with excellent temperaments. Williams Homestead Belfairs Andrew & Melissa Williams Madison VA 970-471-6477 email The below what is available! A cow who stands up to a max of 36" is considered to be a Micro-Miniature Cow. MPRR Miniature Jerseys Mike & Polly Robinson Manti UT 610-406-8136 email Dairy Cattle Miniature Jerseys We love our starter herd of Miniature Jersey, Mid-size Jersey, and Small Standard Jersey cattle. We try to keep our cows 800 pounds and bulls 1000 pounds. UA-89935245-1 Home Farm Goals Mini History Herd Strategy Purebred Focus Efficiency Objectives Bulls Reference Bulls Classic Hereford Cows Mini Breeders Red Lowline Angus Show Successes Our Thoughts For Sale Contact Us Red Desert Miniatures miniature Jerseys Paulette Black Hildale UT James Harris, Warrenton 252-425-7307 from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. . As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. Broken Branch Lowlines Registered quality fullblood Lowline Angus Denton, TX email Fitz's Golden Dexters Angie Gaines Kaufman TX 214-794-1776 Our Irish Dexter cattle are registered with Legacy Dexter Cattle. 10 months old with weight range between 300-500lbs. They work and show. Please contact us with any questions or inquiries. w/MDGA, great dairy lines, good conformation, tested closed herd, bottle raised . Sunnyfield's Lil Bit - a 2020 bull calf Fun Fact: Connie coined the composite breed name HighPark in 2014 when they got their first bull, Cesar! Home Oasis Farm registered Belted Galloways Dora Chippewa Falls WI 715-828-3856 email Our herd is all 100% belted Galloway, registered with the Belted Galloway Society, Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC). Back Forty Mini Jerseys Tazara McClanaghan Grande Prairie AB raising miniature and mid sized Jerseys in northern Alberta email find us on Facebook @backfortyjerseys I started raising Miniature Jersey Cows in 2007. . Yard Art Ranch Miniature Texas Longhorns John Miller Bowie TX 817.614.0742 email Stocker Calves. Hickory Haze Farm Kerry Cattle Scott Fisher Catlett VA email If youre looking for the best look no further! After years of research and networking, Chad began his own breeding program with a herd of various miniatures, and learned the animal caregiving practices it took to raise such beautiful and beloved animals. These midsize Galloway bulls make excellent crosses with moderate frame Angus, standard Galloways, etc. Did I mention they are cute? Cottage Hill Miniature Scottish Highland Cattle Jarrod & Jodi southwestern PA 724-986-4693 email Driftwood Plantation has been breeding quality Belted Galloway cattle in South Carolina since 1997. Our hairy little cows are super friendly, easy to work with, and show stoppers! Mini Pleasures Farm Miniature Jersey and Lowline Julie Pratt Willey Adairsville GA 678-918-6636 email 210-367-2359 email We offer healthy, thrifty, mentally sound bovines, raised with love and respect. Herefords are known for being tolerant of our weather conditions in NC. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Kierra's cow- just ask her! Price : CALL. Zebu Cattle. 67 Raleigh mini cattle; 66 Lenoir mini cattle; 51 Asheville mini cattle; 50 Charlotte mini cattle; 47 Brook Cove mini cattle; 35 Durham mini cattle; He's a miniature horned highland and will probably grow into the mid miniature height range. Gentle Miniatures several miniature breeds Honey Grove TX 352-552-1611 or 214-679-5474 email Raising registered miniature Herefords, Miniature Highlands, Belted Galloways, Jerseys and Dexters. 1. Proudly created Coble Highland Ranch & Zoo Blake & Kali Coble Henryetta OK 918-652-1411 email We raise Miniature Zebu, Dexters, Scottish Highlands, Watusi, Water buffalo, yaks, and many exotic animals. Thundering Hill Miniature Jersey & Belted Lowline Cattle Canada: Saskatchewan (SK) Our Farm. I live in Northwest North Carolina, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Welcome to Sunnyfield Farm's Miniature Star~Krest Farm miniature Jerseys Norman & Rita Friesen Vanderhoof BC find us on Facebook @rita.friesen.96 Sunnyfield Farms little cows are Terry Point LLC Dexters Bill Ratliff Dandridge TN 865-607-4246 email Setzkorn Irish Dexters Matt Setzkorn Guelph-Enamosa ON email Sower Toy Sundog Cattle miniature Longhorn, Sundogs Ralph Sowers Ft. Bragg CA 707-964-3047 Mr. Sowers is a quiet but legendary long time breeder of beautiful, gentle, tiny cattle; he started the Toy Sundog composite breed years ago. Oakboro, NC 28129 Phone: 704.956.3181 Click Here to send a message. We have built the herd over the years into one of the finest available with Champion bulls, heifers, cows, and steers as well as fulfilling our original goal of top quality, delicious grass-fed and custom fed beef. Thank you! We also maintain a cross-bred, horned herd of "Crackerfords" (Mini Hereford x Florida Cracker). Elste Farm Red Poll Cattle Thilo & Andrea Elste Vanderhoof BC email The cows will join with 1 or 2 cows of similar social status. You can find pet-quality micro-miniature cows for sale, but you might be placed on their 'waiting list' due to high demands for mini cattle lately. refresh results with search filters open search menu. Auctions are live & online; centrally located, all breeds welcome. Half Ass Farm is located in Monroe, NC. Lazy H Miniature Herefords registered mini Herefords and colorful crossbred mini beef cattle Calvin Hennig Wembley AB 780-512-4573 email find us on FB We also have miniature highparks and registered miniature jerseys! Osowaw Acres SunDog Toy Cattle, miniature beef & dairy cross cattle Terrie Swanson-Thompson Walling TN 931-761-3278 email Over the many years of selective breeding, Tanglewood bloodlines have produced Miniature Jersey Cows that average in height 34 to 36 inches and 350 to 450 pounds. why. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. USA: Wyoming (WY). Address: 615 Pointing Brittany Lane, Awendaw, SC 29429. Dogs, Goats, Horses, Donkeys etc. Sunnyfields Polka dot a black and white paint cow,he's got color on They willingly come when called and have been . We also raise miniature KuneKune pigs and Biewer Terriers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Glenannan Dexters William Jeffray Airdrie AB 403-922-2499 email Following Seas Ranch opened in 2013 but started raising miniature cows in 2018 they sell mini belted galloway and mini panda cattle for around $3,000 per calf. A5 Ranch homestead dairy cows Jonnie Archuleta Fallon NV Mid & Mini Jerseys, a couple Belfair and Dexter milk cows, H&H Dexters John Harper & Sandra Hyndman Reston MB 204-877-3066 email Montage Farm registered Miniature & Midsize Jersey cows Angela Peevy Virginia & GA email Snoetic Farm Irish Dexters Yoenne Ewald San Clara MB 204-937-4827 #8226; email Our Fold is composed of Scottish Highlands and a few Scottish Highland crosses. We began this journey on a mission to raise Micro and Miniature Scottish Highlands with quality genetics, docile dispositions, and to generationally reduce the size of our calves.
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