Some of the stars from the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series also race here, for practice and the love of competition. Sometimes, youll hear that one car forced another to get loose, which is the act of disrupting the air flow to the back bumper of the car, forcing the back end car start sliding up the track, which can lead to a spin or, at the least, forcing the other driver to really work the wheel to save it. In NASCAR, the term DVP is an acronym that stands for "driver's vision performance." This refers to a driver's ability to see and react to potential hazards on the track while driving at high speeds. Drafting is also done by side-drafting, which is when cars get real close to each other when running side-by-side, this is done to manipulate the air flow on the side of a car and push more air onto the other cars spoiler, slowing it down. At the start of the NASCAR race, keep your eye on the flagman (a NASCAR official), who is perched above the race track at the start/finish line in a crows nest of sorts. Changing the wedge in one corner impacts the other three corners proportionally. Firewall: A solid metal plate that separates the engine The different cars each have their own effect on the air, and the various currents result in a racecar that is more difficult to handle. The more downforce, the more grip the car has. You wouldn’t believe the number of fans who are taken to the hospital with heat stroke or exhaustion on a hot Sunday race day.

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    Do pack food if you don’t want to spend money on concessions.

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    Don’t bring any glass containers into the grandstands.

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    Don’t bring any coolers that are bigger than 14 x 14 x 14 inches.

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