To find underground water in a dry desert area, where there shouldn't be any, is intriguing. Researchers Dr. Carmen Boulter and Klaus Dona are using space-based technology to penetrate the Hawara complex for underground anomalies. Just in case. However, my inside sources reveal it to be anything but a tomb. In the darkness, we were led to an iron-gated entry under the causeway between the pyramids. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. The Water Report showed highest concentrate of sodium, followed by chloride. Today it is a smaller saltwater lake called Birket Qarun. The Egyptian authorities suspect there to be artifacts hidden under the water, possibly a treasure trove of information as well, which the Egyptian government has been reluctant to fully explore. I enlisted a certified water analysis lab in California to run a series of tests, then called a friend of mine, who is an organic chemist, for his analysis of the test results. Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old! Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. I will assume you paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the opportunity. The brutal covid loc. Coincidence? Lake Moeris isan ancient man-made lake in the northwest area of the Faiyum Oasis. The road skirting Pyramid Lake was one of the . While these were described thousands of years ago, the gigantic underground cavities were mapped since 1978 using ground penetrating radar thanks to explorations led by Dr. Jim Hurtak, who is said to have entered massive chambers that are larger than the largest cathedrals ever erected by modern man. pyramid lake underwater tunnels. The first complete mapping of a Neanderthal genome took place about five years ago - supporting the human-Neanderthal hook-up and also showing that Neanderthal DNA in humans is a thing. The story of how these bizarre creatures came to be varies. The Epoch Times writes: "Amongst the many engraved stones, one stone has attracted particular attention. Pyramid Lake, lake within Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, western Nevada, U.S., between the Lake Range and the Virginia Mountains. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the pathways between the Labyrinth of Hawara and the Giza Plateau being linked, much like an ancient underground subway system. I wasnt sure of the bacteria levels, so I put on plastic gloves and filled up sterile containers with water samples. It passes beneath the causeway leading between the second Pyramid and the Sphinx. The findings reported here about water systems beneath Giza and other temple building sites surely lends credence to Chris Massey's theories about hydrostatic transportation systems as construction aids in building with large stone materials. At my home, I have a simple home TDS-EC and ORP water tests, and I tried them and the pyramid sample. This underwater sea tunnel reaches to a whooping depth of 2300m. Instead of falling by my feet as physics would allow, the card bizarrely flew out across a short span of water and onto the top of the stone sarcophagus. In the past they referred to this hidden place as that shaft complex. Pyramid Lake. 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If Hawara has Twelve Great Halls, as the ancient Greeks wrote about, the water tunnels under the Great Pyramid may be even more significant. Warning Signs for Choosing an Alternative Health Practitioner. As with many controversial sites, the Egyptian government is not allowing excavation there. China has many pyramids and some are extremely tall. Multiple levels of huge chambers and what looks like a complex of either an underground city or perhaps an ancient storage bunker. Martinez and her team uncovered a 1,305-meter (4,281-foot) tunnel, located 13 meters (43 feet) underground, the Egyptian Ministry for Tourism. Lake Moeris is an ancient man-made lake in the northwest area of the Faiyum Oasis. The name Pyramid Lake derives from the numerous soaring limestone cone-shaped formations, called tufa formations, that line the shores and jut up out of the water here, with the largest of these being Anaho Island, looming out over the water like the ruin of some inscrutable ancient civilization. The tunnels led water from under the funeral . In addition to freak boating accidents, missing equipment, and technical trouble, there are the more sinister stories of drownings and disappearances. Tourists don't get to see the more . Underwater tunnels are built using tunneling shields, tunnel boring machines, or immersed tubes. The Pharaoh would then set sail and begin his adventure. Biggest problem is the fact that the ground water level is pretty high, which results in the the whole subterranean structure being flooded. Someday, someone will find it and wonder who it belonged to. Undisturbed for 1,800 years, the sealed-off passage was found to. Three great pyramids link the Avenue: the pyramid of the Sun, the Moon, and the Feathere that Pakals position in the engraving on the stone sarcophagus lid resembled the position of astronauts, and he appeared to be seated in a contraption with flames coming out of it and controls. It took many years before the mysterious underwater structure of Rock Lake were examined again. Tunnel 1, just downstream of the surge chamber which receives water lifted by Edmonston Pumping Plant, is 7,933 feet long and connects to Tunnel 2, which is 2,810 feet long. Or it might be a container of highly magnetic source materials. There are those who believe this to be the tomb of the god Osiris, which is why they refer to it as the Osiris Shaft. There are those who believe this to be the tomb of the god Osiris, which is why they refer to it as the Osiris Shaft. Imagine cheese left out of the fridge for longer than a few hours in a hot, arid climate. some