Despite many of them being significantly smaller than bears, they are all animals that can be called bears' relatives. Four of the seven living genera include extinct species. When full, the cheeks can make their heads double, or even triple in size. Campbell's Dwarf Hamsters $15. Just keep in mind that there is no guarantee. Its the same in other warm and dry places, like Australia, where you also cannot own a hamster. Find teddy bear or Syrian hamsters for sale at your local PetSmart store! Some of the most common rodents that people will be familiar with include rats, gerbils, and mice. They uncovered the following relationships:[5]. After theyve heard your voice and sensed your smell for some time, theyll be able to recognize you and might also react to you. Dwarf hamsters sometimes wake up during the day, while Syrian hamsters, the most common breed, almost never do. [26] Hamsters were domesticated and kept as pets in the United States at least as early as 1942. They can hear sounds that humans cant, and they can recognize each other by smell. I know that my parents got mad at me when I dropped something into our hamsters cage because I thought it was hungry. 2023 WILD SKY MEDIA. Hamsters as a New Pet. The Syrian hamster is the biggest breed, growing up to 8 inches. We loved to play with that hamster, and our teachers would have trouble getting us to focus on our lesson. Once I showed my parents that I was responsible, we ended up getting a hamster of our own. Female Chinese and Syrian hamsters are known for being aggressive toward males if kept together for too long after mating. It changes the coat color to adapt to the winter snow. Well, carnivorous mammals (the order Carnivora) are divided into two suborders: the doglike carnivores (Caniformia) and the catlike carnivores (Feliformia). So they're probably closely related to cows, sheep or some other animal you'd sing about living on an elderly Scottish man's farm, right? [15] They are also particularly sensitive to high-pitched noises and can hear and communicate in the ultrasonic range. Milica is a language aficionado, with a passion for literature and writing. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'animalshq_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalshq_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Therefore, whenever unfamiliar people were around, the hamster would hide. Lebedev, V. S., N. V. Ivanova, N. K. Pavlova, and A. I remember that I was very surprised when my parents brought home something a little bit different. Its due to the fact that, like other Syrian hamsters and their sub-breeds, black bear hamsters dont like to move a lot. Their numbers have been declining in the wild due to a loss of habitat . hamsters have [21], Most hamsters are strictly solitary. The hamsters of the world are all closely related. 1. Although they dont like to be held, they are friendly with other hamsters and entertaining to watch. , hamsters are as close to hypoallergenic pets as it gets thanks to their short fur. Meanwhile, the anthracotheres died out (presumably slowly and lazily), leaving only one descendant: the hippo. Are hamsters related to bears? [2] They use their fore- and hindlegs, as well as their snouts and teeth, for digging. 2008. They can extend halfway down their bodies and expand like balloons. Most importantly, since they live for only 2-4 years at most, a child will have to go through the death of their pet at a very young age. Syrian hamsters are seasonal breeders and will produce several litters a year with several pups in each litter. They are not as active as dwarf hamsters. Four Paws Magic Coat . Phodopus a hamster is just like a bear, its just smaller, hamsters are British zoologist Leonard Goodwin claimed most hamsters kept in the United Kingdom were descended from the colony he introduced for medical research purposes during the Second World War. Due to their terrible short-term memory, they cant remember everything easily, and might need some time. [2], The best-known species of hamster is the golden or Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), which is the type most commonly kept as pets. Then, there might be another chamber where the hamster hides food. The oldest recorded teddy bear hamster lived for 8 years. I remember that when I was younger, I always wanted a hamster. For example, electrical wires are a common culprit. THEIR WHEEL MIGHT ACTUALLY BE BAD FOR THEM. The scent glands can also be used to mark their territories, their babies, or their mate. If a hamster is allowed to leave its cage, it is important to supervise it at all times. Price of Hamsters. Youre in the right place. 99 ($69.99/Count) 10% coupon applied at checkout Save 10% with coupon. Closest Living Relatives: Pinnipeds (Seals, Sea Lions, Walruses). Eggs are also given to hamsters for protein intake.