After successfully conducting a genetic analysis on the ancient blood sample widely believed to have belonged to the historical Jesus of Nazareth (discovered beneath Golgotha by the Ron Watt excavation team in 1981), a group of Tel Aviv-based research scientists came to the conclusion that Jesus biological father was a non-human. Ron Wyatt had kept the location and method of obtaining the sample a secret from the rest of the crew. The Turin Shroud is traditionally considered to be the burial cloth in which the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped after his death approximately 2000 years ago. The technicians from the laboratory in Tel Aviv approached Ron Wyatt and inquired as to where he had gotten the blood from. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus' biological father was 'non-human'. Which is the true religion: Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism, and why? The powers of darkness create covenants, contracts, and a host of various types of agreements indebting bloodlines. Required fields are marked *. I have a personal friend who confronted Wyatt face-to-face. Sequencing of the entire human genome was completed in 2003, and showed that human DNA contains only 20,000-30,000 genes, a . Biblical analysis: We know that Jesus Christ was crucified, died and was buried after being wrapped in a burial cloth, such that if an image should have been miraculously imprinted on the cloth,. It served as a focus for contemplation and gave worshipers with a method of expressing their devotion as a result. Jesus, being fully man, must have had a Y-chromosome, but since he was born of the Virgin Mary, where did it come from? Yosef Gat was in charge of excavations at the Talpiot Tomb for the Israeli Department of Antiquities. According to Elvio Carlino, a researcher at the Institute of Crystallography, the small particles analyzed "have recorded a scenario of great suffering, whose . Can we trust Ron Wyatts published claim that they have discovered some of Jesus blood and that it has 24, not 23 chromosomes? If Jesus is directly descended from Adam, it is because God was also the Father of Adam, and when He formed Adam from the dust of the earth, He would have had to create Adams complete, entirely human set of chromosomes just as He created Jesus chromosomesthrough miraculous genesis of DNAjust as He created Jesus chromosomes. Question:I heard about Ryan Watts finding of Jesus blood on the ark of the covenant, and Id like to know more. If Jesus was ONLY human we would expect 46. d) Only the Blood of Jesus can Redeem Us Blood of a child is determined and contributed to by the male chromosomes not female. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome, and one Y chromosome in the human population at the time. Emperors in ancient Rome asserted that they were sprung from gods, with Julius Caesar referring to himself asJupiter Julius. Antibody reactivity: Capable of hemolysis Rh antibodies rarely activate complement. This suggests that they are of the same species since they were able to transmit it down to their children and grandchildren. It is hypothesized that parthenogenesis evolved in some species as a fall-back mechanism to allow females to reproduce in situations when males are not readily accessible, such as when females became geographically isolated from men. When the lab technicians asked Ron whose blood he had submitted for analysis, he said, This is the blood of your Messiah, and the technicians were astonished. Jesus actually shared his DNA with Adam. Because blood is a manifestation of divine life that acts within the human body, it represents life itself on a global scale. Whats more, if parthenogenesis had been possible in Mary, the progeny would have been female rather than male, because the procedure would have created two X chromosomes, which are only found in females. First of all, because the person making the claim is a know repeat liar and charlatan. Many believed the tomb to be no more than 1,000 years old at the time of its discovery. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. The angel was one step ahead of her and had the answer: The Holy Ghost will descend upon thee, and the power of God will be overshadowing thee, the angel said to Mary, as the Holy Ghost descended upon her. I heard about discovery of Jesus blood on the ark of covenant by Ryan Watt. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. We are looking forward to our Kings Second Coming with bated breath! Three days after Jesus died, the Lord God of Israel resurrected and glorified him (made Him immortal through the power of the Holy Spirit). A good rule of thumb on claims by Christians or anyone else: If it is too good to be true, then it is probably too good to be true! In the 8th century, a Basilian priest in Lanciano, Italy who was doubting the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist was offering Mass when the Eucharist miraculously turned into natural flesh and blood. In the essay, it was said that it was evidently not uncommon for ancient readers to enjoy concurrently two conflicting legends about the beginnings of a renowned person. In view of his subsequent heroic feats, the second theory, which is more appropriate, involves a miraculous conception and envisages him as a son of the gods. When you consider that even in this modern period, children have no idea that their parents must have sexual relations before they may have children, it is simple to comprehend how the ancients, especially those who lived throughout Biblical times, believed about how people are born and developed. 