BLUE-NECKED TANAGER Tangara cyanicollis Perched in the Sun along the Ro Nambillo near Mindo ECUADOR. These all have more than 200,000 inhabitants. By contrast, climate in the Sierra varies more as a function of altitude. Hi, Im Bryan Haines. Traveling to a country where you dont speak the language? Here, average temperatures are 3 to 9C (37.4 to 48.2F), and the precipitation often appears in the form of rain, hail, and thick fog. And the largest population of Ecuadorians outside of Ecuador. Roman Catholic 68.8%, Evangelical 15.4%, Adventist 1.2%, Jehovah's Witness 1%, other 1.3%, agnostic or atheist 1.4%, none 10.1%, don't know/no response 1% (2020 est. The first large-scale emigration of Ecuadorians occurred between 1980 and 2000, when an economic crisis drove Ecuadorians from southern provinces to New York City, where they had trade contacts. Other natural resources include timber and hydropower. According to other sources is, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 02:25. . <p>the US dollar became Ecuador's currency in 2001</p> The 7 Most Picturesque Small Towns In Wisconsin, The 8 Most Picturesque Small Towns In the Adirondack Mountains, The 12 Most Picturesque Small Towns in Tennessee. Ecuador (officially, the Republic of Ecuador) is divided into 24 administrative provinces(provincias, singular - provincia). Guayaquil was settled on July 25, 1535 and gained its independence on October 9, 1820. An estimated 2 to 3 million Ecuadorians live abroad, but increased unemployment in key receiving countries - Spain, the United States, and Italy - is slowing emigration and increasing the likelihood of returnees to Ecuador. )from petroleum and other liquids: 35.329 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. In marvin demoff attorney julie barer interviewmarvin demoff attorney julie barer interview The climate in the Sierra is divided into levels based on altitude. In addition, the country, continental region, latitude and longitude are shown for all cities listed. peterbilt sleeper bedding. Guayaquil is Ecuadors largest city by population (2,278,691). According to the 2010 Census, there are 316,243 Ecuadorians living in the US metro area of New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island (NY-NJ-PA MSA). )carbon dioxide emissions: 41.15 megatons (2016 est. ecuador cities by elevation. The cold level above 450 meters (1,476ft) has temperatures below 14C (57.2F). ), total: 28.8 yearsmale: 28 yearsfemale: 29.6 years (2020 est. )biomass and waste: 1.5% of total installed capacity (2020 est. note: data are in current year dollars$25.89 billion (2019 est.) The Pastaza is formed by the confluence of the Chambo and the Patate rivers, both of which rise in the Sierra. Temperatures average 25C (77F) in the western parts of this region. ), 47.3 (2020 est. In the south, the cordilleras are not well defined. All of these rivers flow into the Amazon River. . ), 45.4% of GDP (2017 est. What cities in Ecuador are on your bucket list? Duran was founded on October 16, 1924, by presidential decree (Leon Febres Cordero). Ecuador: Quito: 2,850 9,350 The largest cities in Ecuador, ranked by population. Manta is home to some of the best beaches in Ecuador (El Murcilago, Santa Marianita, and San Lorenzo). ), $10,700 (2021 est. We like the idea of Cuenca because of the big city amenities, good healthcare, culture, etc. In fact, it is the highest constitutional capital in the world. It is cool along the tropical coast. The city proper must have a population of 175,000 or higher to be on the list. )exports: 0 metric tons (2020 est. )agricultural: 8.076 billion cubic meters (2017 est. By the beginning of the 21st century, more than three-fifths of the Ecuadoran population had become urban dwellers, with most living in the two major cities, Guayaquil and Quito.Guayaquil is the largest city, the major port and commercial centre, and also the cultural centre of the Costa. The first country on the main list, Bolivia, is a country with multiple capitals; La Paz is the seat of the government while Sucre is the constitutional capital. In late 2008, voters approved a new constitution, Ecuador's 20th since gaining independence. The elevation of the city's central square is 2,800 m (about 9,186 ft), making Quito the second-highest administrative capital city in the . Rivers may slow and widen as they cross the hoyas yet become rapid again as they flow from the heights of the Andes to the lower elevations of the other regions. The subtropical level1,800 to 2,500 meters (5,906 to 8,202ft)has temperatures from 15 to 20C (59 to 68F) and moderate precipitation. )imports of goods and services: -21.3% (2017 est. The eastern lowlands in the Oriente experience abundant rainfall, especially in the Andean Piedmont, sometimes exceeding 5,000 millimeters (196.9in) per year. It is home to the countrys most important port (Port of Guayaquil) and most of Ecuadors import/export goods pass through here. It shares maritime borders with Costa Rica. ), conventional long form: Republic of Ecuadorconventional short form: Ecuadorlocal long form: Republica del Ecuadorlocal short form: Ecuadoretymology: the country's position on the globe, straddling the Equator, accounts for its Spanish name, name: Quitogeographic coordinates: 0 13 S, 78 30 Wtime difference: UTC-5 (same time as Washington, DC, during Standard Time)time zone note: Ecuador has two time zones, including the Galapagos Islands (UTC-6)etymology: named after the Quitu, a Pre-Columbian indigenous people credited with founding the city; the name is also a combination of two Tsafiki words: quitso (meaning "center" or "half") + to or tu ("the world"); the combination roughly translates as "center of the world" and reflects the fact that native peoples recognized that at the two annual equinoxes, the overhead sun in that area (only about 20 km (12 mi) north of the equator) did not display any shade and thus must be in the middle of the world, 24 provinces (provincias, singular - provincia); Azuay, Bolivar, Canar, Carchi, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Galapagos, Guayas, Imbabura, Loja, Los Rios, Manabi, Morona-Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Pichincha, Santa Elena, Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas, Sucumbios, Tungurahua, Zamora-Chinchipe, Independence Day (independence of Quito), 10 August (1809), history: many previous; latest approved 20 October 2008amendments: proposed by the president of the republic through a referendum, by public petition of at least 1% of registered voters, or by agreement of at least one-third membership of the National Assembly; passage requires two separate readings a year apart and approval by at least two-thirds majority vote of the Assembly, and approval by absolute majority in a referendum; amendments such as changes to the structure of the state, constraints on personal rights and guarantees, or constitutional amendment procedures are not allowed; amended 2011, 2015, 2018, civil law based on the Chilean civil code with modifications; traditional law in indigenous communities, has not submitted an ICJ jurisdiction declaration; accepts ICCt jurisdiction, citizenship by birth: yescitizenship by descent only: yesdual citizenship recognized: noresidency requirement for naturalization: 3 years, 18-65 years of age; universal and compulsory; 16-18, over 65, and other eligible voters, voluntary, chief of state: President Guillermo LASSO Mendoza (since 24 May 2021); Vice President Alfredo Enrique BORRERO Vega (since 24 May 2021); the president is both chief of state and head of governmenthead of government: President Guillermo LASSO Mendoza (since 24 May 2021); Vice President Alfredo Enrique BORRERO Vega (since 24 May 2021)cabinet: Cabinet appointed by the presidentelections/appointments: president and vice president directly elected on the same ballot by absolute majority popular vote in 2 rounds if needed for a 4-year term (eligible for a second term); election last held on 7 February 2021 with a runoff on 11 April 2021 (next to be held in February 2025)election results: 2021: Guillermo LASSO Mendoza elected president; first round election results: percent of vote - Andres ARAUZ (UNES) 32.72%, Guillermo LASSO Mendoza (CREO) 19.74%, Yaku PEREZ Guartambel (MUPP) 19.38%, Xavier HERVAS Mora (Independent) 15.68%, other 12.48%; second round election results: percent of vote - Guillermo LASSO Mendoza (CREO) 52.5%, Andres ARAUZ (UNES) 47.5%2017: Lenin MORENO Garces elected president in second round; percent of vote - Lenin MORENO Garces (Alianza PAIS Movement) 51.1%, Guillermo LASSO (CREO) 48.9%, description: unicameral National Assembly or Asamblea Nacional (137 seats; 116 members directly elected in single-seat constituencies by simple majority vote, 15 members directly elected in a single nationwide constituency by proportional representation vote, and 6 directly elected in multi-seat constituencies for Ecuadorians living abroad by simple majority vote; members serve 4-year terms); note - all Assembly members have alternates from the same party who cast votes when a primary member is absent, resigns, or is removed