\nHowever, you shouldnt give your hamster almonds, peanuts, garlic, onions, eggplant, citruses, and tomatoes. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Hamsters have a sensitive digestive tract and cannot tolerate high-sugar items such as fruits. Male teddy bear hamsters usually have much longer fur than the female variety, culminating in a "skirt" of longer fur around their . Hamsters: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual. ", "Effect of Exercise on Photoperiod-Regulated Hypothalamic Gene Expression and Peripheral Hormones in the Seasonal Dwarf Hamster Phodopus sungorus", "Welcome to the British Hamster Association Web Site", "How Soon Can You Take a Hamster From Its Mother? You don't have to be a biologist to call bullshit here.". With time, they will allow you to pet them and play with them. To keep a Chinese dwarf hamster in California or New Jersey, you need a special permit. But so long as your hamster is a healthy weight and diabetes-free, you can allow your hamster to sample the teensiest bit of bread as a treat on special occasions without any likely ill effect. When examined, female hamsters have their anal and genital openings close together, whereas males have these two holes farther apart (the penis is usually withdrawn into the coat and thus appears as a hole or pink pimple).[3]. Hamsters are usually docile with humans and rarely bite. [7], Hamsters are omnivores, which means they can eat meat and vegetables. The limit is usually two days, but it all depends on how friendly and close to you the hamster typically is. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Hamsters have a terrible short-term memory. What is are the functions of diverse organisms? 2003. You should also avoid anything too sweet, like chocolate, bananas, or dates. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'animalshq_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalshq_com-medrectangle-4-0'); We would take turns taking the hamster home on weekends and taking care of it. Fancy bear hamsters are nocturnal creatures and sleep during the day. Barron's Educational Series Inc., NY, Kuhnen, G. (2002). ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Hamsters can eat seeds, fruits, vegetables, and some nuts. Check out the facts to see if they fit you. Most of them are bred for sale in the infamous pet mills where pets live in terrible conditions. Keep reading to learn more about them. Hamsters are very flexible, however their bones are somewhat fragile. Tscherskia. Barrie, Anmarie. Eggs are also given to hamsters for protein intake. Also, essential oils, air fresheners, fabric softeners, and perfumes can all irritate hamsters. Weve prepared some facts to help you see how hamsters function as pets. Hamsters are cautious by nature, so your playpen should be small at first so it doesn't cause them stress. In this manner, hamsters are similar to other rodents, including squirrels. Wild hamsters are found throughout much of Europe and Asia. [2] Hamsters lose weight during the autumn months in anticipation of winter. Most importantly, since they live for only 24 years at most, a child will have to go through the death of their pet at a very young age. Yes, fancy bear hamsters are friendly in nature. Homemade premium hamster food, treats and chews UK only You can leave your hamster alone for some time. Are you interested in learning some hamster facts? Hamsters . Follow. Can hamsters eat broccoli? [25], Syrian hamsters typically live no more than two to three years in captivity, and less in the wild. Even thoughtheir eyesight isn't good it doesn't stop a hamster from climbing their cages or even from them being adventurous. Hamsters belong to the Animalia kingdom, also known as Metazoa, which houses all animals, including humans. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with bear, and as you go down the . [8], Wild hamsters will also appropriate tunnels made by other mammals; the Djungarian hamster, for instance, uses paths and burrows of the pika. They're both rodents. In fact, scientists have argued that dolphins and whales should be combined into the order Artiodactyla, which contains not only hippos, but also deer, camels, cows, pigs and giraffes. Therefore, it is important for families with small children to remember that a hamster is soft, fragile, and might not like to be picked up. . The lifespan of a hamster is up to four years. Their evolutionary history is recorded by 15 extinct fossil genera and extends back 11.2 million to 16.4 million years to the Middle Miocene Epoch in Europe and North Africa; in Asia it extends 6 million to 11 million years. According to recent evidence, whales and hippos probably share the same great-great-great- (ad infinitum) grandpappy that lived about 50 million years ago. Long haired teddy bear hamster care .Caring for a long haired Syrian hamster requires a large cage with an adapted and thick litter, where it will have to be alone, all the necessities of hamsters like food, toys, playtime, but what makes them different from other hamsters is that you have to brush them every day and a light cleaning almost daily of their cage to keep their fur clean. 