SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAY OPERATIONS (ASHO) OFFICE & OCMC-STREETS IN WRITING NO LATER THAN 48-HOURS PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF PAVING. IT IS THE PERMITTEE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WITH DDC'S WALL STREET WATER MAIN PROJECT EIC AT (212)791-8170 PRIOR TO BEGINNING A WORK OPERATION. Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver (PICP), Provides space for walking, the most widely used mode of travel in New York City, Creates linkages to transit and connects neighborhood destinations, Facilitates straight and unobstructed pedestrian movement, free of vehicle conflicts except at intersections and driveways, With adequate width, can provide space for staying activities such as relaxing, shopping, eating, and socializing, Coordinate streetscape/utility work to minimize street cuts, On both sides of all streets that are 22 feet wide or wider. Please note that although permits can be submitted, paid for and printed out 24/7, the permit review process occurs only during normal weekday Permit Office hours. Long Island City, NY 11101 Prior to any permit revocation, NYC DOT will give the permittee an opportunity to be heard with not less than two days' notice. Programming activates roadways, sidewalks,and pedestrian plazas, andis essential to the ongoing success of any public space. APPLICANT INFORMATION (JOINT VENTURE), 1D. As shown in the screen image, the pop-up for the "NYC DOT 10 year Capital Plan" layer features a project ID, title, and the fiscal year for which the project is planned, whereas the pop-up for "NYC DOT Protected Streets" includes street name and the date to which protected status extends. NYCityMap is the city's web-based interactive mapping application. HIQA Central Office These holds can only be released by HIQA: Cobblestone (COB) hold All permits issued to work on a cobblestone street are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. This section describes the application and review process for obtaining approvals to construct or repair vaults under the sidewalks of New York City streets. Generally, applicants must provide business and contact information; proposed work information, including location, size of proposed work, and the work start and end date; type of permit(s) being requested; detailed work zone sketch; and date and signature of applicant or authorized representative. Chapter 3 describes different types of construction-related permits issued by NYC DOT and outlines the application processes for each permit type. The Permit Bureau issues a number of different categories of construction-related permits for work on a street. 66 John Street, 10th Floor BEFORE WORK, MUST COORDINATE AND OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM NYSDOT 9A EIC. Brooklyn, NY 11211 OF BRIDGES: UPON INITIAL INSTALLATION OF A CANOPY, THE PERMIT TO MAINTAIN A CANOPY SHALL BE PLACED ON HOLD UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION DETERMINES CANOPY WAS INSTALLED AS PER SUBMITTED PLANS. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. FULL INTERSECTION RESTORATION WILL BE REQUIRED WHEN MORE THAN 50% OF THE INTERSECTION IS EXCAVATED. THIS PERMIT ALLOWS FOR INSTALLATION OF TEMP ROADWAY/PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND/OR TEMP CONSTRUCTION REGULATORY SIGNS AS PER APPROVED MPT PLANS. See Section 3.5.1 Holds for more information. The guidance presented in the Street Works Manual does not supersede any existing federal, state or city laws, rules and regulations. A statement of the basic construction details including type, description and color of the canopy covering; type, diameter and gauge of all supporting members; description of the frame, wind bracing assembly and sidewalk and building fastenings; description of proposed lettering on the canopy covering including exact wording and dimensions thereof; three 5 inch by 7 inch photographs of the proposed site. Re-Dig (RED) hold In cases where an inspection has revealed a failed restoration and permittees have been told to redo the entire restoration, a RED hold will be placed. FOR DRILLING OPERATION MAY WORK 7AM-6PM MONDAY - FRIDAY IN CURB LANE AND PART OF SIDEWALK. PERMITTEE IS REQUIRED TO CALL NYCDOT HIQA OFFICE AT 212-839-2430 TO SCHEDULE THEIR RE-DIG. MAINTAIN 1 - 11 FOOT LANE FOR 2 WAY THRU TRAFFIC W/FLAGGERS AT EACH END OF WORK ZONE. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Entities that perform work in the streetsfrom utilities or contractors accessing subsurface infrastructure to property owners repairing sidewalksmust follow certain procedures when undertaking such work and must meet restoration requirements following its completion. NO NOISY OPERATIONS BETWEEN 12:01 AM AND 7:00AM. Street Opening Permits are generally taken out by entities that need access to subsurface infrastructure, including utility companies and contractors, such as licensed master plumbers. They are accessible for the few years before September 2015, and for thelettings since September 2015. Transformer vaults are typically installed, owned and maintained by an electric utility company. Upon satisfactory payment, the hold(s) will be released. This Manual was created and published by the NYC Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) with contributions from a wide array of professionals from city government and the design field. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATIONAL SIGN REQUIRED PER DOT HWY RULE SEC 2-02(C) 4 & 5. NYC DOT disclaims any liability for omissions or errors that may be contained herein. Commercial Refuse Container Carting Companies*: You must enter your Business Integrity Commission (BIC) License or Registration number. In some cases, applications and supporting documentation must be submitted in person, however the majority of permit applications may be submitted online. Permits In order to perform work in the street, it is necessary to obtain a permit from NYC DOT. MICROSTATION SHEET MODELS. At crossings, the height of Accessible Pedestrian Signals must be reachable by a person using a mobility device, at a preferred height of 42 inches and a maximum height of 48 inches (see, Existing foundations at traffic signal locations in certain flood-vulnerable areas are being replaced with coastal storm foundations that incorporate a square concrete pedestal raising the electrical components above some flood depths. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Manhattan Tel: 212-720-3300 IF WORK IS WITHIN 100FT OF A BRIDGE STRUCTURE, YOU MUST SUBMIT A SCALED DRAWING SHOWING THE WORK AND EXACT LOCATION. MAXIMUM OF 11 FEET OF ROADWAY MAY REMAIN CLOSED AFTER WORKING HOURS ONLY FOR CONCRTETE CURING. THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK IN AN INTERSECTION. 1400 Williamsbridge Road, 1st floor Tel: (718) 993-6110 ALL WORK OPERATIONS MUST BE RESTRICTED WITHIN 11 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Expanding on thesmall sampling of recommended plants listed in previous versions of the Street Design Manual, DOT is now introducing its Plant Finder tool, offering a broadened database of plants that have been successfully used within the public right-of-way. ALL UTILITY COMPANIES SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL THEIR UTILITIES &/OR CONDUITS A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES BELOW THE ROAD WAY SURFACE OR BASE WHICHEVER IS GREATER AS PER NYC DOT HIGHWAY RULES & REGULATIONS 2-11(11)(VII). If the installed canopy fails final inspection, HIQA will reject the canopy maintenance permit and notify the applicant of the rejection. The organization of the Street Works Manual generally follows the chronological process of planning and undertaking work in the street. BACKFILL OR PLATE BEFORE PROCEEDING. ISSUED. TO FRI. AND 9AM TO 11 PM SAT. Sidewalk flagsMust be 5'x 5' where feasibleAll flags containing substantial defects as defined in the Highway Rules must be replaced; patching of individual flags is not permitted. See Section 3.5.1 Holds for more information. If the hold is not released, the applicant must contact the borough ASHO to determine the feasibility of the work being completed prior to the final resurfacing. This Street Opening Permit retroactively covers the emergency street opening/excavation work already performed. The contact information and hours of operation for all Permit Offices can be found in Appendix C, NYC DOT Contact Information. The private homeowner must complete the application for a. (If the homeowner is using a contractor, the contractor must be registered with NYC DOT and must take out the permit.) FULL TRAVEL LANE RESTORATION WOULD BE REQUIRED FOR 11' WIDTH OF TRAVEL LANE AND THE LENGTH OF THE WORK PLUS ANY LL14 CUTBACKS. Upon a satisfactory inspection, the hold(s) will be released. A dismissal inspection is always required to close out a violation. New York, NY 10004 (212) 839-2480 Although registration is a one-time process, registered applicants must keep all insurance and general information up to date, which must be done in person at the central Permit Office. Tel: (212) 860-1845, Queens Permit Bond. Manhattan check-in window hours extended to 3:30pm for Bronx work only. PROVIDE 5 FEET FOR PEDESTRIANS ON SIDEWALK OR IN CURB LANE. A street is considered to be protected for five years from the date it was last resurfaced or reconstructed. VMS BOARD MUST BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF THE APPROVED CLOSURE. ------- Concrete (CON) hold All permits issued to work on concrete portions of the roadway are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. Check traffic advisories. MUST MAINTAIN 1 SOUTHBOUND AND 2 NORTH BOUND LANES AFTER ESTABLISHED WORK ZONE IS SET UP. New York State Department of Transportation coordinates operation of transportation facilities and services including highway, bridges, railroad, mass transit, port, waterway and aviation facilities . 