The spirits and locks cannot be fully removed without the onset of a major war or 40% War Support. Twilight and her friends restored the Crystal Empire's Crystal Heart and drove off Sombra, this time keeping the Crystal Empire intact. The economic tree will gradually increase your science base and decrease your illiteracy and poverty, and you can increase your development by taking the Improve Society decision that should appear. ), Have the social-democrats win and you get your focus tree (You are a social-democratic state, you can even work together with Equestria. Could you please explain why your flair changes to something (usually vaguely sexual) every little while? This Admiral has a knack for giving the right quote to the right person. However, they never formally joined Equestria, and their legal status is currently in question. Maud Pie, full name Maudileena Daisy Pie, is Pinkie Pie's elder sibling. The left branch starts with two mutually exclusive focuses which can buff your defensive capabilities in different ways for three years. However now she has fled the country and taken refuge in her homeland of Equestria. Or will this be the end of Harmony for the ponies? These focuses may also affect your options in future focus trees, so keep that in mind. It remains to be seen if she can effectively run a whole nation as well as she can run a city. However, in these changing times, the fate of nations no longer rests upon shoulders of heroes, but politics and military might. You can spend blood on various effects, such as resources, non-core ponypower, and even cores on Kasa, Austurland and the River Coalition. There are Earth Ponies, with a strength and affinity for growth and life, Pegasi, with the ability to fly and manipulate weather, and Unicorns, spellcasters with horns capable of impressive feats of magic. ), Do the 'Finis Omnarium Vitarum' focus and wait a long time, Once the event 'Will to Carry On' triggers the eventchain starts (You'll eventually find out that the windigos are behind most of your tyrannical actions. Each focus will give short and/or long-term benefits, and while you can take all of them before moving on in the focus tree, it will be very time-consuming. Your generation has failed lets hope the next generation does not. I hope you enjoy the mod and its secrets as much as I did. The coring mechanics remain the same for this path as well. Naturally, the player will want to reach it as soon as possible. An ancient land whose exact origins are shrouded in myth and legend, Equestria is the nation of ponykind, of the three equine races which unified to face a hostile world. And our guns will blow your brains oooout! Media Personality A zealous crackdown by the Equestrian Guard sparked an uprising, and eventually lead to Severnaya's secession from Equestria as a Communist state, naming itself Stalliongrad. If you finished building the Temple during the Pentarchy focus tree, Repurpose Temple will allow you to use the Blood Mechanics. However, your blood stockpile drains by half every month, so make sure to spend it whenever you have enough for the effect you want. While Storm King was preparing his ambitious invasion of Equestria, Fizzlepop managed to capture Princess Twilight Sparkle while she was on Mount Aris. Luna must choose who to seek support from. Her magical talent is extremely impressive, yet whenever she faced grave dangers and threats, it was friendship that saved her. Each month, every single casualty you inflict in war will give you one blood. What is the second southern war for Baltimare? Sense of duty, greed, boredom, in the end all they accomplish is ruining a few parties. The heart of the tree is the Wartime Reforms, which lock off a variety of focuses that make Equestria incredibly powerful and dangerous. Bitter and lonely, Fizzlepop left her homeland to Zebrica, where she eventually stumbled into the Storm King. Leopold Schmeller, a sickly griffon from the Herzland who believes that technological enhancement replacing flesh would allow Griffonia to thrive through the leadership of mechanical demigods. If Luna successfully resisted Nightmare Moon, the maluses will be removed and Luna will assume her place as a true co-equal ruler alongside Celestia. For Viira to take her place as the Herald of Barrad, she must first defeat the surviving members of the Pentarchy before claiming the reactor. Hailing from the wide, warm open plains of southwest Equestria, Maxos Eternal was part of the last generations of rural frontierspony and later a successful landowning rancher. Princess Luna will take up the cause, eventually leading to a referendum on welcoming Thestrals into Equestria. fantastical world of Equestria from the My Little Pony franchise, dimmed A diverse, vast realm of stories and myths, Northern Zebrica. Any tips on how to blitz equestria as the changelings so that I can get to the ELF without having changelings at the end of the tech tree waiting to nuke me? The main mechanics, however, are in the decisions tab. Pentarchy Dead!-Whoops, all corpses! ), Just let either the fascists or commies win for their respective focus trees (The commies can go democratic socialist, vanguardist or national socialist. Luna may give in or resist. Once the various industrial, scientific and military problems have been addressed, Silver Star can finally turn his attention to the conquest of the Riverlands. Granny Smith is the oldest living member of the vast Apple family. For Cyanolisia: I added it with the Asterion secret as you can also do it as Asterion. Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications. After almost single-hoofedly turning around a naval battle in the middle of the night against a much larger enemy force Evening Squall was first given the nickname "Nightmare of Solomon" by enemy forces but it was soon adopted by Equestrian naval personnel. The two off-split branches focus on magical equipment, artillery and tanks, giving them large bonuses at the expense of increased production cost. Instead of being shown all at once or loading in entirely new trees, instead it just continues downward whenever a "segment" of the tree is finished. Note, however that killing Silver Star will decrease your resources, similarly to destroying Asinti's temple. Despite the Diarchial power structure, Equestria has always been ruled by Celestia, leaving Luna to assume a supporting role. Little is known about Zecora. However, you will also gain a decision once you have annexed Wittenland to claim the crown for your own, coring all of their territory and renaming your nation. Thanks to Level 2 Light Cruiser and Destroyer technology, Equestria can pick up a fight with the dangerous Changeling submarines, who will surely try to wreak havoc on the convoy trade routes. Now she has returned to Equestria and embraced her former name, travelling the land and aiding fellow ponies. At the top is a timer for Count Ambrosius, and every time it reaches 0 a random effect will occur. Is there a mean time post-civil war? Otherwise, the chance varies from low to almost-certain. Barrad became shrouded in mist and clouds, nopony knowing what was happening within for weeks until they cleared. But Sombra, bitter with his imminent imprisonment, cursed the Crystal Empire, locking it away along with him. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. ), Do the convention until you get the event Suspicions, pick the option Thats nonsense., The fascists will win the convention and an eventchain surrounding Povner will start, In the event The Showdown pick the option Or id rather not. Ambrosius rules as a single dude. After some time, Cadence was installed as the leader of the Crystal Empire and safekept it along with her husband. The eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Biographies for all five members are available by pressing Ctrl + P to open the Pentarchy menu. Life is peaceful, slow and mostly uneventful. The first section will result in locking your economy and conscription laws to Civilian Economy and Volunteer Only, but will almost immediately be counteracted with incredibly powerful national spirits which will give huge amounts of recruitable population and excellent economic benefits. If the 'mod' folder doesn't exist, create it. Fancy Pants is a renowned member of the old Canterlot elite aristocracy, a shrewd businesspony and a clever diplomat. Biography: Myths and fables tell of two regal sisters who ruled together, creating harmony for all the land. As the Host, go communist and don't do the Land distribution stuff in time. You will also make the former Pentarchy members undead generals, with Asinti and Leopold being available if they remained alive by the end of the Viira fight. Her greatest abilities, though, are available in the state GUI. He is widely known to be an arrogant and lazy snob, which is why it was a great surprise when he volunteered to join the officer corps of the Equestrian Army. If a civil war begins, the maluses will be removed and the player will be able to choose to play as Equestria, its vassals (if they have not pursued independence), or the Lunar Empire. In this very community Soarin is the second-in-command of the Wonderbolts, a team of expert pegasus fliers. ), Pick the option that ends the Reformisten (else you get annexed by Hellquil), You get the event 'A New Dawn' turning you into a bandit state (You get a new focus tree with Rosa Heidenreich as queen. Demon Nation, Leopold Ascension-Giant Mecha-Bird makes a mecha-nation. His is the largest of the three Pentarchy members, having two distinct paths available depending on whether you gave your undead autonomy. All may seem well, but the Changelings to the north remain united, now eyeing Equestria with a new desire: revenge. Full list of ids you can find in file \events\SuperEvents.txt. However, Equestria starts with a 70% discount to Fighters, allowing it to quickly begin Fighter I production. twists, such as the notion of industrialization, far-reaching corruption Peace and Prosperity reigned, and the years grew into centuries. 