01 of 05 Dwarf Roborovski Anyarnia / Getty Images Wild teddy bear hamsters have been domesticated into wonderful little pets. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'animalshq_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalshq_com-leader-1-0'); It is important to provide all rodents, including hamsters, with plenty of room to move around and exercise. of couse they are. These include the desert, foothills, planes, and steps. They usually eat packaged food that combines hamster-friendly ingredients, but they can also eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Are beavers and sloths related Beavers and sloths are not closely related. In general, hamsters live in dry, open habitats such as plains, deserts, foothills and steppes. Hamsters are rodents (order Rodentia) belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae, which contains 19 species classified in seven genera. Black Bear hamsters can grow from 5 to 6 inches long at their adult size, depending on . [2], A behavioral characteristic of hamsters is food hoarding. The Winter White Russian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) is similar but a bit smaller and turns white in winter. We're guessing that's a no, so here's a pic: The seal's flipper is flatter, and the bear's claws are longer (raise your hand if you knew that seals even had claws), but other than that, people who are way smarter than us yet spend a whole lot more of their time staring at animals' feet have found that they're very similar. Unlike most pets, hamsters dont need baths. If you like hamsters, there are some details and facts you absolutely need to know some of which might even surprise you. Syrian hamsters are the friendliest with humans, while Roborovski hamsters are the friendliest with other hamsters. Now we all know that these regal creatures are mammals, so they're not as related to fish as you might otherwise think. Although hamsters are one of the most popular pets, most people dont really know that much about them. Yes, hamsters can recognize their owners. The peaceful equids (horses, donkeys and zebras) were enslaved by the human race to do our bidding -- sorry, domesticated -- several thousand years ago, and since that time they've been an invaluable resource for transportation, agriculture, warfare, companionship and sometimes-horrifying entertainment. They can even recognize you, but you shouldnt expect them to recognize somebody they dont see much. Answers are very much used to living life in the wild. Temperature Hamsters do not have sweat glands and are unable to pant, so they do not have an efficient method of heat removal. The female's reproductive life lasts about 18 months, but male hamsters remain fertile much longer. The Taxonomy of Hamsters The dwarf has delicate feet, a soft coat, compact physique and a dorsal stripe running down its back. Some hamster breeds are not very friendly and can react when touched. Teddy bear hamsters are amiable and low-maintenance. Needless to say, the hamsters you can buy in a shop are not wild ones. Allocricetulus and Cricetus were sister taxa. that are called teddy bear hamsters and black bear hamsters, so Take that big guy standing up there, for example: Have you ever seen another photo that simultaneously says "Hug me" and "I want to gnaw on your sweet, sweet face-meat"? In fact, scientists believe that the sea squirts (especially in their larval form) may resemble the original ancestor of all vertebrate life on earth. Salmonella and Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, which cause flu-like symptoms, can be spread from hamsters to humans. However, this also depends on the breed. Syrian hamsters are likely to become cannibals if not kept alone. Hamsters aren't the only crepscular mammalswallabies, bobcats, bears, and even many house cats and stray dogs follow the same pattern. This happens only in captivity, as Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures. Like with all other animals, positive reinforcement is the way to go. It may be hard for the babies to not rely on their mother for nursing during this time, so it is important that they are supplied with food to make the transition from nursing to eating on their own easier. However, domestic hamsters don't have these issues. Although these are both vertebrate mammals, beavers are rodents. Golden hamsters are considered vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources' Red List. Hamsters can be good pets for people with allergies to pet fur. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ? 