from officeelections: last held on 7 February 2021 (next scheduled in February 2025)election results: percent of vote by party - UNES 32.21%, MUPP 16.81%, ID 11.98%, PSC 9.73%, CREO 9.65%, MC-PSE 3.76%, other 15.86%; seats by party - UNES 49, MUPP 27, ID 18, PSC 18, CREO 12, MC-PSE 2, independents 3, other 8; composition as of March 2022 - men 84, women 53, percent of women 38.7%; note - defections by members of National Assembly are commonplace, resulting in frequent changes in the numbers of seats held by the various parties, highest court(s): National Court of Justice or Corte Nacional de Justicia (consists of 21 judges, including the chief justice and organized into 5 specialized chambers); Constitutional Court or Corte Constitucional (consists of the court president and 8 judges)judge selection and term of office: candidates for the National Court of Justice evaluated and appointed justices by the Judicial Council, a 9-member independent body of law professionals; justices elected for 9-year, non-renewable terms, with one-third of the membership renewed every 3 years; candidates for the Constitutional Court evaluated and appointed judges by a 6-member independent body of law professionals; judges appointed for 4-year renewable termssubordinate courts: provincial courts (one for each province except Galapagos); fiscal, criminal, and administrative tribunals; Election Dispute Settlement Courts; cantonal courts, Avanza Party or AVANZA [Javier ORTI Torres]Central Democratic Movement or CD [Jimmy JAIRALA]Citizen Revolution Movement or MRC or RC5 [Rafael CORREA]Creating Opportunities Movement or CREO [Guillermo LASSO]Democratic Left or ID [Rodrigo BORJA Cevallos]Forward Ecuador Movement [Alvaro NOBOA]Pachakutik Plurinational Unity Movement or MUPP [Marlon Rene SANTI Gualinga]Patriotic Society Party or PSP [Lucio Edwin GUTIERREZ Borbua]Popular Democracy Movement or MPD [Luis VILLACIS]Social Christian Party or PSC [Jaime NEBOT Saadi]Socialist Party [Gustavo VALLEJO] Society United for More Action or SUMA [Guillermo CELI], CAN, CD, CELAC, FAO, G-11, G-77, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC (national committees), ICCt, ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC (NGOs), LAES, LAIA, Mercosur (associate), MIGA, MINUSTAH, NAM, OAS, OPANAL, OPCW, OPEC, Pacific Alliance (observer), PCA, PROSUR, SICA (observer), UN, UNAMID, UNASUR, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNIDO, Union Latina, UNISFA, UNMIL, UNMISS, UNOCI, UNWTO, UPU, WCO, WFTU (NGOs), WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO, chief of mission: Ambassador Ivonne Leila Juez De A-BAKI (since 6 February 2020)chancery: 2535 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009telephone: [1] (202) 234-7200FAX: [1] (202) 333-2893email address and website: embassy@ecuador.org general: Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New Haven (CT), New Orleans, New York, Newark (NJ), Phoenix, San Francisco, chief of mission: Ambassador Michael J. FITZPATRICK (since 3 July 2019)embassy: E12-170 Avenida Avigiras y Avenida Eloy Alfaro, Quitomailing address: 3420 Quito Place, Washington DC 20521-3420telephone: [593] (2) 398-5000email address and website: ACSQuito@state.gov general: Guayaquil, three horizontal bands of yellow (top, double width), blue, and red with the coat of arms superimposed at the center of the flag; the flag retains the three main colors of the banner of Gran Colombia, the South American republic that broke up in 1830; the yellow color represents sunshine, grain, and mineral wealth, blue the sky, sea, and rivers, and red the blood of patriots spilled in the struggle for freedom and justicenote: similar to the flag of Colombia, which is shorter and does not bear a coat of arms, Andean condor; national colors: yellow, blue, red, name: "Salve, Oh Patria!" Ecuador; Including the Galpagos Islands: Areas at altitudes <1,500 m (4,921 ft) in the provinces of Carchi, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Morona Santiago, Orellana, Pastaza, and Sucumbios. The above outline map represents Ecuador - a country in northwestern South America. The town of Baos de Agua Santa features hot springs swimming pools on the foothills of the Tungurahua in the Central Cordillera. WHITE-NECKED JACOBIN Female (a hummingbird) Florisuga mellivora Hovering in Sleeping Hibiscus Bush in Mindo, ECUADOR. Located in the Andes Mountains, Cotopaxi is one of the world's highest active volcanoes. In addition, the country, continental region, latitude and longitude are shown for all cities listed. Join us as we share our experiences and the best attractions, animals, and foods from around the world. Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain. But things arent always that simple. Which city is the primary port of Ecuador? The largest city in Ecuador is Guayaquil, with a population of 1,952,029 people. Quitos latitude, elevation, and coordinates, 17 Best Galapagos Beaches (8 Islands) Photos, Snorkeling, Wildlife, Baltra Island Visitor Guide (Galapagos Gateway) 7 Things to Know, 12 Ugly Insects to Avoid (Creepy Facts, Photos) Parasites, Bugs, 9 Safest Countries in Europe: Ranked by Data (Travelers Guide), Camels Have 3 Eyelids: Heres Why (Facts and Functions), Jaguar vs Cheetah: 8 Key Differences Compared (Markings, Habitat, etc), 9 Ugly African Animals to See on Safari: Weird Birds, Mammals, 10 Facts About Darwins Cotton in the Galapagos (Gossypium darwinii), 10 Plantain Recipes: How to Cook Plantains (Videos, Photos, Recipes), 10 Tips for Shopping at an Open Market in Ecuador (11 Spanish Phrases), 11 Facts about Ecuadors Pink Silk Tree (Albizia julibrissin), 11 Facts About Ecuadorian Chicha (Saliva-Fermented Yuca Drink), 13 Tasty Facts About Golden Berries: Andean Uvilla Fruit, 13 Tips for Using City Buses in Cuenca, Ecuador, La Paz, Bolivia: 11,942 feet (3,640 meters), Quito, Ecuador: 9,350 feet (2,850 meters), Sucre, Bolivia: 9,022 feet (2,750 meters). total: 11,467,989 (2020 est. The continental regions extend the length of the country from north to south and are separated by the Andes Mountains. It is a popular destination for both expats and travelers. )forest: 38.9% (2018 est. ), 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2023 est. Most rain falls in April. Quito is also the capital city closest to the equator. Im a traveler and photographer. Rain can also vary on a local basis. The islands have witnessed a large number of tourists and travelers over recent years. The temperate level2,500 to 3,200 meters (8,202 to 10,499ft)- -has a year-round temperature in the range of 10 to 15C (50 to 59F) and an annual rainfall of 1,000 millimeters (39.4in). Cuenca is an especially walkable city. Quito is the political capital of Ecuador. shares the best travel insights, facts, and photos. Copyright & License: Heres a half day, kid friendly walking tour that is one of our favorites. We have a special focus on travel in Ecuador, Africa, and Nova Scotia. Quito is located at 9,350 feet (2,850 meters) above sea level. ), household consumption: 60.7% (2017 est. )6.11% (2020 est. You have to give credit by linking to this Ecuador Elevation Map page. Ecuador has a small but growing immigrant population and is Latin America's top recipient of refugees; 98% are neighboring Colombians fleeing violence in their country. The second-highest capital in the world is Quito which is situated at 2,850 meters / 9,350 ft above sea level. Ecuador's capital and largest city is Quito, which is in the province of Pichincha in the Sierra region. (2020) so also sent to the National Assembly a new regulation proposal that is still under discussion. The Galpagos are located 1,000 kilometres (621mi) west of the Ecuadorian coast. Your card will be charged after your 7 days trial ends. The road from Baos to Puyo has long been known for its narrowness, curves and sheer drops (only one lane in some places, on one area, actually cut into the side of a cliff so that the cliff roofs over it). )exports: 0 cubic meters (2021 est. Above 4,650 meters (15,256ft) is the frozen level, where peaks are constantly capped with snow and ice, and temperatures range from below 0 to 3C (32.0 to 37.4F). Winter, or the rainy season, lasts from January through June, and the dry season or summer from July through December. Quito, Ecuador - 2,850 meters. 22 Sally Lightfoot Crab Facts: Guide to Galapagoss Grapsus grapsus, Ecuador Souvenirs: 16 Best Things to Buy in Ecuador (Food, Art, Textiles). OZOMENE ALTINOTE Actinote ozomene, a BUTTERFLY IN THE GRASS, Reserva Las Gralarias near Mindo, Ecuador. The city is a popular tourist attraction, but several tourists traveling from low altitude areas experience altitude sickness upon landing. Situated at an elevation of 9,350ft, it is the world's second highest capital city and the . Two provinces have the largest number of media outlets: Guayas has 172 media outlets and Pichincha has 130 media outlets. The most significant include the Babahoyo, Chira, Coca, Curaray, Daule, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Napo, Paztaza and the Putumayo, on its northeastern border with Colombia. The highest mountain peak (Chimborazo) is at 6,267 meters. With each ascent of 200 meters (656ft) in altitude, temperature drops 1C (1.8F). When you use our links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Ecuador is thus one of the largest countries in the Americas and the 78th biggest in the world. ), urban population: 64.8% of total population (2023)rate of urbanization: 1.62% annual rate of change (2020-25 est. Coordinates: 200S 7730W / 2.000S 77.500W / -2.000; -77.500. ), degree of risk: high (2020)food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fevervectorborne diseases: dengue fever and malaria, total: 3.05 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. The forest fragments that still survive are primarily found along the coastal mountain ranges of Mache-Chindul, Jama-Coaque, and Chongon-Colonche, and include tropical dry forest, tropical wet forest, tropical moist evergreen forest, premontane cloud forest, and mangrove forest. ), municipal solid waste generated annually: 5,297,211 tons (2015 est. Guayaquil is located on the Guayas River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean. martha washington inn restaurant; bc lions coaching staff 2020; bullhead city river run 2022. First, this list gives an overview of major cities in Ecuador, organized by largest to smallest (according to population). Natural hazards in Ecuador include frequent earthquakes, landslides, volcanic activity; periodic droughts and floods. )-0.34% (2020 est. The city of Quito in the Republic of Ecuador is the second-highest capital city in the world at an altitude of 9,350ft above the sea level. ), forest revenues: 0.27% of GDP (2018 est. Partial, incomplete table of volcanoes in the north of the Ecuadorian Andes, from north to south: Much of the Oriente is tropical moist broadleaf forest (Spanish: la selva), on the east slopes of the Andes Mountains and descending into the Amazon Basin, with strikingly different upland rainforest with steep, rugged ridges and cascading streams (can be seen around Puyo) and lowland rainforest. Cuenca has 36 parroquias (parishes). ), 16.19 births/1,000 population (2023 est. Lines of latitude indicate the distance of a location north or south of the equator (an imaginary line halfway between the North and South Pole). Several of the larger islands, however, have freshwater springs. It is knowns as the city of the RoyalTamarind Trees. )$182.165 billion (2020 est. And Im a co-founder of Storyteller.Travel. Ecuador is located on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and has 2,237 km of coastline. (We Salute You, Our Homeland)lyrics/music: Juan Leon MERA/Antonio NEUMANEnote: adopted 1948; Juan Leon MERA wrote the lyrics in 1865; only the chorus and second verse are sung, total World Heritage Sites: 5 (3 cultural, 2 natural)selected World Heritage Site locales: Historic Quito (c); Galpagos Islands (n); Historic Cuenca (c); Qhapaq an/Andean Road System (c); Sangay National Park (n), highly informal South American economy; USD currency user; major banana exporter; hard hit by COVID-19; macroeconomic fragility from oil dependency; successful debt restructuring; China funding budget deficits; social unrest hampering economic activity, $189.88 billion (2021 est. The central belt of Ecuador that includes the Andes Mountains, inland from the coast; with volcanoes and mountain peaks that sport year-round snow on the equator; many areas long since deforested by agriculture; a number of cut-flower growing operations; at a certain altitude, cloud forests may be found. )expenditures: $38.08 billion (2017 est. The Costa Internal, by contrast, is crossed by perennial rivers that may flood during the rainy season, sometimes forming swamps. Officially, Duran is the name of the canton (county) with Eloy Alfaro as its capital. As you plan your trip (or relocation) to Ecuador, its good to know about the major cities. NEW!Interactive Color Elevation Map, Note:Please note that Ecuador Elevation Map is in alpha. )$7.137 billion (31 December 2020 est. The few exceptions are the longer, perennial rivers that flow throughout the Costa Externa from the Costa Internal and the Sierra on their way to the Pacific Ocean. note: Ecuador has declared its right to extend its continental shelf to 350 nm measured from the baselines of the Galapagos Archipelago Climate tropical along coast, becoming cooler inland at higher elevations; tropical in Amazonian jungle lowlands Terrain ), $29.325 billion (2021 est.) In its upper reaches, the Napo flows rapidly until the confluence with one of its major tributaries, the Coca