2023 Proven Way My brother had leukemia and received a rescue bone marrow transplant from me, and it turned his blood into AB negative FEMALE blood, like Christ';s or the Man of the . A cell-line derived from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is described. Ron Wyatt discovered the ark of the covenant and found the Blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat at the site where Christ was crucified in Jerusalem. And if so, then the bread and wine really do become the body and blood of Christ at Communion, and Catholics are right to follow their Church and keep its teachings. Females are XX, so they can only contribute an X chromosome to their offspring, whereas males are XY, which allows them to contribute either an X or a Y. The findings came back as human cardiac tissue, type AB. Ron says, "What I was told by the men I worked withand if you have a photographic memory you'll remember their names [he jokes]Amos Kloner, Joseph Gat, Dan Bahat, General Drori. The results of the study shocked the world. There are just two possibilities left. God granted unique graces to a amateur godly The 23 chromosomes helps to form a baby and the fathers chromosomes decides gender of a baby, But Watt claims in Jesus blood they found an extra chromosome. JESUS IS ALIVE Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark of the Covenant, and, as a totally unexpected second discovery, to his astonishment found the blood of Christ on its Mercy Seat. 1. He is a charlatan and a self-serving self-promoter, and Christians would do well to not use any of his material. Jesus Chromosomes are a kind of chromosome that is found in Jesus Christ. Genetic information is passed down through both parents. 'Help Give every Student and Teacher FREE resources for a world-class Moral Catholic Education', Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting: The Three Pillars of Lent. The hermit crab, with 254 chromosomes, has the greatest number of chromosomes of any creature on the planet. Ron Wyatt has only shared his findings with a small group of close friends. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. Diary 299). Over time, chromosomes mutate quite a bit, and most of those mutations don't hurt anything. Or we are faced with the fact that the results are genuine and Jesus was real, and His blood type was AB. A few modern cases can be dismissed as fungus or mold, but then there are cases of bloody hosts that date back 1,200 years and remain preserved. The blood sample was discovered on the archeological dig of Ron Watt and his team. We know this to have been fulfilled in about 3 BC. With the exception of the Y chromosome, every typical set of human genes contains paired alleles from both the father and the mother. Did these appear within her, beamed down into her like a Star Trek teleportation device as medieval painter Philippe de Champaigne in fact suggests in his masterwork The Annunciation or did they appear outside her, beamed down into her like a Star Trek teleportation device? Jesus Christ represents humanity in His obedience, sinlessness, and spiritual and physical life. The identity of Jesus biological father has been revealed via scientific discovery. Then the probability of a virgin birth of a male with 2 Y genes is 1/ [300] [20,000] [20,000] = 1/120 billion.) According to a study conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions, expanding noninvasive prenatal screening to include all 24 human chromosomes can detect genetic disorders that may explain miscarriage and other abnormalities during pregnancy, among other things. The Book of Matthew 1:1-17 describes Jesus' bloodline, which spans 42 generations. Humans have 46 chromosomes. So, the bottom lineand the big pictureis that the Rockefeller family, descended from the Illuminati lineage, is working on behalf of Satan and his New World Order to stifle the spread of truth. Most youngsters simply assume that love between their parents is responsible for the birth of their children in the same manner that the Holy Spirit merely lingered over Mary to bring about the birth of Jesus. It doesnt matter what clothing I wear, what legal name I choose, or what plastic surgeons do to me; if you ask any cell in my body, the DNA will tell you that I am a male, regardless of what I choose to wear. Still, truth 46 is the usual range of chromosomes for a human being as there was no indication that he had trisomy 21 Down syndrome or any other variation of chromosome diseases. In addition to Jesus's mother, the Virgin Mary, there was Mary's cousin . Understand also: How Old Was Jesus When The Wise Men Came? Yosef Gat Directed Talpiot Tomb excavations for the Israeli Department of Antiquities The 23rd pair of chromosomes determines a persons sexual orientation. This absolutely applies to the completely fabricated claim that genuine blood of Jesus has been discovered! The angel, on the other hand, was one step ahead of her and knew the answer to this question: That is why that holy thing who shall be born of thee shall be known as the Son of God. 24 Chromosomes were found in the blood. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! A preacher at the Bethel United Pentecostal Church, Tad Lindley is a member of the United Pentecostal Church of Christ. The blood of Christ tastes like wine. Chromosome analysis or karyotyping is a test that evaluates the number and structure of a person's chromosomes in order to detect abnormalities. No fungus does that. To all our readers, Please don't scroll past this. Are there any natural mechanisms that might account for this occurrence? Answer (1 of 16): I'm going to treat this as an exercise in basic human genetics, without delving into matters of theology and divine conception (not my expertise). (See also Luke 1:35) Then, later, God made the Y one and the other 22, which would have been the outcome of the human fathers actions. Research on mice has revealed that an egg needs possess a pair of chromosomes from both the father and the mother in order to grow into a healthy embryo. Did he talk about the trinity? to analyze? 133. It also means that my brother is probably the only human in history besides Jesus to have AB Negative blood that was chromosomal female, because he only had maternal genes. These gentlemen have requested that I do not disclose my permit since the names of the persons who signed the permit are on the permit. The Y-chromosome is the easiest-to-track portion of men's genomes since it is only passed on through males without any mixing of parental genes.