185 following. [15] Although pet hamsters can survive on a diet of exclusively commercial hamster food, other items, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts, can be given. So, the longest you can expect your hamster to live is around four years, at best. Two of the three sampled species within Cricetulus represent the earliest split. The golden hamster or Syrian hamster ( Mesocricetus auratus ) is a rodent belonging to the hamster subfamily, Cricetinae. CUTE! These creatures can grow up to 6 inches in length, making them one of the largest species as well. Hamsters are most active at dusk and dawn. To gain their trust and tame them, cupping your hands to hold them is the best way to handle one. Physical Differences of Male & Female Chimps. Some of the worlds are: Planet Earth, Under The Sea, Inventions, Seasons, Circus, Transports and Culinary Arts. But all the costs add up once owners start to purchase cages, food and toys to keep this cute pet. All. Here are some bear names inspired by nature and the great outdoors. Teddy Bear: Teddy Bear is a term used to describe the long-haired variety of the Syrian Hamster, named so for their remarkable resemblance to toy teddy bears. 9. Other hamster species commonly kept as pets are the three species of dwarf hamster, Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli), the winter white dwarf hamster (Phodopus sungorus) and the Roborovski hamster (Phodopus roborovskii). As teddy bear hamsters can grow to around 5-7 inches, you need to have a cage large enough for it to live and scamper around in. Lithuanian staras "hamster");[9] or of Persian origin (cf. Want to burn your workplace down, beer in hand? T.F.H. As a result, older, more responsible children can think of a bear and realize that they do look alike. Now we all know that these regal creatures are mammals, so they're not as related to fish as you might otherwise think. Neumann et al. Fancy Bear Hamster | small pet Hamsters, Guinea Pigs & More | PetSmart. In the wild, hamsters have burrows with multiple tunnels and chambers with different purposessuch as one for sleeping and one for eliminating. Winter white hamsters change color twice a year. My parents later explained to me that the hamster was unfamiliar with my friends and was actually still getting used to me. However, you shouldnt give your hamster almonds, peanuts, garlic, onions, eggplant, citruses, and tomatoes. Today, pinnipeds are rarely found in freshwater and, needless to say, they gave up on all that "running" bullshit long ago. After they start seeing, it doesnt get much better. cousins. 11. This means that if you buy a hamster, you can expect that it will be most active in the late evenings and early in the morning. 1. Syrian hamsters are also called the golden hamster, the black bear hamster, and the fancy hamster depending on their color and coat types. Well, that first assumption was semi-right, but we were way off the mark on that "huge lazy fatass" part. Pet hamsters can transmit Covid to humans and are the likely source of a recent outbreak of the Delta variant in Hong Kong, data suggests. 2,417 followers. Hamsters are very flexible, however their bones are somewhat fragile. Rats will live anywhere from two to four years. Bernice Quek-December 23, 2022. How could this be right? Syrian hamsters are not extremely friendly and dont like to be around other hamsters. Hamsters are common in nearly every part of the world. In the wild, hamsters like to hide during the day because they are hiding from predators. Some activists attempted to intercept owners who were on their way to turn in pet hamsters and encourage them to choose adoption instead, which the government subsequently warned would be subject to police action. After a brief behind-the-scenes visit from the PFT hamsters (related to we kid you not a livestreamed cricket match in India that is doing bananas traffic), we are rolling again and ready to roll after the first Sunday NFL smorgasbord of the year.And there is plenty of news to get you caught up [more] 8. But they usually don't get friendly with other hamsters; they can get territorial and start fighting with each other. Like other small rodents, they have the need to gnaw and chew to keep their perpetually growing teeth short. [28], When the first reported case of animal-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Hong Kong took place via imported pet hamsters, researchers expressed difficulty in identifying some of the viral mutations within a global genomic data bank, leading city authorities to announce a mass cull of all hamsters purchased after December 22, 2021, which would affect roughly 2,000 animals. They may look somewhat similar with their small eyes and large noses in their cute, hairy faces. Like other hamster breeds, a fancy bear hamster does not stink. Its possible to train a hamster, but its not easy. Your email address will not be published. Although hamsters are native to various parts of the world, Syrian hamsters are the most popular pet hamsters. If you introduce another hamster, they can become highly aggressive, kill their cage mate, and eat them. This kingdom houses all animals, including people. Presumably, their concerts were strictly dance-free. How hamsters hibernate Cricetulus One thing that hamsters are absolute experts at is freezing. Their least favorite is the smell of citruses. when you go to a pet store look really close at a hamster then Others might be too hyperactive to be trained. 