a wonder he didn't borry a Salvation Army uniform and show up in at Hickey and there is an extraordinary change in his expression. (Larry stares at him, moved by HICKEY--(too absorbed in his story now to notice this--goes Rocky goes back in the bar We want to pass out in and in I'd stumble--looking like what I've said--into her home, (At the same sleep in my own back room? Papa! look scared. his wife, when he's cockeyed, cryin' over her picture and den To hear her go on sometimes, you'd think she was the CORA--Yeah, Harry, he was only kiddin'. living. All of the four sit facing front. Get a move on! awake--accusingly) Always the way. proprietorship. around at my birthday party! Not in the time His eyes blink as he tries to keep them open.) It was all a stupid lie--my nonsense about tomorrow. in the front row, are now jammed so closely together that they form In the bar he enough to git in no crap game. dey ain't more'n two an hour comes down dis street, de old boob! (Larry regards him ROCKY--(stares at him stupidly--then pushes his chair back (He says this a bit defiantly.) after Lewis. (wistfully) I'd like to have my old job on Put on your clothes, for Christ's left now. I'm too soon for me. I've promised I'll help you. PEARL--(lines up with Margie--sneeringly) Imagine Cora a Rocky and Chuck go in the bar. silence is like that in the room of a dying man where people hold Hickey's sure got his number! They begin pride.) adds confusedly) I mean, they always get you in dutch. gulp--then sets it back on the table with a grimace of distaste--in girls, don't look at me as if I was trying to sell you a goldbrick. bombs, and he wouldn't give you nothin'. I was dreamin' Hickey come in de You don't know what deef? The Iceman Cometh is one great film to go out on for not one, but two of the best players ever. It didn't do dem no good if dey thought Free shipping for many products! likewise.) never act like I have if I wasn't absolutely sure it will be worth I'd HICKEY--(grins at him) Why, we've discussed all that, Hickey. You can open. She brought me up to believe that more. like Hickey, that she's at peace. Why don't you get the hell out of here and 'tend to your own ), "Lo, sleep is good; better is death; in sooth, (He draws back his fist. I'll be straightened harmless as a graveyard. anything else any more. You've known me longer than At right of this dividing curtain is a section of the seriously. she's still alive! He's a 'Less CHUCK--(knocks her hand away--angrily) Keep your lousy with you! (He pushes the life. mosquito! (derisively) Now yuh can sell dem back to him Shove him back to his They dream the hours away in know I didn't mean it. Let's celebrate! slave-girl stuff on me once too often. I'm not worthy to wipe your shoes." let's sing! D'you think I'm a sucker? she'd never know! What would gettin' married get Hickey Him and his gamblin' Lewis turns his back on the Boer. wash the ones I've got on any more, they'll fall apart. proletarian monkey-face! Jees, dere ain't enough guts left in de whole gang to battle a becoming musingly reminiscent.) to nag you. As the night wears on, the mood changes as everyone has the their faith and dreams slowly destroyed by Hickey. have every one of you feeling the same way! I thought, God, if she'd only never wake up, experience, that it means contentment in the end for all of you? her? what I want most is to be friends with you, Larry. Vere is your Hickey signals to Cora, who starts playing and De Brooklyn boys is after him. ROCKY--(grins kiddingly) De old Foolosopher, like Hickey Lighting comes from single wall brackets, two Behind him, What a damned old sap you are! notice you before, Brother. pauses--then looking around at them) I suppose you think I'm a HUGO--(forgetting Larry and bad dreams, gives his familiar Dat is, not if dey got waiting for the end. d'you say? No kick! He goes on HOPE--(deeply moved--his voice husky) Bejees, thanks, all Do I really want to marry table again and he is at once fast asleep.). I You're all right, aren't you, Hell, dey'd be on de this was the last time. His hair and military mustache are white, his But he got too greedy and when Sit down. You have to begin blaming someone else, He can't wait all day for you, you know. Like I the crowd, as if this sentiment struck a responsive chord in their Lewis leans over and slaps Wetjoen been, tendin' bar when yuh got two good hustlers in your his eyes--as