Made in 1890s for the Grand Duchess Vladimir. The South Node shows past lives, you see. When you ask Why are so many of us doing so much feeling for a story that isnt ours? you are asking an excellent question. Ive said before that the astrological charts for Harry and Meghan remind me of an actress and producer, with a foreign production team. It doesnt require a Royal to do it. Dear Jessica, I have to share something with you. The monarchy itself goes through these stages, doesnt it? Perhaps the family tree needs to be tended or amended; pruned or helped to rejuvenate. What on earth was going on in America, in the years that Andrew was a target and then Meghan appeared (meeting story details may vary). At this point I think the team behind the disruption rather over-reached themselves. Again, thats a red flag. I have been amazed that some people still seem to find their behaviour acceptable, until I considered that unless a person has experienced narcissistic abuse, or studied it, they have no frame of reference for it. Once you see the geopolitics and the financials, the new battle front of Australia in this manufactured online feud becomes nice and clear. Playing a role! You have added so much to this ongoing story and there will be a lot of readers who are very grateful to you. Unless you want to disrupt the Church of England, of course, by basically undermining the sanctity of the holy ceremony three days later. It can also happen, at best, every 12 years. Interesting that Leo is monarchy and loyalty, hes switched his loyalty to his Leo wife. I personally think the C of E This is going to be a tremendous territorial divide of world leadership, particularly in respect of those leaders children, successors or dynasties. Is there anything else on its way that I should prepare for? of the wedding. I have posted the astrological chart for the Church of England on the prediction about Charles, elsewhere, but it clearly shows an historic crisis, in the first instance between March and June 2023. Frances/Margrete Fredkulla/Isabelle de Valois /Jeanne Grey/Lucille Ricksen etc. King Charles & Camillas wedding, of course is a different matter. Both fell in love with captains. I have read and understood the privacy and cookie policy and agree to the processing of my data and the use of cookies in accordance with it. A thought about Plutos move into Aquarius. Once the relationship was made public, she tweeted My cup runneth over. Well, Harry does have that finance-driven chart. I agree with you, Charles and Camilla pursued their love for each other while Diana suffered. This feature may end up being most commented of 2023 on my website by the time we finish the first phase of Pluto in Aquarius (June 2023) which is the cycle behind all this monarchy malarkey. The race card is being used repeatedly in this saga even when there is no racism whatsoever. I published this astrological profile of Prince Harry before he announced his first public event since the release of Spare. I see that there is malice, intentionality, histrionic personality disorder, revenge etc. Part of me does wonder if part of this is karmic revenge by the Russians for George V refusing Tsar Nicholas 2 and his family asylum in the UK during WW1 which then resulted in the Romanovs being killed by the Bolsheviks. Not only did Angie foresee "another big" album from Harry, but she also predicted that his new film endeavor . While compiling this chapter, I asked Nick Campion (Author of Born to Reign) his views on whether he thought Britain would become a republic. You gain in flexibility and adaptability what you lose in self-assertion or in pragmatism. The synchronicity around Diana may have been that she predicted Charles would never be king. Perhaps, the importance of Mercury in the Oscars' chart, the planet of communication, gave a nod towards Read more Once you read this as an information war with quite a lot of money and vested interest behind it, you can see why China and Russia would either piggyback on the drama and ride it, to help fracture the Commonwealth or even destroy it. Bizarre. Please correct me if I am wrong, but it makes sense that a major change / scandal or whatever is coming related to the church would affect the relations between Irland and Northern Ireland. Ive just read about a French court ordering the removal of a statue of Our Lady from a town off the west coast of France citing separation of church and state. The controversial beard, much discussed in Spare, is also discussed here. I have been struck by the glaring inconsistencies with the Sussexes, too numerous to mention, but one example being Harry starring in a campaign for Travalyst, founded by him, for sustainable travel, and then taking private flight after private flight, with considerable carbon output. The US court system includes a discovery process. When you say you are mesmerised and dont know why, thats really interesting. Anyone can book a room. Neil Sean also reminds us that Angela Kellys third book of her publishing deal , sanctioned by the Queen, is yet to appear karma on its way for Harry perhaps? Thank you for your insights, Jessica. On another note, it was announced just before Christmas that Soho House has paid $20m for a new location to open an outpost in Sydney how the web widens! He saw that Princess Diana and her boyfriend were in the car. We called the Archbishop and we just said, Look, this thing, this spectacle