13. This might not be very visible in all species. The Syrian hamster is what most people have in mind when thinking about hamsters. Then, as their confidence grows, and over a period of time, you can increase the size. This is the reason why about, 300 cities and the same number of countries prohibit the retail sale of pets. \n(Animal Club, Dwarf Hamster Guide)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Do hamsters recognize their owners? They fall into the class Mammalia (mammals), and belong to the order Rodentia, which contains all rodents. Finally, some might have individual traits that make them less interested in training. Also, essential oils, air fresheners, fabric softeners, and perfumes can all irritate hamsters.\nSo, before handling your hamster, you should wash your hands with perfume-free soap.\nAn interesting fact is that Syrian hamsters dont even like the smell of other hamsters.\n(Hamster guru)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How long can my hamster be left alone? Teddy Bear hamsters are friendly, providing they have undergone proper handling. Hamsters communicate through body language to one another and even to their owner. Hamster cages range from $20-$100 although if you have the time and D.I.Y know-how, check out our step by step guide on how to make a hamster bin cage. However, if you are allergic to anything else connected to pets, like dander or saliva, youll still be allergic to hamsters. Hamsters belong to a family called Cricentidae, which contains all the hamsters. They become aggressive when they dont like their cage mate. Mother hamsters can also use their sense of smell to find their own babies and find out which ones aren't theirs. There are numerous genera that fall under this family. Why Does My Cat Paw My Face When Im Sleeping. They carry food in their spacious cheek pouches to their underground storage chambers. Although no pets are truly hypoallergenic, hamsters are as close to hypoallergenic pets as it gets thanks to their short fur. CodyCross is an addictive game developed by Fanatee. In the wilderness, they have to eat very often but they cant forage for food that often. Cansumys However, people started domesticating them only in the1930's, and by far they have proven to be the most popular and petted breed around the world. So which animals do you think are these doomed little guys' closest living relatives? Typically a female hamster can breed almost nineteen to twenty pups at a time. Common pets throughout the world, hamsters are small, cute and readily available in the pet trade. All hamsters throughout the world are closely related to each other. Before sexual maturity occurs, it is more difficult to determine a young hamster's sex. Eggs are also given to hamsters for protein intake. This occurs even when hamsters are kept as pets and is related to an increase in exercise. Fritzsche indicated although some species have been observed to show more nocturnal activity than others, they are all primarily crepuscular. Two of the most common hamsters include the dwarf hamster and the desert hamster. Their cheek pouches can carry 20% of their weight! [11] In German, the verb "hamstern" is derived from "Hamster". They dont shed a lot and are generally clean. There is plenty of soft sand into which hamsters can burrow. That's right -- Mother Nature engineered horses to flip us a perpetual bird with each foot. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'animalshq_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalshq_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Before I ended up with a hamster in my home, we actually ended up with a hamster in our classroom in elementary school. This means that hamsters like to eat those vegetables and meat. It is also a good idea to keep rodents away from any material that might be hazardous if they chew on it. In other words, hamsters are omnivorous and need a varied diet to stay healthy. Laboratory hamsters have not lost their ability to dig burrows; in fact, they will do this with great vigor and skill if they are provided with the appropriate substrate. 