Its low operating budget, a response to the overspending of WUSA, left WPS to run on thin margins. Gulati responded that Dorrance "should reach out to previous owners as well" as part of "due diligence" about Riley. The announcement did not specify that the cause was sexual misconduct. O'Connor responded, Confidentiality in our culture suggests it is an issue which is either illegal or immoral," and the players responded that it did not fall into those categories. The joint investigation also confirms that the misconduct from Riley, Burke and Holly, which made headlines, was part of a wider culture of power imbalances between players and staff members that was pervasive in the league. The Thorns's public announcement merely stated that Riley would not be retained as head coach for the 2016 season, without mentioning the investigation or termination, and without providing any reason for Riley not being retained. Players and club staff also reported that Dames exercised control over players' social lives. 8 Passion for Real Sociedad runs as deep as San Sebastian's love for Basque culture and cuisine, Top 10 greatest FA Cup shocks after Grimsby stun Southampton, Oral history: When Barcelona, Real Madrid played four Clasicos in 18 days back in 2011, Infighting of Women's World Cup faves Spain, France, Canada reveals big issues in the sport. She also recalled that when the club left the player unprotected in an expansion draft, the staff member "went berserk" and "th[rew] other players under the bus." The player described feeling shocked at the sudden threat because her teammate "[hadn't] done a thing and was harmless." In particular, the NWSL's "temporary protocols do not require the use of a reputational check. The NWSL should consider creating an Alternative Complaint Resolution program as an additional resource to address conduct that is not covered by the Anti-Harassment Policy. In order to ensure the integrity of reporting channels, and to mitigate concerns regarding potential retaliation, the NWSL should require that separate individuals hold key leadership and management roles within clubs. Following the revelations of Riley's sexual misconduct on Sept. 30, 2021, the NWSL and the NWSLPA separately sought to conduct investigations. When Starr asked Simon how Holly had touched her inappropriately, Starr recalled Simon stating that Holly had "put his hands down her pants" while watching film at the stadium, and that if she "messed up," Holly would "hold it against her." Another Racing Louisville staff member did not recall any conversations at the club about reporting Holly to SafeSport. Rather, the allegations and findings against Riley were frequently downplayed, including by discussing only certain aspects of certain of the allegations against Riley and, as noted, by using the determination of no unlawful harassment to summarize the investigative findings. The League should encourage all players, including those who are not members of marginalized groups, to take an active role in identifying and calling out misconduct. The day after the player spoke to the NWSL about her complaint, Dames texted Whisler that he was planning on waiving her. Malik said that after he spoke to Gulati, he then spoke to Paulson, who told Malik to ask the NWSL for a copy of the 2015 investigative report, rather than providing Malik with a copy of the report himself. The evidence suggests he also discussed with Levine and with U.S. Soccer's outside counsel that Levine should give Sky Blue certain information about the allegations of sexual harassment against Riley, the circumstances of Riley's termination from the Thorns, and conclusions from the 2015 investigation. Multiple current and former players from the Current raised concerns that Williams retaliated against players for participating in the meeting with ownership, both by mistreating players who complained and by taking actions to remove them from the club. A player on another team recalled that when her team was divided into groups, an assistant coach commented that one of the groups of players was the prettiest and most attractive group. And when Riley was coaching at the Courage, Paulson tweeted several times commending Riley, stating, for instance, that Riley had done a phenomenal job" coaching and that full credit" should go to the Courage and to Riley, who won the NWSL championship that year. Riley also would tell players that he wanted "to see two women kiss," and made other statements that one player described as "homophobic." to return to the club. For instance, one player recalled Holly telling her in the weight room that he wanted to "grab her ass" when he saw her squat. The player reported that when her teammate had approached the owner about mistreatment by Burke, Baldwin "did nothing about it." Simon recalled Holly often telling her when he tried to cross boundaries that if she would "loosen up" and "have more fun" off the field, it could "help her on the field." In May 2022, the Joint Investigative Team commenced an investigation into reports from Pride players that members of the club's