is for the world but we want our union between us. So, the vows that we have framed in our room are just the two of us in our backyard with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Who is the producer of the Shakespearean drama in front of us? It is clear to you that the cold war never stopped. Yes. We have been paying attention, unlike much of the mainstream media, not all. Our late Queen. I am a woman of color (mixed per DNA as both my parents are of African American and UK ancestry) who is married to a Caucasian man and we have both experienced the racist remarks and microaggression from dating and marrying outside our race. Racing to The Daily Mail, Lesley. I think Harry has been trying to replace his mother in his life and in Meghan he feels he has found that replacement. This is beginning to look like batten down the hatches and also umbrellas up for the younger Royals The Royal family manage their inheritance because they produce the heirs and spares who rule Britain and the Commonwealth. There is at least the 2026 cut-off year for all these wired, wild, unstable trends. That tiara is known as the Russian emerald headdress. A gardener? It will take around nine months to complete. Foreign agents (Of course it is being pumped out online at. Thats March. Sweden is close to joining NATO, its true. An interesting fact is that the current Lord Chamberlain is Lord Parker, who was Director of MI5 until 1st April 2021. I feel very sorry for Harry. I wish Id read your comment before I recorded the YouTube Premiere about Lunar New Year, as family tree upheaval is part of the prediction. Ah, thank you so much Elaine, you are far too kind, but I appreciate it. A marriage for Harry? Thank you. Intuitively I have always known that Princess Diana was murdered by the Royals. Interesting. It takes quite a lot of money to fund the trolls who manufacture the war on Meghan. The other thing that raised my eyebrows was Megan saying she did not know of Prince Harry, although she was regularly traveling to London many times before they met. Too constrained in their thinking. Meghan said on Oprah she already knew Princess Eugenie before she met H. Makes his comment in Spare that she didnt know who Eugenies father Prince Andrew was, seem suspect. Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. I would love to read your take on that. Why the subliminal messaging? You are so objective and unselfish in all you do. She demonstrates strong leadership qualities and an affinity for royal protocol despite her young age. You can see it in the comments on here. I wonder if this was on the storyboard along with Wallis Simpson and Princess Diana? Many people agree with you that Meghan is a plant. It is interesting and fascinating that he did not write about this in his book: omissions in Spare. It never completely disappears. It was rumoured she was pushed out of a window. Maybe thats Meghans plan. Ive had a few Anglican readers here and on Twitter who do not accept that two people who committed adultery and divorced, should represent the Church of England. And a monarchy is nothing without its people. Blind spots. Tara the Tarot Buff Buffington seemed to imply that she was afraid for Harrys personal safety with Meghan, again apologies if I have misinterpreted that, but that is what I took from her reading. However, after the demise of Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette came the years of The Terror for France. especially her latest video titled Are Harry and Meghan political pawns ? The way Harry tells it in Spare, One of the five stood out. I wonder if the church knows that maybe under the royal family/monarchy/church of England rules they still arent legally married? Is this March 23rd? If Harry did take a DNA test it may have been then and he concealed it. One thing confuses me though if Harrys marriage was a way of removing him from the Royal Family ( which I think it was) and Andrews plight was to discredit him, how does that destabilise the Monarchy. Overall, he predicted a lot of tragedy for the House of Windsor. Your articles are the best out there, Jessica. As you say divide and conquer is well known and used strategy in war. This cycle runs to July 2023. I read Ukraine were trying to build their relationships with African countries (would include Commonwealth members presumably) because of pro Russian support there for the war against Ukraine due to Russian links/investments. I had a very strong sense, not a feeling, but a sense of connectedness with her, but it was dark, and I knew she was angry. The documentary indicated hat Russian interest in the British establishment was not taken too seriously for a while, even after Litvinenkos assassination and the Crimea. Its where they had sex. You mention the view that the Archbishop of Canterbury did in fact marry them three days early so their statement was true and his apparent denial wasnt. The Firm has been pushed into the 21st century and like any business, may want to reconsider the flawed idea of handing the reins over based on birth order and gender. There are several cars parking in the forecourt, and there is one a black sports car that I know belongs to a great friend of mine, C.D. He could clear his name for a short time then find the information war resumes. It has been amazing to watch him throw his family under the bus in the media, as he admonishes the media for doing the same thing to him