8. The following 14 types of hamsters listed are mostly found in the wild and are almost never kept as pets. Campbells dwarf hamsters that are especially low in energy, drinking and urinating too much, and shivering often, most likely have diabetes. Empower Her. They live in Europe and Asia in rocky areas or deserts. Hamsters can bite children if they are not careful enough. Both Syrian and Russian hamsters mature quickly and can begin reproducing at a young age (45 weeks), whereas Chinese hamsters will usually begin reproducing at two to three months of age, and Roborovskis at three to four months of age. One extinct hamster of Cricetus, for example, lived in North Africa during the Middle Miocene, but the only extant member of that genus is the European or common hamster of Eurasia. The limit is usually two days, but it all depends on how friendly and close to you the hamster typically is. I remember that as a child, I used to get very upset with my hamster because he would never come out and run on the wheel when I had friends over. For example, hamsters are nocturnal by habit. And yes, that also means hyenas are more closely related to cats than to dogs. For example, hamsters also like to choose different corners of their cage for different purposes. 48917 Ridge Tool Company 6-S 32850 B DIY These charming furry babies are also known as golden hamsters or teddy bear hamsters. \nBut be careful to feed them in moderation, as they can become obese easily.\n(PetMD)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which hamsters are the friendliest? Either that, or he's the only animal in nature that's permanently constipated. 2,417 Followers, 185 Following, 107 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bear's Hamsters (@bearshamsters) bearshamsters. Hamsters belong to the Animal Kingdom. Is said to live anywhere from 1 to 3 years. There are a few important points to keep in mind. This is the reason why about 300 cities and the same number of countries prohibit the retail sale of pets. Below is a massive list of bear words - that is, words related to bear. They can run up to three miles per hour on a wheel in their cage. Gestation lasts 16 to 18 days for Syrian hamsters, 18 to 21 days for Russian hamsters, 21 to 23 days for Chinese hamsters and 23 to 30 for Roborovski hamsters. The symptoms of Wet Tail are: severe, foul-smelling diarrhea, soft pale-colored pellets that may contain mucus, lethargy, a wet soiled bottom, and tail, it may walk hunched up and it is likely to squeal in pain. Whales are the gentle giants of the sea, while dolphins are the fun-loving clowns who show up in a lot of female tattoos, despite the fact that they maybe also are serial killers. [8], The name "hamster" is a loanword from the German, which itself derives from earlier Middle High German hamastra. We hope our hamster facts helped you understand these small creatures better and appreciate them even more. ", "Hong Kong hamster massacre: Residents resist 'zero covid' city's pet project", "Coronavirus: 2,000 hamsters to be culled over fears of first animal-to-human transmission in Hong Kong, pet store customers ordered into quarantine",, Taxa named by Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 01:36. Physical Traits. ), and the white-tailed rat (Mystromys albicaudatus). Vertebrates (you, other mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles and amphibians) are the closest evolutionary cousins of the sea squirt. Hamsters are afraid of loud sounds, strong smells, and everything they cant see. They can live up to 2 to 3 years with proper care. The results of another study[6] suggest Cricetulus kamensis (and presumably the related C. alticola) might belong to either this Phodopus group or hold a similar basal position. "Come on, Cracked," you say in your thick Scottish brogue (because we like to imagine that all our readers sound like Sean Connery). In other words, your earliest ancestors may have looked something like this: Jim Williams, Southwest Tennessee Community College. If your hamster doesnt wake up during the day on its own, its essential not to wake them up. Imagine you're an animal attending your evolutionary family reunion (just pretend that's a thing for the sake of this article intro, OK?). The Syrian hamster, which is often referred to as a teddy bear hamster, is probably the one most of us are familiar with. But, with them, the cases of cannibalism are less common. [1][2] They have become established as popular small pets. Like most other pets, theyre born entirely blind. Most dwarf hamsters live only for two years. This breed is found in Syria, where agriculture and. Other names for Syrian hamsters are short-haired, teddy bears, and golden hamsters, because of their fur color. Rodents are experts at escaping, so it is important to find ways to keep them safe from harm. [15] Hamsters have scent glands on their flanks (and abdomens in Chinese and dwarf hamsters) which they rub against the substrate, leaving a scent trail. True, but have you ever taken a close look at a seal's flipper? [3], When seen from above, a sexually mature female hamster has a trim tail line; a male's tail line bulges on both sides.