3.1 General Provisions For Construction-Related Permits Fax: 718-584-8628, Brooklyn Staten Island, NY 10301 To release a VLT hold, the Permit Offices Plan Examination Unit must be contacted. 6. WITHIN THIS TIME FRAME ONE WAY ROADWAYS LESS THAN 39FT. 2016 | Connecticut's Official State Website, regular The NYCDOT Standard Details of Construction have been updated to include the revised H-1011 drawings covering pedestrian ramps. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPLUATED HEREIN. Private property owners are responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining sidewalks abutting their properties. Applicants must first submit an Emergency Authorization Number Form. To request release of a CAN hold, the applicant must contact the HIQA borough office in the borough in which the canopy is installed to arrange for a final inspection following canopy installation. Office hours: Applications accepted, only from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM; In addition, a second permit must be applied for to maintain the canopy. MAINTAIN 2 LANES SOUTHBOUND AND 1 LANE NORTHBOUND FROM 7AM-9AM M-F. View the, Applicants must obtain all applicable original permits and/or approvals from any other governmental agencies prior to applying for a permit. FULL WIDTH OF ROADWAY NOT REQUIRED DURING CONCRETE CURING PERIOD. The Staten Island borough permit office also accepts applications for work on critical streets in Staten Island. In-person applications for non-emergency work, including work on all streets in Manhattan and on all critical streets in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx; all work to be performed for sewer and water system construction; and all capital project work, all utility work, all crane requests, and all full closures of sidewalks and roadways must be submitted to the central Permit Office in Manhattan. Applicants who are registered as permittees (see Section 3.2) and are registered for on-line permitting can log-in to NYCStreets and request an EAN. ALL WORK OPERATIONS MUST BE RESTRICTED WITHIN 11 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION. An application for a Street Opening Permit on a protected street will automatically be placed on a Street Arterial Maintenance (SAM) hold if the proposed work is to start within 18 months of the street being resurfaced or reconstructed. The second option is available for applicants who do not have the technology to use the above procedure. View the most commonly issued. Typically, a valid permit issued by the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) is required prior to application for permits in this category. MAY WORK 24/7, OCCUPY CURB LANE, ALL EQUIPMENT, STORAGE OF MATERIAL ALLOWED. WORK ALLOWED 8 PM TO 6 AM NIGHTLY. All of these signs are metal and include the agency name and sign code. New York City is brimming with construction activityfrom the building of skyscrapers, rehabilitating and reconstructing of bridges and roadways, to the digging of new subway lines. APPROVAL FROM THE LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION IS REQUIRED BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. 42 Broadway BY SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION AND/OR RENEWAL REQUEST, THE PERMITTEE CERTIFIES ITS COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CITYWIDE CONSTRUCTION NOISE MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPLIANT NOISE MITIGATION OR ALTERNATE NOISE MITIGATION PLAN. Street Opening Permits are designated as the "01" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "01." Brooklyn, NY 11211 With advance notice of proposed excavation work, NYC DOT can sequence the timing of the large number of roadway and utility works being undertaken across the city. This New York 811 marking shows where a cable television line is located beneath the sidewalk. For further information, call (212) 839-9435. PERMITTEE MUST CALL/FAX OEM REGARDING EMERGENCY SITUATION. Staten Island, NY 10301 Street lights and signals at corners must be sited so that they do not obstruct pedestrian ramps, ensuring sufficient access to the sidewalk for all pedestrians, including those using mobility devices. The area of the