coaching staff were retaliating against players who they believed had participated in a previous investigation into misconduct allegations against coaching staff. Recently we have absolutely discovered and uncovered the areas [where the] NWSL lacked and the harm it has caused. Williams reported that he had a good relationship with this player during the season. The investigation did not focus on player-on-player misconduct or misconduct directed at League or club staff. Some players reported that living in such close proximity to club staff, including their coaches, made them feel uncomfortable and contributed to a lack of boundaries between the personal lives of the players and club staff. Gotham FC,. Garcia declined to speak with the Joint Investigative Team. Christy Holly engaged in sexual misconduct and made inappropriate sexual comments to players. NWSL Expels 4 Former Coaches After BigLaw Abuse Probes - Law360 For instance, when the Flash were vetting Riley, Wilkinson told the Flash that Riley was a good coach if not for the reason he had been terminated. According to multiple players and club staff, Riley repeatedly made negative comments about the relationship to other players on the team, including remarks that Farrelly was not truly a lesbian and that Farrelly's then-partner was a "predator." We have so much work to do." Alyse LaHue @alahue Follow @alahue * Some of the sport's most prominent players are married to their former coaches, including their college coaches. More broadly across the NWSL, several witnesses recalled instances when coaches and other club staff would confuse non-white players, sometimes repeatedly. The Joint Investigative Team also found numerous deficiencies in the 2015 Thorns Investigation and subsequent communications by the Thorns, the NWSL, and U.S. Soccer about Riley's misconduct. Please be assured that we will carefully and thoroughly investigate this matter." (The league has not always used that specific title. Second, the Joint Investigative Team found no support for the Thorns's independent assertion that the 2015 investigation did not reveal any "unlawful harassment by Riley, an assertion which seemed to have emerged just after the 2015 Thorns Investigation. Former Utah Royals head coach Craig Harrington and former Gotham GM Alyse LaHue drew two-year bans, with further conditions on subsequent NWSL employment. Captaincy chaos and Waldrum ultimatums - Will Nigeria be ready for World Cup? One player reported that Riley ripped" a player for being too fat during a halftime speech. The 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy provides that emotional misconduct may include "belittling players about their body image or weight." Alyse LaHue joined the Chicago Red Stars eight years ago as an intern under Peter Wilt and then-GM Marcia McDermott. Clarkson was suspended in April amid an ongoing investigation, but until Wednesday, no reasons were provided publicly. Players suggested that this relationship led to favoritism and improper information-sharing. She did not consider reporting Holly to the NWSL or U.S. Soccer, in part because she did not know who to contact or how to make a report. Through these interviews, the Joint Investigative Team gathered evidence from players in every active and former NWSL club. Tony Novo resigns as Sky Blue FC President, General Manager This mandatory anti-harassment training should be interactive and provide opportunities for participants to ask questions. This may include engaging with the NWSLPA or third-party experts regarding reforms, including the measures the Joint Investigative Team recommends below, to ensure that they are implemented in a way that meets players' needs. F. The lack of uniform NWSL-wide anti-harassment training contributed to players and club staff being unsure what conduct is appropriate and what behavior constitutes misconduct under the policy. Estes explained that Holly indicated this conduct "may have flowed over" from his time in New Jersey to his time as head coach of Racing Louisville. to discount the impact of his behaviors." Many of the coaches and individuals who engaged in misconduct and who are discussed in this Report were not appropriately vetted by their clubs., Nor are the leagues current protocols sufficient, the report says: Significant gaps exist in the NWSLs revised background check requirements., READ MORE: Joanna Lohman was fooled by Paul Riley in Philadelphia, where he allegedly coerced her teammates. At the time, the League consisted of eight clubs, including former WPS clubs: the Flash, Boston Breakers, the Red Stars, and Sky Blue FC; and new additions the Spirit, Seattle Reign FC, the Thorns, and FC Kansas City. However, its high operating costs and failure to attract corporate sponsors soon began to cause financial strain. Plush was aware in September 2015 that Sky Blue was interested in hiring Riley, and he stated to the Joint Investigative Team that he told Sky Blue not to hire Riley. In the 2015 survey, two players for the Red Stars stated that Dames was "abusive." Gulati recalled this email and stated, "I