thoughts: is it safe to drink or not? There is nothing to do with spaceships, Gonzalez said. Interesting, if true. Sacred Mushroom Rites & the Hidden Meaning of the Egyptian Ankh, UnEarthing Ancient Alien Artifacts in Mexico, Trinfinity & Beyond by Dr. Kathy J. Forti, Fractals of God: A Psychologists Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical, water analysis of water under the great pyramid,, Exploring Hidden Mysteries Under the Sphinx, A Personal Story of Unconventional Self-Healing, Fatima Prophesy: The 3rd Secret Becomes True, Atlantean Outposts in Antarctica Reveal New Surprises, African Dogon Tribe Reveals Man's True Origins, Atlantean Physics Behind Ancient Egyptian Magical Rods, Part 2 - New World Future Timeline Revealed, Part 1 - UPDATE New World Agenda Timeline REVEALED, Studies Link Monsanto's Glyphosate to Ocean Death, WikiLeaks: Government Conspires to Keep the People "Unaware", Lost Atlantean Structure Discovered in Baltic Sea, "I'll Have the Edward Snowden Room, Please", Electile Dysfunction in the Age of Conspiracy Theory, Life is All About How You Handle "Plan B", Mozart Music Provides Big Benefits in Tuscan Vineyard, Vote Your Consciousness vs. I was told this chamber was for the favored onesthe guardians which tended to be the highest of priests. A remnant of ancient Lake Lahontan, Pyramid Lake was formed during the Pleistocene Epoch (i.e., about 2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago). The Lesser of Two Evils, Russian Scientists Discover Philosopher's Stone to Make Gold, New Answers for Strange Hum Heard Worldwide. Lake Moeris is also the site of the Hawara pyramid complex. I climbed down to a narrow ledge and got my first look at this mysterious chamber. Once a Pharaoh was placed in his tomb, his spirit would descend into the Underworld where he would meet with a group of guardians and the gods Heka, Sia, and Hu who would help him (along with the god, Sobek) during his journey. Lake Tahoe, as first theorized by the famed geologist Josiah Whitney, was created by a colossal earthquake where a center block of land collapsed between two faults. The ports were congested with ships carrying coal and other goods and the roads were replete with horse-drawn vehicles. It wasnt easy getting permission to explore under the Giza Plateau. I stepped down and turned to find a chamber room with seven niches for seven large sarcophagi. The Egyptian authorities suspect there to be artifacts hidden under the water, possibly a treasure trove of information as well, which the Egyptian government has been reluctant to fully explore. When you think of pyramids, most people think only of those in Egypt and Middle America. Archaeologists have discovered a secret tunnel under a famous and massive pyramid in the ancient city of Teotihuacn, northeast of Mexico City. Even more than 1 layer! While most people might not realize it, they most certainly have seen the lake at some point, since its image is used as the default screen saver for the Apple iPad devices. Instead, they let me lead the way with the caveat, be careful. (The liability factor in traversing such shafts would be off the charts in the U.S., but things are different in Egypt.). Entrances at Lake Ontario possible underwater UFO bases/cities. Navy halts use of fuel storage complex above Hawaii . To me, this would mean there is a potential for a lot more to explore but it would have to be done underwater. 1 Seikan Tunnel - 53.9 km. Your research was very interesting, but it is incompetent. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Completed: 2016. Historic water levels of Lake . The energy down there feels electrified, the air even feels cleaner. So where is this salt water coming from? It is less well-known that this Osiris Shaft was actually discovered as early as 193334 by famed Egyptologist, Dr. Selim Hassan. They claimed no one had been down there in decades. Fearing a hole or geological fault that could cause the pyramid to settle or collapse, they dug at the spot and uncovered three layers of carefully fitted stone covering the top of the tunnel. According to Von Schmidt's vision, his diversion tunnel would divert the Truckee via a dam and canal toward Squaw Valley, dive underground, reemerging at the head of the American River, where it would then deliver 200 million gallons of water a day to San Francisco through a complex system of pipes and aqueducts. The inspector handed me the key and allowed me the honor of opening this secret doorway. The lake has about 10% of the area of the Great Salt Lake, but it has about 25% more volume. Very much like the lyrics of the famous She may be ancient Egypts most famous face, but the quest to find the eternal resting place of Queen Nefertiti has never been hotter. Thank you in advance!!! Which means the water that runs under the Giza Plateau is essentially salt water. One-hundred kilometers outside of Xi'an, an ancient city in central China, among green grasses, farms, and forests, rise a hundred pyramid-shaped mounds that have been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years. I has already been confirmed there are ancients buildings below the sand on that spot. However every continent has them, regardless of the fact that they often are not recognized by the scientific establishment. Once a Pharaoh was placed in his tomb, his spirit would descend into the Underworld where he would meet with a group of guardians and the gods Heka, Sia, and Hu who would help him (along with the god, Sobek) during his journey. While the water down there is relatively clear, there exists a hodgepodge of construction debris from earlier explorersbroken stones, scattered wooden slats, some papyrus strips, and a strange white filmy substance on the water in several places. Ancient writings spoke of these 12 large chambers, which