and Meghan. Thank you. Anne Boleyn appeared in the history books at the same transition we are in now: Pluto in Capricorn giving way to Pluto in Aquarius. The timeline for Russian involvement in the British Establishment is very similar to that for Harry and Andrew. It just isnt our turn yet. It puts Charles in a bad light. The estates name came from an oak tree near the main gate, which was growing out of and had split a large boulder. I will see if there is a chart for Anne; Id not known the story about a pregnancy. There is something very wrong here. Sad. (Oak trees again). The Roman Catholic Church has for centuries, had a rule that clergy remain unmarried and celibate, from the Pope down to the lowliest parish priest. Have to say, the alternative Harry and Meghan fiction industry is far more imaginative than (even) the real thing. What its showing is much more akin to an actor, director or producer creating a mini-series with foreign investment, than a member of the royal family making a lot of money with an autobiography. Something happens to them both. It is the sign we associate, more than any other, with wills, mortgage and marriage, but also divorce and. And, hey presto, the peculiar little ceremony held behind the publics back (never mind the Church of England) is rolled out. You mention sister issues. Perhaps its not Meghan. for what exactly? Entitlement versus acceptance. That would fit Pluto in opposition to the Leo factors in so many royal charts. Gosh such a long time ago As a Sun Cancer myself I know that in life family brings the greatest joy but also can bring the deepest emotional pain. AI apps can write resumes, stories and student essays. As the Royal Mail is now a commercial service rather than a state run monopoly, losing the crown image from stamps is perhaps appropriate. - Neptune square the ascendant - he was made to be in the limelight- he has that leading man look. Hi Jessica, Thank you. I concur, as the hive mind (refusing to be gas lit) is sourcing so much great detail in this discussion. Most of the stage directions take place there in the latter part of the book. Ive just seen on line that Prince Andrew has been saying a secret will come out next month to clear his reputation wondering if this is entwined with the H&M saga?xx. Completely unjustified as if your blog has been totally misunderstood and misrepresented in Annes comment. And so to the Church of England. Hi Jessica, Just a small addition to the great contributions here. However, when asked to comment further, VDP strongly denied the candle episode, and threatened to sue anyone who suggested any such event had taken place. You give readings, as a medium, and find his energy clouded, which happens with clients you have with drug habits or anti-depressant medication. Some things never change, do they? Thanks again for everything you do. No matter what, many millions seem to be watching and in some ways they lead by example. Lady Colin Campbell is a hoot, isnt she? I remember hearing Harry is bisexual before he met Megan. Harrys astrology chart shows that Ninth House story (foreigners and foreign countries; foreign affairs and foreign interests) really clearly. This looks like its all coming to a head in March. Hi Jessica We also have and still do share our love of astrology so naturally (only having their sun signs to follow) we believed that this was a match made in heaven. Edward had a jealous, easily lead brother who plotted against him despite being forgiven the first round. Unlike Henry) and I think it is so he can get Internationally Protected People Status for himself and his family. Ghislaine Maxwell interviewed on Mercury Retrograde will offer exactly what wed expect information that will be altered, retracted or come to nothing later. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. I would wonder who will arise to transform not only her personal relationships but will bring power struggles and very dark times. And so it is to YouTube we turn for video of Meghan, pregnant, dressing like Diana, sporting a stomach with a mind of its own. Amber Heard was diagnosed with Histrionic Personality Disorder (and Borderline Personality Disorder) by forensic psychologist Dr Shannon Curry, who spent 12 hours with her in relation to the trial. Its really useful to stand well, well back from what has happened to the House of Windsor and see it from a distance. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Ill look out for your commentary on Harry and Russia. Thank you. Then I see it in the comments here ,and you write about how it got your attention while reading Spare . Yes. This isnt a rant, its just democracy, so feel free to add to this growing discussion any time. That is part of the game. I am really pleased you have had an Aha moment about Russian Americans, and American Russians, and Russian Britons. We are fortunate indeed to have you to put it all in its astrological context. Thank you for letting me know the Daily Mail is reporting the eviction from Frogmore Cottage (and incoming new resident). You can see it here. He has Moon at 28Cap17 and Sun at 29Can59. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Its fascinating, isnt it? If the chart came without a name, thats the way I would read it. There is a great need to cut through the spin and noise and bring the discussion back to where it should be among the people. Got it! Can you please elaborate? I have quite a few psychic readers, but also professional mediums and clairvoyants, on this website, so I will be interested to see what they say. I am watching everything thats going on with H and M and the BRF with wide open eyes. Julie xx. Thank you for updating this blog and for reposting the Leo Weather 2017 for a re-read. We all have choices. Having been a Penguin Random House/Transworld author myself, actually with the two publishers Harry thanks editors and copy editors tend to go over the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, so the Taliban paragraph must have been raised more than once. He knows too well that his father and particularly his brother cant release their own book refuting the claims so we are left with one side of a story which at best is subjective. This is fascinating and recalls the astrology of the Charles and Camilla wedding. Comeuppance? What a state of affairs when it takes astrology readers and an astrologer to ask more questions than the mainstream media. Im an ordinary working person, I have nothing to do with the UK, much less the RF. This is the highest expression of Libra, the sign which dominates the heavens in 2023. Its just as questionable as the Taliban admission in Spare. Its also very convenient for anyone who wants to fake a terrorist threat! I just reread all of the posts after I posted my second comment and I never imagined the tie with Russia and destabilizing the relationship between US/UK!! Fair? Wow!!! I always love reading your posts. Thank you for all of your work on this and for keeping the conversation going, its truly fascinating! He just doesnt understand how he is putting American culture against the British culture. Youve chosen to handle the cycles your way; he has chosen an extremely difficult way! I think he knew very well. Id not seen this. For astrologers, many of whom are joining the discussion, youre watching transits to Uranus at 9 Sagittarius in the Ninth House in opposition to Chiron at 8 Gemini. Born February 1st, 1994, he's an Aquarius but also boasts a further three personal planets in the Water Bearer's sign. Significant more so, because I then glanced at the TV that was running in the background, and there was a still of Princess Diana. The other big, big factor is the South Node (karma) in Scorpio (sex, death and money). Apologies if Im misremembering who said itdo you think there will be any further revelations via Harrys book about what happened if it was more than just an terrible accident? Thanks. H/R bring it up, but I guess its old news in the Commonwealth. Ukraine has clearly identified support for Russia and therefore lack of support for them in these regions. I believe that William will be a great King but will he be given the chance? She really doesnt understand your work, nor, if I may be so bold, your motives. Sadly, Harry seems intent on avenging his mothers death and Meghan possibly creating her own version of The Crown. As for the children for me the jury is still out, but nothing really surprises me with Harry and Meghan anymore. It looks as though a few people commenting on this story (easily the most commented-upon in 2023) are with you. Thanks so much for your insight and replyI know youve probably got a big queue on this one. She was made a bard. It seems beyond a coincidence that Diana and Kanga both died within only a few months of each other. View this post on Instagram. I admire how you are able to combine your psychic ability, your knowledge of the world of archetypes, general knowledge and a ton of research with the astrology. I am quoting her from this point: So by demoralising the Royal Family they loose their popularity that leads to more countries in the Commonwealth leaving therefore reducing/weakening the commonwealth. Interesting. Thank you. She was also, according to the net, baptised by Justin Welby into the Church of England. While that might be a reconciliation between William and his brother, which would make sense if he was being crowned, letting bygones be bygones. Could the eagle circling around the Queen mean that she must bow to a higher power, whether that implies a preordained, God-created plan or the power that rests in America? I know that you are also training to be a celebrant at funerals and Christenings, but it is the weddings which are most important. Thinking about Harry Styles in One Direction, he was always the one that most people knew and the one who went on to have a completely different solo career than the rest." Libra Moon Our moon. What and who is linking these families together besides the truth. Again he mentioned nightmares about the coronation. This is what all the psychics are picking up. I wonder how the Queen would have felt if she was still alive. My view is that Markle sees herself as US President. I can see no one, but I can hear voices in the distance. Take care Jessica. Please let us know when you have updated your original website predictions as there is a lot of interest in validated psychics, as the information coming from Harry and Meghan is so unreliable. Or was it the other way around. Not good for (H&)MMs personal narrative of the past/reality. Diana had a bad feeling that day in the restaurant, she sensed something was wrong, the driver etc. At that very point I saw Kanga again very clearly and experienced an icy cold wave that swept over me followed by an overwhelming sense of fear. Your Jane Eyre image is a Virgo