2.5. Cruel, dangerous, but powerful, the five magocrats are the undisputed masters of Barrad, although they occasionally squabble amongst themselves. Note that the choice of leaders differs slightly depending on the selection of a Republic or Constitutional Monarchy. Otherwise, it works similarly to the Fallen Pentarchy path: working to secure Barrad against its enemies. Ambrosius rules as a single dude, Asinti Ascension-Zebra gets possessed by demons. But more is happening here then meets the eye, with strange horrors and unnatural occurrences taking place every day. While typically capitalists like him are regarded as mean and greedy, Filthy Rich is an amicable and kind pony. Each region provides 7-12 infantry divisions at near full equipment level, each with 6 infantry battalions and a support artillery battalion. The lower half branches into two paths, with the left focusing on military modernization and doctrinal advancement, and the right granting a research slot, even more factories, resources and a way to fully remove the Outdated Industrial Sector development. The player should monitor the changelings, plan accordingly, and avoid accidentally starting a 70-day focus just before the changelings begin to justify. An April Fools Crossover with The New Order: Last Days of Europe, which is vastly different from other paths. As the tree is progressed, the player will be offered choices as to the severity of the wartime reforms - reluctant rearmament without compromising pony values, a desperate embrace of military reform and new powers for a new era of war, or a middle path between the two. Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost. View submissions made for community contests! The second segment grants increased research speed, a research slot and war goals on Austurland and Kasa. Is it something new in a more recent version of the game or was it implemented with the initial Manehatten patch? Over the years, Count Ambrosius invited other like-minded creatures to join his court, free to pursue knowledge without ethical strings attached. Wait a year or two until you get the 'Whispers of the Shadows' event, Just do the events and you'll see (A balrog will appear from the darkness and if you do the wrong choices the state will be evacuated and you lose all factories in it aswell as military acces. The right path increases your scientific capabilities, granting two research slots, research bonuses and an upgrade to your scientific base. In her youth she was a regular unicorn filly and dreamt of enrolling in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, but then an ursa minor attacked her and broke her horn. If Equestria is losing a defensive non-civil war (>10% surrender) with a major, it can recruit militias from 5 regions for 40 political power each. The Forgotten Tribe spirit represents the ancient schism between Thestrals (Batponies) and the three other races. Their achievements in defeating Discord, King Sombra, Lord Tirek and other terrors have become legendary. In 979 ALB New Mareland, which had heavily invested in the growing markets of the Griffonian Empire, suffered economic disaster as the Griffonian Empire collapsed into warring states and revolutionary uprisings. Equestria has lived in harmony for a millennium under the guidance of the Alicorn Princess, Celestia. Once you choose one, the focuses following it will grant reduced production cost of infantry equipment, buffs to magical equipment and a large bonus to combat on core territory. Coco Pommel began her career as a humble assistant and dressmaker, before being hired by Rarity to help her run her chain of boutiques. Mournful but resolute, Celestia ruled Equestria under the mantle of Harmony and its guiding philosophy of cooperation, friendship, and trust, supported by careful management of ecological and climate balance. In 991 ALB the Northern Equestrian Region of Severnaya faced crop failure and impending famine. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As such, the country is less open to radical changes. After the civil war, once you complete "Glory to the south-east" As Lavender Berry. While hard to imagine, Barrad has not always been the place of dark magic it is now. Thanks very much. He usually aids Spitfire, the leader of the Wonderbolts, in her duty and acts as her replacement when needed. ), Do all focuses up until 'Springtime for Greiwald', Once the Changelings are annexed, do the 'A Change of Pace' decision (You get a new focus tree where you invite more and more Changelings into the government until they eventually take control. The nation has faced many recent threats and prevailed with the Power of Friendship and Harmony. Meanwhile, Luna grows more comfortable in her role as ruler, and has created an ambitious proposal to heal the ancient rift between Thestral and Pony. Or they may hold a referendum and embark on government reform, ranging from a renewal of the existing system, a total transformation to a Democratic Republic, or something in between. This can be a research boost or malus, increased or decreased relations between Pentarchy members, and more. Then, the Equestrian Civil War will truly begin. Behind the scenes, her alter ego Nightmare Moon will attempt to prepare for, and provoke, a civil war. The community subreddit of Equestria at War, a My Little Pony inspired mod for the video game Hearts of Iron 4. Despite being a pony of few words, his image as a hoof-buster is mostly a legend. No longer the holders of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia and Luna's banishment spell on Sombra and the Crystal Empire faded, returning both the Empire and Sombra to Equestria. Empires rose and fell, but Equestria remained. However it is rumoured she has some confidence issues which she hides from others. The growing Equestrian Capitalist Class charged extortionate rates for food and refused to drop prices. She is the sole inhabitant of the monster-filled Everfree Forest and is a skilled brewer of potions who speaks solely in rhymes. These have various bonuses, as shown below. Ruthless in his business tactics though perhaps not the sharpest at governmental administration as demonstrated by his first and only term as Mayor of Ponyville, his skills at the trade floor translate well to the negotiations table in economic matters. If he considered Asinti and/or Silver Star enemies, they will be killed, but if they were considered friends than Leopold will allow them to become generals once more or act as advisors, which will be represented by national spirits. Revolutionaries began to speak of an alternative system, where all are equal. From time to time brave ponies and griffons from nearby countries band together to try their luck in our lands driven by a variety of reasons. Taking the focuses relating to the fate of the Pentarchy will grant a research slot and largely depend on the past relationship Leopold had with the other members. In recognition of their protection, Celestia permanently entrusted the Elements to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Her own talent is almost unsurpassed, and she has many ideas about improving our doctrine of aerial warfare. It is fast and provides quick bonuses, hinging around simply having too large an army for the River Coalition to fight. While Leopold gets no direct war goals in his tree, he does get access to raiding decisions on all of his neighbors. Equestria at War is a Game Mod for Paradox Interactive's Grand Strategy Game Hearts of Iron IV and a Fan Game of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic that blends the detailed World War II and political simulation of Hearts of Iron IV with a modified, grimmer version of the My Little Pony setting and storyline. Zombie caste system ensues. However, when she presented her bounty to Storm King, he still refused to restore her horn, which enraged Tempest. Once it was a province of the Kingdom of Wittenland, one rich and filled with abundant minerals and fertile farmlands. We t. This path contains a Tenochtitlan State University, granting an extra research slot. She has lived in Ponyville her entire life and is the grandmother of Applejack, the Element of Honesty. Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, relies on Fast Clip to keep the training right on schedule and ensure training days run smoothly and efficiently. He's regarded as the most important pony in the capital alongside the Princesses, and indeed wields considerable influence. Neighsay is strict and conservative, preferring to do things by the EEA guidelines. This tree leads to a variety of new capabilities - new generals, new command staff and advisers, and new decisions unlocked to change your conscription laws and making it possible to change economic laws instantly. The right path is unlocked if Silver Star gave full autonomy to his undead in the previous tree. You can only form one or the other, so choose wisely. There are also Thestrals (also referred to as Batponies), who are night-dwelling cousins to the Pegasi, and are occasionally considered the fourth equine race. ), Play as the changelings, conquer Equestria and release Manehattan, Do all focuses, you should get a new focus tree by event to find the mane six (You basically create a harmonic constitutional monarchy under Twilight. Viira, for all her immense power, still has her limits. The army tree is fairly generic, giving a choice between Mobile Warfare, Grand Battleplan and Superior Firepower doctrine, as well as research bonuses. Progressing down the tree will give free military factories as well as infantry divisions, and will eventually remove the Fallen Pentarchy national spirit you receive at the start of the tree. Now that war has come, she has joined the army to defend her home and family and quickly climbed through the ranks. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It has also ensured peace in the land for over a thousand years. Her leadership and organization skills means she would do an excellent job at guiding the magical research department, and she is excited to take the job, even if it means she has to temporarily step down as the headmare of the School of Friendship. Do all the focuses and conquer all the territories so you can do the focus A Grateful World. -Giant Mecha-Bird makes a mecha-nation. And Viira, a magical deer with incredible abilities for her race, who wants to dominate the material realm through her magic so she can bring this knowledge and rule back to the rest of deerkind. The focuses are fairly straightforward, all centering on preparing Barrad for conflict against its future enemies. Centuries passed, and Celestia rarely spoke of Luna's banishment and the times before it. They cannot imagine anyone else leading them. Always increase fascist popularity so he wins the battle. With the recent return of Princess Luna to assist her in rulership, Princess Celestia continues to perpetuate the long, relative peace for all the ponies of Equestria. Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match. Only in this tree, the effects you receive are much stronger. She passes the rule to Ambrosius, the rightful king of machine gods or something. While she lives in rural Ponyville, she admires the urban elite of Canterlot and emulates them whenever possible, but never forgets her roots. Shocked by the crackdown and ensuing violence, Princess Celestia withdrew Equestrian Forces from the region, and fired the Captain of the Guard. Do not take the decision to "Look Through It's Remains" after Silver Star's ascension if you wish to go down this path, as it will remove "Undead Autonomy" and lock you out of it. Air Force Commander (Famine strikes and if no one decides to help you a fourth of your nation dies. Using more magic in her last mana state will turn Barrad into a body without a head. Any country with the same original tag as. He crowned the Alicorn Sisters Celestia and Luna as Princesses of Equestria, tasking them with ruling and protecting the land from harm. However, the true power of this path lies outside of her focus tree: her abilities. For Viira to be able to control the immense power that the reactor and the being inside it contains, she must first understand what is behind the strange happenings in Barrad. Having tricked his soldiers and impressed him with his combative personality, the Storm King offered her the vacant position of second-in-command. She is known for her shyness, but also her beauty and hidden assertiveness that is revealed whenever her friends are threatened. She has been called the best flier in all of Equestria and her large ego is only inflated further by this. A member of the Pie family, Limestone is Pinkie Pie's older sister. : 1-877-SIGNAGE (1-877-7446243) Without her magic, her friends soon abandoned her and joined the School for Gifted Unicorns. ), You'll get an event 'Maar Beckons' (You get a new focus tree and become the archon of maar. There are Crude Clockworks, the weakest and cheapest type, Military Clockworks, which are more expensive and powerful, and Commanding Clockworks which increase the division's organization. (Once you finish the eventchain you get the 'Powerful Necromancer' trait. It is also important to note that Equestria starts with Naval Bomber I's carrier variant already researched. You need to create a stalemate. Silver Ascension. Dread league spoilers im mad I didnt get the ending event. Instead, Viira becomes a national spirit in a supporting role, and decisions unlock to use her new powers to aid your divisions in war. The nation has faced many recent threats and prevailed with the Power of Friendship and Harmony. The recent campaign to welcome the Fourth Tribe into Equestria has changed this, and Princess Luna has now assumed a complementary role alongside her sister, working to realise the dreams of her subjects. The scenario focuses on global confrontation between Changelings and Equestria. The Dual Monarchy was restored even as Equestria faced new challenges, including increasing tensions with the Buffalo Tribes and the escape of chaotic demigod Discord. A complete list of music and images used in the mod is in the credits.txt file. There she fell in love with a young Shining Armour, and married him. The center branch gives wargoals on Wittenland, Kasa and Austurland first, Gryphian Host second, and the rest of the River Coalition last.