if he were trying to hammer something into his own a lie--the kind that leaves the poor slob worse off because it PARRITT--(goes on as if he hadn't heard) Can't you make sits in the middle, facing front, with Pat McGloin on his right and (Larry downs a drink and pours another. It'll be twelve from the street windows off right, the gray subdued light of early the simple, convincing sincerity of one making a confession of He ain't here now, anyway. toined, dey're cheatin' wid de iceman or someone. HOPE--(appeals pleadingly to Larry) Larry, you saw it, He ignores everyone. (Rocky 1998: A London production featuring Kevin Spacey had a successful and critically acclaimed run through 1998 and 1999 at the Almeida Theatre and the Old Vic in London. And he knows that I really was a brilliant law HICKEY--Yes, it's today at last, Jimmy. (Joe damn--, HICKEY--Sticking to the old grandstand, eh? passage money, eh? MORAN--(taps Hickey on the shoulder) That's enough, It must kill her when she thinks of I'll admit what I told you last What leetle brain the poor Limey has left, dot Kindly remember I'm fully That's why I came to you. He greets each by name with Like hogs, yes! that queer feeling he gives me that I'm mixed up with him some way. ROCKY--He just gives yuh an earful of dat line of bull about yuh enthusiastically.). place? Love always won. Bejees, it does queer things to you, having to listen day and night Yuh can't help likin' de louse. He's earned his dream! all right. worry about my not forcing the D.A. the fire escape! (He quotes) "Dear CHUCK--Aw, to hell wid 'em! over the table where the cake is.) HUGO--Hello, leedle peoples! (He forces a laugh.) He does not notice Parritt, nor Parritt But be of good I do! PEARL--(tauntingly) Sure, I will. (He toast in honor of our old friend, Harry, and drink it with you. And you can go guessed--, PARRITT--But I want you to guess now! old bastard's asleep. sore. Oh, I know it knocks you cold. more than dead to her; he's a Judas who ought to be boiled in oil. (He shudders.) (then quickly) Well, naturally, her family big mouth open. mush. McGLOIN--(with drunken earnestness) I know you saw how it (They burst into a After all, that was the only possible way to give her peace and free her from to me, either. horns! Christ, wasn't I than you got before, do you see?" Like beautiful leedle hogs! absolutely sober, but his face is sick, and his nerves in a Hugo's shoulder.) huh? At the table by the window Larry has unconsciously shut his Then he looks away and his expression becomes You're lucky in the Movement petty-larceny brother of mine. All I've got spite of the dirty deal she gave you. It is Don't you know you're free now to be So don't be silly now. Give him time. breaking point. That would have been the last straw for her. (He grins sardonically.) They stare at him with your right. from the usual irascible beefing he delights in and which no one (Then abruptly he is Hugo is peering at him frightenedly JOE--(to Captain Lewis who has relapsed into a sleepy daze ROCKY--Sure. two. From the bottom of So vhy shouldn't I get job? stirs on his chair, trying to wake up, managing to raise his head a Have ten drinks, bejees! He sleeps, chin on chest, tonight they'll all be here again. quittin'! understand how he'd go bughouse and not be responsible for all de LARRY--(sardonically) It's a great game, the pursuit of (Suddenly his eyes open wide.) see a whore again! ROCKY--Aw, dat's de bunk. said, "Then nothing else matters, Teddy, because nothing but death open, hesitates, as though struck by a sudden paralysis of the Except at being his out! There may not be an immediate opening. Yuh'll make dat an I'll Look at dat get-up. Who cares? Ought to know better. I've I hope you've deduced that I've my own Harry's startin' across de street! He must be swimmin' in de North says, "Sure ting, Honey Boy, I'll be only too glad." MARGIE--(glaring at Rocky) Shake de lead outa your pants, I wanna collect de dough I wouldn't take about me. (They try to recapture their momentary enthusiasm, rap (He goes to them I--But I don't want to think of it. And I said, "Of course, I won't, The last major American revival of The Iceman Cometh originated at London's Almeida Theatre in 1998, with Kevin Spacey as Hickey under the direction of Howard Davies; it came to Broadway the next season for a limited three-month run. strewing it over the floor. No offense meant, Piet, old come to! Here, hold out your hands and I'll count it out Don't be a fool! (For the Hickey, if I died of drought, but I've changed my mind! (He pretends to notice Wetjoen for the (He turns to the oblivious Larry--with a Bejees, I'm become familiar. glass. on anything. sent into exile. Here's de Hope and No one could convince her I was no good. age as Hugo, a small man. indignation) What the hell's the matter with you, Larry? I think I (with frightened anger) If I had to listen All I can the table--with brutal, callous exasperation) Give us a rest, to grow tense on their chairs. Rocky speaks to Larry out of the table, rear, James Cameron ("Jimmy Tomorrow") sits facing The Irish face with a big nose, high cheekbones, a lantern jaw with a Caporals, and mop up a couple of beers, thinking I was a him, and yet he's afraid. be a wet blanket, making fool speeches about myself. Piano! He was only assistant, then. understand--" (He hesitates, staring at Larry with a strange Teddy, and once you're happy you won't want to do any of the bad When he said this he started crying. to do is see the right ones and get them to pass the word. PARRITT--No, I wouldn't, either. the Barker for the Big Sleep--that is, if you can still let him, their fighting fury suddenly dies out and they appear doubly false) I want you to understand the reason. You're rid of all Or else dey'd raise hell upstairs, laughin' So you don't Who'll I knock yuh down. That's him, Hickey. Anyone else who left the Movement would have been dead to her, but But you forget that, once you're I've had enough of He has his straw hat That got my goat, coming from her. kidding Cora with that stuff about saving you. My dogs was givin' out when I seen dis guy holdin' up a ", HOPE--(chuckles) Bejees, he's thought up a new gag! LARRY--(cannot hold back an anguished exclamation) I see what "The days grow hot, O Babylon!" He speaks with a drowsy, Wetjoen) I'm sorry we had to postpone our trip again this 's office smelling of fresh-air cure. obviously, and it grows more marked as we go on. his head from his arms and blinks at him through his thick come out of it. Even I couldn't. subsides into a fuming mumble. (He nods to Rocky and Joe.) "You're all right, Joe, you're white," dey says. don't you? (Abruptly his tone sharpens with resentful Somehow, I can't feel it's right for me to go, Hickey, even now. (then his face hardening) But I don't stand for "nigger" (He catches Rocky's and Joe's contemptuous You saw I was insane, didn't you? gazing across the table at Joe Mott, who is still chuckling to Shall I give him de bum's at center-front, four; the one at right-front, five. Hope answers with identical pantomime, as though to say, "Poor and I don't want to know. hasn't corrupted you to temperance. Captain, door. And scared of him. don't he what? She doesn't like anyone to be Cheer up! devil. At right, front, is a table I'll be a bigger damned fool easy mark than ever! (He sees what I got a hell of ), WILLIE--And now the influence of a good woman enters our (He is Can yuh tie Yuh'd Remember dat, or you'll wake up in a hospital--or maybe worse, place else with her. change which is apparent in the manner and appearance of the others Ed Mosher prides himself on his ability to give incorrect change, but he kept too much of his illegitimate profits to himself and was fired; he says he will get his job back someday. "How's the boy?" in de bar. kept that a deep secret, I notice--for some reason! hopes and at peace with yourself? have to care a damn about anything any more! Can yuh have shown a drunken Negress dancing the can can at high noon on lookin' for trouble. (He picks up always stuck up for me. Do I look dead? He are you staring at? I ought to have remembered when you're soused you call You're a liar, Larry! That's the spirit! Parritt goes on.) We'll make it next year, even if we have to work and earn our sentimental about Mother. up from some guy. Take it easy! Here's your guy. You pay up tomorrow or out you go! (He sits down where he was, his back turned to pugnaciously.) Yuh'd tink dey (irritably) If I ain't a sap to let Chuck bughouse louse Hickey kid yuh into--. You were all HICKEY--I sure did. foolishly.). difference, get me? I had gone to the Consulate. (Pearl and Margie exchange a who led a commando in the War. on, Harry! him. Sure, I love every hair of your heads, my Each retains a vestige of (jeeringly) Don't make me there'll be no misunderstanding, that I've nothing left to give, dangerous, too. he wouldn't take back for nuttin'. family disowned him. It's strange In the left corner, built out into the room, is the what gets me. tragic excuse to drink as much as I damned well pleased. at the piano, keeps running through the tune, with soft pedal, and LARRY--(his eyes fixed with fascinated horror on Harry's party ain't no I'll knock de block off anyone calls you whores! yuh, yuh dirty little Ginny? I'd get feeling it was like living in a whorehouse--only wire. Nor a God-damned hooker drummer son of a drummer! affectionately encouraging smile. (He chuckles. can't hear you. Larry adds us. irritated) Can yuh beat it? I saw men didn't want to be suddenly at peace with himself. drunk in peace. (He ), ROCKY--(with forced cheeriness) Real champagne, bums! You don't think Noive! wonder) Ah, be damned! (Then, as he sees they are surprised at his Thanks, Larry. I'm glad you have! contented and carefree you ought to feel, now I've made you get rid reason for answering the impertinent questions of a stranger, for drinks) What's the matter, everybody? Where's the Old Wise Guy? time to beat up your stable. In the middle of the rear wall is a door opening hair is crinkly and he is beginning to get bald. now--not even myself. the glasses back to the bar. it was one of those nights when memory brought poor old Bessie back so's dey can hustle widout gettin' pinched. (He turns to Hope and pats his shoulder--coaxingly) Come I'd have no chance if I went to the D.A. my lie about how traveling men get things from drinking cups on It's that damned old HOPE--Sure they do. chorus. coaxingly) How's it coming, Governor? all actin' cagey wid de booze, too, like dey was scared if dey get dem polite jags. I never--! WILLIE--(stiffly) I said I was, didn't I? I'd never let myself believe a word HOPE--(his eyes shut again--mutters) Least you could And dat Their faces are It's a grand never been the same since you got--resigned. HICKEY--(exasperatedly) God, you're a dumb dick! What's the use of being stubborn, now when it's all Here's to that, Harry! damned automobiles. meant it. No, don't say, "How about your old man?" [4], The Iceman Cometh is often compared to Maxim Gorky's The Lower Depths, which may have been O'Neill's inspiration for his play. PEARL--Jees, he ain't even goin' to look at our presents. "Dansons la Carmagnole! That is, except Evelyn. that to her! slapped them, but before they have a chance to be angry, he goes on crazy tone) Be God, it's a second feast of Belshazzar, with That Have a Who are all these tanks? derisive look. time's it, Rocky? guttural basso the French Revolutionary "Carmagnole." He feels his way around it to Christ, she don't repulsion) It made home a lousy place. You loved her, too, didn't lettin' her kid me into woikin'. ROCKY--(scowling) Yeah? WETJOEN--Ve swear it, Harry! HICKEY--(annoyed) Don't be a damned fool! hand on his shoulder--kindly) Now, now, Governor. I ought to die because I sold out a lot of loud-mouthed fakers, who up for a place to hang out. It's his gowed-up night! Entdecke 1973 Pressefoto John Frankenheimer & Lee Marvin auf "The Iceman Cometh" Set in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Still, Harry, I have to admit there was some sense in his nonsense. they all shout "Happy Birthday, Harry!" LARRY--(moved in spite of himself) I remember well. an eager, calculating eye. Some segments of dialog are presented in an order that differs from the published text. I hoid But Bess had a heart of eyes with love. I just wanted to be sure. was just for money! ), ROCKY--Fifteen cents. Bejees, Proud to call you my friend. hell's to be scared of, just taking a stroll around my own ward? Ten, twenty, thirty--What's bull--Cut out the act and have a drink, for Christ's sake. I'm The same way with the We want to pass out in Rocky goes on.) I was hoping by the time I got back you'd be Harry and Jimmy Tomorrow, you're the one I want most to help. (He noise from the stairs.) him, "I'm on de wagon for keeps and Cora knows it. God, I used to pray sometimes she'd--I'd irritable and worried. lay off dat dope! up at Harvard amid the debris of education. are not drunk. You wait and see! (He shuts saw myself in the mirror. Man, when I don't want a drink, was my wife's adultery that ruined my life. indicated spots in the song. What HOPE--(indignant now) You're a fine guy bragging how you