in modern day would be several times the size of football fields. I really appreciate all the help to understand this. The second level of the Osiris Shaft may be the symbolic sarcophagi of the seven guardians and the third level the ascension portal to the Underworld. emily in paris savoir office. Truly masterful work. (Author provided), A few steps inside the heavy gate there is a square hole in the ground. I was curious to know what an analysis of the water samples I took from under the Giza Plateau might show, if anything. How could this be? The inspector handed me the key and allowed me the honor of opening this secret doorway. This is approximately the time of the last ice age. My magnetometer had a higher reading than the norm, suggesting something else entirely. In prehistory it was once a freshwaterlake, with an area estimated to vary between 490 656 miles. It is a ghoulish story to be sure, but is likely based on exaggeration aimed at making the Natives look like savages. U.S.- Egyptian cultural ties are strengthened as Ivanka Trumps family explores the crumbling pyramids, temples and tombs of the Nile River. pyramid lake underwater tunnels. I wondered how they had managed to remove the other five sarcophagi, if they indeed existed. Nefer Say Nefer - Was Nefertiti Buried in the Valley of the Queens? Pyramid Lake rests in a bowl of stark mountains about 40 miles northeast of Reno, a mirage-like sight amid the harsh desert surroundings. The water looked to be about mid-thigh on a man but could be deeper in parts further back. People have been making underwater tunnels . It is said that the mermaid was so infuriated with the way she had been treated and her banishment from the tribe that she cast a curse on the lake, promising that all who lived there would forever experience hardship and misfortune. SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Scientists have found a previously undiscovered moai on Easter Island, uncovering the large stone statue in a dry lake bed on the tiny, remote island in the middle of the. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the pathways between the Labyrinth of Hawara and the Giza Plateau being linked, much like an ancient underground subway system. YouTube Location: Dongguan, China. Beneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids there is an extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for a total of more than ten miles, connecting all pyramids and other places together. Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming Conscious? A little more than 6 miles off the coast of Point Dume in Malibu, California, an unusual-looking structure sits on the sea bed floor. [6] [8] [9] The water is then stored in the Elderberry Forebay, adjacent to Castaic Lake. Ancient Greek legends tell of a hidden above ground and below ground pyramid complex at Hawara known as The Labyrinth that contained Twelve GreatHalls. There's geological speculation that Donner Lake Pyramid and Tahoe lakes are also connected to one another via underground passageway (s), as there have been reports of bodies that went missing in Lake Tahoe only to later wing up in Pyramid lake which is close by. Others dispute this dating and believe it dates back much earlier. At Ancient Origins we believe that one of Read More. Perhaps the locations for all great pyramids around the world are based on a water need. Perhaps even stranger than the disappearances are the occasional cases of the corpses of drowning victims in Pyramid Lake turning up floating around in nearby Lake Tahoe and vice versa. These Atlanteans may indeed be the true builders of the ancient pyramids. The Chinese government doesnt talk much about them and has cordoned them off from the public. Reuter notes that increasing water flow to Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River is critical for water quality. My magnetometer had a higher reading than the norm, suggesting something else entirely. An article about the find stated: We have discovered a subway used by the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago. My chemist friend thought that unlikely due to the indigenous rock in the area. (Author supplied). Pyramid Lake spans 1,360 acres with depths of 700 feet and 21 miles of shoreline. Dr. Selim Hassan tried to clear the chamber but, after four years of pumping, the water level had not descended. China's Taihu Tunnel, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars and took years to build, is now the longest underwater tunnel in China. There, at an undisclosed location, [6] a henge-like structure resides. All three of the organized religions (Islam, Roman, and Judaic) tend to censor history before their own inception. The percentages displayed a sodium level which is higher than the fresh water of the Nile River, and lower than the salinity of the Mediterranean Sea, which the Nile flows into. There are hundreds of pyramids around the world, many overgrown by vegetation and barely recognizable. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The Paiute of Pyramid Lake were known as the Cui Ui Ticutta, meaning "Cui-ui eaters," with Cui-ui referring to a type of fish endemic to the lake. The pyramids in Bosnia were discovered in2005, in the town of Visoko. The lakes surface is 140feet below sea-level, and covers about 78square miles. Why is the U.S. so Medically Backward about Ozone? (Author provided). I continued my descent to the second level, the longest, where thelighting was low, lit by a single bulb hanging from the ceiling which someone had thought to put in place years ago. The route connects Zurich with Milan and the trains cover 57 km underwater in just 20 minutes. An article about the find stated : We have discovered a subway used by the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago.