Ed! Suddenly, Edd jumps up.] He does, but in the process loses his hat. DON'T EVER! "Big bro ain't gonna be impressed." Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. "Rolf: "Rolf will assist you with the Ed-boy flogging Kevin!" "Edd: "That's it, Eddy! Nazz is gone and the fire has been extinguished. Kevin quickly runs back. "Eddy: "Beats me. What are you doing?" It has been praised as a strong conclusion for Ed, Edd n Eddy. "[Wilfred lets go, and Rolf's stack falls on him. "This bed's killing me! "[Eddy's feet pound the ground as he races to escape Kevin. Don'tcha think?" He finishes up and places a label on the trunk reading "Out of Order. The Cul-De-Sac is empty and eerily quiet, save for the Lane, which is completely destroyed. However, they are saved by a Ferris wheel, but Ed's fear of heights overcomes him. "Kevin: "Nazz. The impact with the wall shakes the boys off, and they fall on the grass outside Eddy's house. He sees the Eds pass and snarls. ], [Jimmy is happily riding Wilfred. "[Lee opens her mouth and sticks her finger in. [She pulls Jimmy out from the pile. AGAIN! ]Ed: [belly rumbling] "Yep. "Edd: "I think you mean naive, Eddy. His friends have gone missing. He stops, looking at it with a dazed look on his face. [He shows off a postcard.] IT'S ME! Enraged, Eddy yells at Edd that he wasn't completely innocent either, as he was the one who built the machine in the first place; however, Edd fires back saying that Eddy was the one who hadnt paid any attention to what Edd told him and pushed the red button, causing the machine to malfunction. ; 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: The cracked desert ground Rolf treks through as he's riding Wilfred.While not really plot relevant, it is the only time the show has ever used any form of 3D . "Uh oh. "[Kevin slams them a third time, and this time they spin in circles. We need to figure out where those foul-ups took off to and head em off. These beliefs stem from multiple occurrences in the show in which Edd is shown without his hat on. We're done for!" Rolf sips deeply of the milk. While Ed goes racing off to look for food, Eddy and Edd following, they end up running off a cliff. We coulda stopped there." "Ed, you idiot!" For the wii. EDDY!" It is with great sh-shame" [Edd puts down his pen and begins to cry. Spotting the steaming engine, Rolf cracks the egg on it; the egg begins to fry. Plank hijacks the bus and the bus is seen traveling towards downtown Peach Creek. [14] Collider reviewer Austin Allison named the film as the fourth best among a list of "Top 11 TV Cartoon Movies", deeming it a "surprisingly cathartic" creation that "finally gives the Eds a sense of belonging and acceptance that is more valuable to them than all the jawbreakers in the world. Hurry! We're trespassing! "Edd: "Sanctuary at long last! ]Edd: "We're fugitives, Eddy! ]Ed: [holding up a half-eaten corn dog] "Breakfast, guys. "Eddy: [shocked] "What are they doing here? Seeing no sign of trouble, he shuts the door. "[As Edd cries, a handkerchief is held out to him. ]Nazz: "I'm so glad you're okay, dude." A trailer aired in Australia, showing other clips from the movie, only this is a trailer for new shows airing on CN in June. ]Eddy: "Hey, muscles! He looks around. The factory awakens, grumbling into life. ]Eddy: "Oh, Ed" [He holds out the item.] [The Eds grin. Sorry I slapped you. Ed has visible injuries upon entering his room. "They need us more than ever, girls. ]Kevin: [confused] "What was that for, man? Cheese and macaroni! Wait!" "Edd: "I'd rather face my consequences, Ed, than wander aimlessly with a so-called friend! They enter the lane and come to a fence. ]Kevin: "Back off, melon dweeb!" After Eddy and Edd each vent their anger over the situation, Eddy tells them that the best course of action would be to make a beeline for his Brother's place, as Eddy's brother is feared by most of the kids. [Eddy grins, glad his friends still accept him. "[Ed releases the car door briefly and grabs at the steering wheel. ]Ed: "I will eat you now! "[Sarah and Jimmy race to the sidewalk just in time to see the car go by, followed immediately by Kevin, on his bike; Rolf, on his pig; and Nazz, running after them. Jonny enters his backyard and pretends to nonchalantly swing. Now why does that sound familiar? "[Ed swerves, scared out of his mind. Series creator Danny Antonucci directed the film and co-wrote it with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor and Stacy Warnick. "Ed: "Let's sing a song! [He yawns. [13] Writing for Animated Times, Azhan Ali ranked it at number three on a list of "Most Emotional Endings of Cartoons", and added that the final scene was "heartwarming because the Eds are no longer social outcasts". Kevin jumps on his bike and goes racing off in pursuit, but "Eddy" is actually Marie, who is luring Kevin into a trap. In Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show, as Rolf attacks Jonny for assaulting the Eds, Rolf, either through accident or intention, splits his command into two halves; Jonny and Plank on one preparing to ascertain revenge over the Cul-de-Sac, Rolf and Jimmy on the other allied with the Eds. So who's the one person in the world that Eddy trusts, 'sides his two loser pals? Like the little shrinking eggplant Jimmy boy, Rolf cries and cries and cries! ]Eddy: "It must be for my brother's car! "Eddy: "You heard him, lumpy. Perhaps old customer receipts or employee records will unearth a clue to his whereabouts. What's taking you? Kevin apologizes, seemly to Nazz, who attempts to hug him in forgiveness, but it is revealed that he was actually apologizing to his bike, which has been damaged in the accident. "We gotta go. ", [Nazz rubs two sticks together. SHLOOHORM! If this is some kind of foolish joke you're playing, it's not funny. Eddy hangs on to the door as it flips and crashes. "Sarah: "What the heck? Below is a List of Fanfic Stubs by the fans of Ed, Edd n Eddy. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Boy, Plank, you sure turn into a fireball when you're wearing a mask! If your brother is a whaler, then he must reside by the sea! The camera moves back to the ants, crawling on the ice cream, before the lightning crashes again and we see more of the lane, replete with footprints, downed trees, and boxes. In the Italian dub, after Edd almost ditches the group, Ed declares that the Eds are now "like Ambarab cicc without the cocc." "Hang on, man! [trying to grab it] "I think I can reach it, Kev. One of these items is a sign that reads "Digital". Jimmy tells them what he knows upon seeing this and the Kankers, determined that no harm will come to their "Boyfriends", decide to hunt the other kids to help the Eds. "Ed: "Trade ya, Eddy! ]Edd: [astounded] "Pardon? "Kevin: "Get a grip, Nazz! That hurt! It happens another time before Edd, Nat and Eddy grab Ed and pull him behind the pole. [She grabs Jimmy's arm.] [He collapses to the dusty floor.] Once he absorbs this, he runs to catch up to them. "Help me out of this molasses, it's trying to swallow me. He looks over to Ed, who is trying to get the camel to run. Nothing to it? "Eddy: "My mom's got fifty pounds of blubber in the freezer as we speak! ]Ed: "Look, guys! C. Literature. I gotcha! Everything I said about my brother was a lie. "Lee: "He's mine!" ]Edd: [disgusted] "Goodness. "Sarah: "Aaaandaction! This references how the show changed from hand inking, to digital inking at the start of season five. Kevin skids his bike to a stop. ]Edd: "Eddy? For example, in the TV movie for the series, Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show, Eddy was horrified by what was under his friend's hat, and Ed also asked Double D if whatever was under his head hurt. Double D ran to Eddy's rescue to hear him say, "I made it all up. "Nazz: "That'd be the last thing they'd do. You knowPipsqueak?" After a good scam goes really bad, Ed, Edd and Eddy have no other choice but to hightail it from the cul-de-sac. Cartoon logo has a watermelon background; a tribute to Captain Melonhead. ]Eddy: "What happened? "Edd: "Not again! Jimmy cowers while everyone else looks at it, confused. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Whaddya mean we ain't gettin anywhere? "[Nazz ignores him. ]Rolf: "Stay back, or you will meet Rolf's shoe!" Praising the film's plot, voice acting performances and direction, Poortvilet said that he "couldn't stop laughing" and encouraged all fans of the show to see it. [He grabs his friends.] The kids come rushing in, all of them horridly maimed in one way or another: Rolf has had much of his midsection bitten off, Kevin is bruised and burned, Jonny's head is clenched by a bear trap, Plank is nicked and cracked, and Nazz has had most of her hair sheared off and is wearing only a cardboard box. ]Eddy: "What's that stupid thing? Thank you! Note: These are just ideas, and are not fully completed fanfics, If you would like to read fully completed fanfics, consider visiting the List of Completed Fanfiction article. ]Nazz: "Kevin! "umend?" What's it called? And they wanna beat me up! I like you, girlfriend." Mother and Father will be so annoyed! "Nazz: "I'll get it!" His head gets stuck between two boards, but he manages to pull it out. "[Eddy's brother sets Eddy down and laughs as Eddy spins uncontrollably. These are parodies of the trio of boys with the same name, Ed, Edd, n Eddy. At this point, the pressure on Edd is too great, and he lets go of the merry-go-round as well. "Jimmy: "Did we miss the Eds beating? Eddy fumbles with the key. "Guard the provisions. ]Lee: [hugging him] "Your queens in shining armor have arrived! [Kevin blindly rubs at his eyes.] He was the royal cook for the king of Englishland. Ed and Eddy then prank Edd into believing that they have sunken to their demises in quicksand. Ed and Eddy, meanwhile, are searching for Edd, who is stuck at the top of a waterfall. [He rubs Ed's tongue on the door, coating it in saliva then tapes the wallpaper to it.] He must have mailed it from this amusement park! The magnet pulls the bear trap from his head. "Edd: "What would you do without me, Eddy? "[Captain Melonhead stumbles through a veritable jungle of legs, looking all over for his best friend. Spotting Sarah and Jimmy, he jumps up and grabs his sponges. Spying his incomplete checkers game, he runs and hides under the board and then crawls off, carrying it on his back. ]Edd and Eddy: "WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! [He smiles sadistically. We're gonna need em. "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. [He collapses to the ground. Rolf awards Eddy the "Traditional Victory Armpit Rub", Nazz kisses Eddy on the cheek, and Kevin, for the first time, speaks to Eddy admiringly, calling him "pal". More. "Eddy: "Just keep your eyes peeled, chuckles. "Man, you're such a sap! ]Nazz: "Hey! "Ed: [awed] "Eddy's brother's autograph!" I could eat a horse." "Edd: "Eddy! Oh, man! "Eddy: "Snore! This is also another fanfiction that got removed from Fanfiction.net, so I'm posting it here. ]Ed: "Ahh, comfy." ]Eddy: "I do, bro, I do! "[Sarah reaches out and thwacks the ladybug with her finger. "May: "Baby's mine! ]Jonny: "Let em have it, buddy! This is one of these 90's shows I remember watching along with SpongeBob SquarePants and Courage the Cowardly Dog.