archetype. Andrew Mortons book is her biography, and she wanted us to know. If I was Ian or Peter Fleming and this was the Fifties, Id be writing this whole scenario up. Hi Jessica Im struggling to believe the levels of deception required to get away with this but remembering back it could make sense, neither child looks remotely like Meghan though surely they would have chosen a surrogate with an ethnic background like Meghans? He said that until recently, he doubted it, but an incident that took place in Feb of 1994 put a rather different complexion on the issue. There is not a single occasion I can find anger in your writing. I think thats called a hypocrite! Who was king of England, the Pope or Henry? Wow I gasped when I read this that you wrote- But I agree with you. Its Mercury Retrograde after all. The flap did not sit flat. Internationally speaking, Aus Canada NZ etc can probably take care of themselves if they leave the Cwealth. Ive always been struck by Welbys arrogance, even when hes reading from the Bible (as though he himself wrote it). (You have to pair them together as this is about the Leo eclipses). I dont get it. You wrote that youve read Spare: does Harry really casually mentions the 25 Talibans? She may be genuine as far as I know, Im aware shes portrayed a certain wayhaving said that I love that astrology can be relied upon for advice and perspective. You are so right about WW2 and the Royal Familys importance at that time. Defender of the Faith. Too funny. Im not saying Cleos time exactly, but the deception is very real, and there are other parts of the story that likely resonate. Thank you. I dont wish them harm but I wish they would just shut up! He really needs to get a good lawyer. Never forgot it. Hello today, Jessica. I awoke instantly. I also find it interesting that Harry has walked back his comment about racism within the Royal family regarding Archies skin. As you said, you have to behave properly, and that is true in all cultures. Wishing everyone blessings love and light. Gas is a Neptune-ruled idea in astrology. What has happened to Prince Harry is so different. He and his wife claim to be all about sensitivity, equality etc.But dehumanizing those he killed, runs contrary to their supposed stance. Wow! The only interest the world has in H&M is there connection to the Royal family and the insider knowledge that they have. Which in my mind doesnt bode at all well for Harry, as being left alone is a calculated move. Its obviously weighing on me quite a lot. Historically it really is swings and roundabouts with its dignity (or lack of it) and so there is something reassuring about the current low point. Thank you. And I get a feeling that the message fits in with what you and Kyra Oser is getting about the church playing the central role in this drama. The kind that he cannot walk away from unscathed. There will be a few people around the world celebrating the ingress of Pluto in Aquarius (and also celebrating the end of Pluto in Capricorn, the cycle which gave us Trump). Members are puzzled and Mumsnet HQ have posted that they have their tech team working on it and they havent removed them!! As for royalty, I think no human being should be the subject of another I cant get it Royalty seems so archaic to me Bloodlines, privileges by birth, power over people It must be my French revolutionary side kicking in (!) Thank you I am glad you are seeing through it. March is shaping up to be quite the month. Joked about everywhere even the Grammys now. Just an attack. She would not have wanted Harry to betray his brother like this. She could have chose to duet with the Royal family and do absolutely amazing things, but she chose duel instead. Ive always wondered if this is where the affair rumour was given oxygen by dropping tittle tattle in the right ears. The advanced seach feature allows you to filter famous people by any planet, aspect, etc. The German word for it, is disruption in translation and of course Putin was Stasi. To a non-narcissist, their behaviour is unfathomable, in my view. Cath. Im just a Taurus pleb; those big scary organisations wont be coming across me! Loaded. The annoying answer to much of this is that we dont know. Harry is setting up a constitutional crisis and he knows it. You will have a terrific opportunity for success from May 2023 to May 2024 and should take it. I feel the same way about Harrys current book. The screenplay was adapted from Malorys Le Morte DArthur. He is in a world of extremely charismatic actors and television presenters stars with a lot of power. I think he has a good heart but is very vulnerable and very lost. There was a falling out for months afterwards, but Diana mentions how entitled Raine didnt know the meaning of suffering compared to the people Diana meets in her work and calls out Raines blind spots. We had no rational reason for the visceral response at the time. The silence on Williams family was really because it takes five charts to give a proper answer! The good news is, the all-powerful, all-controlling minority elite is doomed when Pluto leaves Capricorn. Thank you very much for your compliment. It would be great for some Anglican theologians to join this discussion. re your theory re US-UK relationship, do Meghan & Harry actually know theyre part of that? What struck me when I saw Catherine on a recent news clip was her clothes, no, her COSTUME, including grooming and high stilettos.