don't know what else we can do when [Whisler] doesn't accept the coach's resignation." The new report claimed it studied all reports of inappropriate conduct toward players in the league since its launch in 2012. In another instance, according to the report summary, the investigator determined that "players provided very little detail about specific, inappropriate comments made by Dames about their personal appearance." For at least one player, the limited size and resources of the League contributed to an impression that clubs were solely or primarily responsible for handling investigations. That initial policy was created with a primary focus of maintaining a safe environment, free of harassment. This report, along with text message and email exhibits, was shared with individuals at U.S. Soccer and the NWSL. A few days after Farrelly's complaint to the NWSL, on May 3, 2021, an anonymous complainant emailed the NWSL Office and NWSL HR Office email accounts to report sexual harassment by Riley against Thorns players during Riley's time with the Thorns. For example, Thorns owner Merritt Paulson said the Thorns shared everything with the League" and believed the League would further investigate and suspend former Head Coach Paul Riley from working in the League following the 2015 allegations against him. Despite the discussions between U.S. Soccer, the NWSL, and both the Thorns and Courage regarding Riley's unsuitability to coach the USWNT, no steps were taken to remove or prevent him from coaching NWSL players. Levine's email contained no context or explanation for why she was forwarding the report. While recent efforts have been made to streamline the reporting and investigation procedures, the NWSL could take additional steps to further streamline and improve these procedures and communicate them more clearly to all players, club staff, and NWSL staff. She was mindful of his ability to control her playing time or trade her to another team, and she felt she owed him because he had worked to keep her in Portland. The larger point is that if the environment at [the Red Stars] was different, and were perceived as one of mutual respect and professionalism, these issues would likely not be issues." In other cases, clubs knew of and allowed the staff member and player to continue their romantic relationship, particularly where the relationship preexisted their time at the club. The 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy clarifies that it applies to all "NWSL Personnel," which includes "certain individuals and entities not employed by NWSL," including team owners, team personnel, and team medical staff. The process through which coaches and other club staff are hired has varied, and some coaches hired by clubs have faced previous allegations of misconduct that were not discovered or explored as part of a background or reputational check. Another player wrote that Riley was "personally verbally attacking" a player during a game and further alleged that he lashed out every single game." Players reported that as a result of reporting misconduct or supporting others in doing so, they were verbally abused, isolated and ignored by coaches, removed from starting roles, waived, traded, and not re-signed, among other consequences. As discussed above, in early 2022, counsel for the Pride conducted an investigation into reports of inappropriate conduct by Head Coach Amanda Cromwell and Assistant Coach Sam Greene. The NWSL's Non-Fraternization Policy, adopted in 2018, states: "No person in management or a supervisory position with a Team or the League shall have a romantic or dating relationship with a League or team employee whom he or she directly supervises or whose terms or conditions of employment he or she may influence." Compounding this effect, the League lacked trainings, policies, and other resources on harassment, abuse, and other forms of misconduct. The NWSL should require clubs to review and update their anti-harassment policies to be at least as protective of individuals who file complaints or participate in NWSL investigations as the NWSL Anti-Harassment Policy. It stated that Riley danced with Shim at the apartment and that Shim and Farrelly kissed that night, which Shim claimed (and another player corroborated) was done to avoid the suicide mile. When traveling for another away game, Riley asked Shim to bring him a bag of chips from downstairs in the hotel up to his room. There's no one. Players reported that Holly also regularly made overtly sexual remarks toward players, both at Sky Blue and Racing Louisville, separate from the misconduct directed toward Simon. In December 2012, the Red Stars officially hired Dames as its first head coach in the newly-formed NWSL. h[ad] meetings in their hotel rooms and held these meetings with [the] door closed." 116, 3. Riley asked Shim out to dinner, though she made excuses to avoid accepting. Simon described her fear that reporting Holly's misconduct could destroy her career after he insinuated to her that he had orchestrated her youth national team call-up; she recalled thinking, He could ruin me." 2021 NWSL abuse scandal - Wikipedia Another player said it was "tough" to report "racial allegations" as a Black woman because "it almost feels like you're having to convince someone that it actually happened." According to Garcia's interview notes, her interview with Farrelly lasted only 30 minutes, though Farrelly recalled it being even shorter. Develop Partnerships with Diverse Affinity Groups Misconduct in the League is not wholly independent from abuse that begins in youth soccer, where many coaches and players formative experiences shaped the way they engaged in, or reacted to, misconduct and abuse in the NWSL.. Shim recalled being uncomfortable" that someone she knew might see her being interviewed. 2. The same player noted that when players considered raising concerns, they wondered, "Are we going to ruin something? 121, 6. One person who works with players in the League mentioned that she had seen text messages to other players from coaches that engaged in such emotional manipulation. One player recalled Riley repeatedly calling a teammate that he considered chubby "Chips" in front of the entire team. Amanda Duffy (NWSL, Managing Director of Operations, 2017-2019 and President, 2019-2020) The NWSL should strictly enforce the 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy's requirement that complaints or reports of potential policy violations be elevated to the NWSL within 24 hours of receipt to ensure the NWSL is equipped to investigate promptly and immediately take interim measures to protect players as needed. The NWSL began its own investigation into the player's complaint, but stopped after two days at the direction of U.S. Soccer. In other instances, clubs transitioned coaches accused of misconduct to front office roles instead of terminating their employment. An investigation commissioned by the National Women's Soccer League and its players union found "widespread misconduct" directed at players dating back to the beginnings nearly a decade ago of the Multiple players reported hearing that Williams referred to this player, a leader in the locker room, as "toxic." Given their public roles in U.S. Soccer, League, and club management, this Report also uses the names of individuals in the following roles: (i) club owners involved in day-to-day club management; (ii) club leadership and management, including presidents, general managers, and other equivalent positions; (iii) the U.S. Soccer Board of Directors and senior members of U.S. Soccer management; (iv) members of League management; and (v) where necessary, outside counsel and consultants. First, the summary stated that Dames appear[ed] to need guidance on when and how often it is appropriate to text players and the best way to provide constructive feedback. Second, the summary noted that "Dames and Whisler should be concerned about the mere appearance" that Dames had an inappropriately close relationship" with one player. Our players respect what Holly does as a coach and how he treats other players, coaches, and staff." The Joint Investigative Team contacted and attempted to interview every individual who was the subject of a report of misconduct and whom the Joint Investigative Team considered naming in this Report. The statement called on the NWSL to (i) open an independent investigation into the issues described by The Athletic; (ii) suspend any staff accused of violating the anti-harassment policy; and (iii) disclose how Riley was hired within the NWSL after leaving another club following an investigation into his misconduct. Chicago Red Stars Simon explained that after she confronted Holly for sexually abusing her, as discussed in greater detail above, Holly began verbally abusing her, including in front of other players. E. Enhance Reporting and Investigation Procedures E. 65, Some witnesses also expressed concern that the experiences of players of color were discounted or not taken seriously. Former coach Christy Holly is permanently banned from the league, and former general manager Alyse LaHue faces a two-year suspension with future employment in the league conditional. amounted to verbal and emotional abuse." Some players recalled that a former assistant coach, while at a club-sponsored party where he was drinking heavily, made sexually explicit remarks to players. The phrase 'using personal information against you' appears to be a catch-all phrase used by players to capture conduct by Dames that was perceived as being mean toward players on a personal level." These misunderstandings hindered the reporting and identification of misconduct, placing players at unnecessary risk. Club staff should be advised to elevate to the NWSL not only formal complaints and reports of misconduct they receive, but also any observed misconduct or alleged misconduct of which they otherwise become aware. Hendrix recalled Holly would get mad if Simon did not respond to his messages. As one player observed, the practice of drinking together erased the sense of boundaries between "players, coaches, and general manager[s]." Players recounted numerous instances in which club staff made inappropriate sexual and objectifying comments. At the club level, U.S. Soccer's failure to share its findings allowed Whisler to take the position that U.S. Soccer essentially had cleared Dames of wrongdoing and that no action was required by the Red Stars. b) Numerous individuals relayed that as a result, Cromwell and Greene stopped speaking to players who they believed had participated in the March Investigation and who did not show contrition in the aftermath. 