River, where it slows and levels off. Although Ecuador marked 30 years of civilian governance in 2004, the period was marred by political instability. Why is New York called Ecuadors 3rd largest city? Rare cases in other provinces in areas <1,500m (4,921 ft). So . )exports: 1.826 billion kWh (2019 est. Biggest Cities In Ecuador 1. The two primary cities in Ecuador are Guayaquil and Quito the commercial and political capitals, respectively. )exports of goods and services: 20.8% (2017 est. The Napo ranges in width from 500 to 1,800 meters. SCARLET-BELLIED MOUNTAIN TANAGER Anisognathus igniventris on a Stalk of Gunnera Fruit at Yanacocha in Northwestern Ecuador. What is thehighest capital city in the world? Many taxi drivers in Ecuador lived in the States for many years. Major rivers in the Oriente include the Pastaza, Napo, and Putumayo. Factors that . These cantons are further subdivided into parishes (parroquias). Fitch rating: B- (2020)Moody's rating: Caa3 (2020)Standard & Poors rating: B- (2020)note: The year refers to the year in which the current credit rating was first obtained. Guayaquil is the commercial center for Ecuador. It has 2237 km of land boundaries, with Colombia in the north (708 km border) and Peru in the east and south (1,529 km border). The rivers rise from snowmelt at the edges of the snowcapped peaks or from the abundant precipitation that falls at higher elevations. The Oriente has a fairly uniform climate that varies only slightly between the two subregions. ), 3.142 million Guayaquil, 1.957 million QUITO (capital) (2023), at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female0-14 years: 1.04 male(s)/female15-64 years: 0.98 male(s)/female65 years and over: 0.89 male(s)/femaletotal population: 0.98 male(s)/female (2023 est. )proven reserves: 24 million metric tons (2019 est. There are also fishing industry and cattle ranches in the valley. BLUE-CAPPED TANAGER Thraupis cyanocephala in the Tandayapa Valley of Northwestern ECUADOR. 50 ft) to 300m (approx. Elevation: 13 feet (4 meters) Land area: 133 sq mi (344 km 2) Postal code: 090101 to 090158 Time zone: UTC-5 (ECT) Climate: (Aw) Tropical savanna climate (tropical wet and dry climate) Weather: Generally hot and humid. The central part of Ecuador is crossed by the Andes, which are divided into two mountain ranges and include several volcanoes of considerable height. )1 (2020 est. Cuenca is a small, clean city located in the southern portion of Ecuador. 16m Riga , Latvia. The following is a list of the world's major cities (either capitals, more than one million inhabitants or an elevation of over 1,000 m [3,300 ft]) by elevation. NEW! Highest town in Ecuador. The temperate level experiences rainstorms, hailstorms, and fog. )3.81% (2019 est. In addition, of the 956 registered media, 58% are radio and 18% print. Temperature is determined by altitude. The total population of Ecuador is 17,246,500 as of 27-May-19 , which represents 0.22% of global population and ranks Ecuador # 68 worldwide. More than half of all residents (64%) live within cities. Some 38% of Ecuador's land is forested,[5] and despite a 1.5% annual deforestation rate remains one of the most biodiverse locations on the planet. Situated at an elevation of 9,350ft, it is the world's second highest capital city and the oldest among all the South American capitals. Villa de San Francisco de Quito, or Quito, is Ecuador's capital and second-largest city. Guayaquil is abeautiful coastal city and is Ecuadors most populated city. With a population of 1,397,698 according to the last census (2001), and, as estimated by the municipality, approximately 1,504,991 in 2005, Quito is the second most populous city in Ecuador, after Guayaquil. Quito, Quito Canton, Pichincha, 170130, Ecuador, Ecuador> Galpagos> Cantn San Cristbal, Isla Floreana, Cantn San Cristbal, Galpagos, Ecuador, Isla Pinta, Parroquia Santa Rosa, Cantn Santa Cruz, Galpagos, Ecuador, Barrio La Victoria, El Sagrario, Ibarra, Imbabura, 100105, Ecuador, Ecuador> Santa Elena Province> Elena Canton, Junta del Pacifico, Parroquia Simn Bolvar, Elena Canton, Santa Elena Province, Ecuador, Peaje, Durn, Duran, Durn, Guayas, Ecuador. )1 (2018 est. )$11,400 (2019 est. The elevation of the places in Ecuador is also provided on the maps. Locally, the fruit is known as tamarindo. The pleasant, spring-like temperatures throughout the year are the greatest benefit of Quito's high elevation. Throughout Ecuador variation in rainfall primarily determines seasons. )$10,400 (2020 est. These maps also provide topograhical and contour idea in Ecuador.