100, other inappropriate sexual conduct at Shim, including attempting to be alone with Shim, and opening his hotel room door in his underwear and asking Shim to get on his bed. 125, The N.W.S.L. The 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy expands the scope of protections to prohibit discrimination based on any protected characteristic and to more explicitly prohibit retaliation. 124 Joint Investigation Reveals Why Alyse LaHue Was Fired from Gotham FC 14, Uncertainty about the League's stability also may have influenced how the leaders and managers of the League addressed potential issues and concerns. The history of women's professional club soccer in the United States has often been tumultuous. The player recalled that Pauw "knocked on [her] door at night and invited herself in just to check how [her] apartment setup was." Disseminate Annual Reports to Players Regarding the Effectiveness of the NWSL's Reporting Channels and Investigation Processes Despite this high turnover, the NWSL has proven to be more resilient than its predecessor leagues. U.S. Soccer, as governing body and NWSL manager, failed to ban coaches and staff who resigned or were fired because of misconduct, or to apprise the League and club owners of such misconduct, which allowed these individuals to move to other clubs within the NWSL. The statement said LaHue has remained in conversation with investigators. Players and staff also described coaches creating emotionally toxic workplace environments by subjecting players to volatility or manipulation. Flaws in Clubs' Other Reporting Channels Third, Dames made personal insults, and the summary stated, these comments in a professional environment are concerning." She said, I would filter them, look for comments that can help the Red Stars improve and move on." Levine forwarded this email to Plush in September 2015. Hendrix also said that Holly both texted Simon and told her in person that she had too many clothes on and he could not see her nipples. if you don't want it, get a regular job. In one case, a member of club leadership, while following up on younger players' complaints of staff mistreatment, was told by more seasoned players that the younger players were "entitled" and did not appreciate, for example, that the club provided them meals at the training facility. With the new details from the joint investigation along with the previous report released in October, it has become apparent that significant policy changes must be made to the league to ensure this behavior is discouraged and, if it does occur, reported and handled properly. Similarly, other players reported that Dames texted certain players "all the time," including late at night. Embrace Player Insight as Part of the Hiring and Vetting Processes In 2014, when he read that players felt Dames was creating "a hostile work environment," Whisler responded that the players who raised those concerns probably "didn't start or play the way they wanted to." alyse lahue relationship - The NWSL should not just list reporting channels in the Anti-Harassment Policy, but should email or otherwise share them with players, staff, and volunteers on a regular basis. The Joint Investigative Team requested documents from every club through the appropriate club official or club counsel. Former NY/NJ Gotham FC general manager Alyse. Shim also forwarded the complaint to then-NWSL Commissioner Jeff Plush. Simon had just graduated from college, and after an open tryout, Holly offered Simon her first professional contract to play for Sky Blue, where he was the head coach. According to the report, one player recalled that players "felt forced to attend" social interactions with Dames, and if they did not, he "wouldn't look at [them] the next day at practice." By January 2012, WPS suspended operations and announced it would be folding permanently in May 2012. Though the club did not announce a reason for his termination, sources told The Salt Lake Tribune that Harrington "was placed on leave after players complained he was being 'verbally abusive."" Neither the Flash nor the Courage were provided a copy of the report that led the Thorns to fire Riley, and each received only limited details from the Thorns, U.S. Soccer, and the NWSL about Riley's misconduct in 2015. Holly also asked Simon to send him suggestive pictures of herself, including a request for a picture of her in his boxers. Things actually can be spoken up about, be brought to light." Players told the team's head coach that Black players on the team felt unsupported and that the posts did not align with the team's values.