sidewalk closest to the curb, where light poles, tree pits and other vegetation, signs, fire hydrants, and street furniture are typically located, is referred to as the furnishing zone.. FLAG PERSON MUST BE PROVIDED TO STOP PEDESTRIAN AND/OR VEHICLE TRAFFIC WHILE LIFTING MATERIALS OVERHEAD AND ALSO WHEN CROSSING SIDEWALK IN CONJUCTION WITH CROSSING SIDEWALK PERMITS. For questions, Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM. DURING CLOSURE SCA MUST SUPERVISE FLAGERS AT EACH INTERSECTION APPROCHING THE WALKWAY CLOSURE DIRECTING PEDESTRIAN TO OPPOSITE SIDEWALK VIA CROSSWALK. Division of Review & Construction Compliance (718) 595-5223 or POSITIONING OF TRAFFIC SIGNS (TOTAL OF . The notice provisions specified in Section 2-02(g) of the Highway Rules are the minimum required for street operations. FULL INTERSECTION RESTORATION WILL BE REQUIRED. Its overall goals are both far-reaching and vital: sustaining the city's investment in its streets, enhancing access to subsurface infrastructure and minimizing transportation and community disruptions. A PORTION OF THE SIDEWALK MAY REMAIN CLOSED OFF FOR CONCRETE CURING DURING POLE INSTALLATION PROVIDED A MINIMUM 5-FOOT CLEAR PATH FOR PEDESTRIANS IS MAINTAINED ON THE SIDEWALK AT ALL TIMES. THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK THAT FALLS BETWEEN LANES AND REQUIRES THE CONTRACTOR TO RESTORE THE ROADWAY FROM 1' PAST THEIR RESTORATION TO THE NEAREST CURB FOR THE LENGTH OF THEIR WORK. 75 Park Place, 9th Floor CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE ALLIANCE FOR DOWNTOWN NEW YORK 120 BROADWAY SUITE 3340 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10271 212-566-6700, AT LEAST 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. If the request is approved or modified, then all conditions, restrictions, fees and application procedures for obtaining a construction-related permit apply. Tel: 718-780-8280 MOBILAZATION OF PROJECT INCLUDING RE-STRIPPING OF ROADWAY AND INSTALLATION OF BARRIERS WORK ONLY 10PM TO 6AM MON TO FRI AND 10PM TO 8AM SAT AND SUNDAY. While the files are presented here in .pdf format, the source drawings are actually produced as MicroStation .dgn files. ALL WORK MUST BE PREAPPROVED BY LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION. A BIKE SHARE STATION IS/WILL BE LOCATED ON THIS STREET. Adjoining Existing and New SidewalksJunctions and transitions between new and existing sidewalks must conform to specifications. Permit windows at the central Permit Office. Thousands of miles of utility pipes, cables and other equipment are beneath the streets of New York City. Special Treatment Projects (STP) hold Any permits issued to work in areas that have a special treatment such as Times Square, Madison Square, Herald Square and other pedestrian plaza areas are automatically placed on hold. Who has been found liable by a court or in a proceeding before the ECB of a violation of a rule or order of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of a permit issued by NYC DOT or other applicable law, which violation caused an imminent peril to life or property. NYPD AGENTS AND VMS BOARDS REQUIRED AS PER MEC01-36. CANNOT WORK WHEN GOWANUS EXPRESSWAY HAS MORE THAN 1 LANE CLOSED SOUTHBOUND. CONTAINER SHALL NOT BE STORED OR PLACED WITHIN: (I) "NO STOPPING","NO PARKING ANYTIME" OR "AUTHORIZED PARKING" AREAS. Payment of the waiver request fee, as specified in the Highway Rules, Section 2-03, does not guarantee that approval to work during the embargo period will be granted. If work is planned through the HE period, the critical reasons for the work must be included in the Work Description field of the application. Office hours: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. A one-time Street Opening Permit must also be obtained to install the poles that support the canopy. Any given permit or permittee may be subject to one or more holds. Enter at least two names of corporate officers, director, managing agent, owners, partner, etc., with titles and telephone number. HIQA performs inspections during active construction through its completion and up to the end of the Guarantee Period. The permittee may apply for a re-issuance online, or in-person by accessing either theApplication to Re-Issue Permitsor theApplication to Re-Issue Governmental Work Permit(s). Office hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, The Bronx OCCUPY 12 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY; FULL WIDTH OF ROADWAY RESTORED TO TRAFFIC WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. NYC Parks & Recreation Form must be notarized. 55 Water Street, Concourse Level SUCH SIGNS SHALL BE ORANGE,3'X3',DIAMOND SHAPE,WITH 4" BLACK LETTERING. RESTORATION MUST BE FULL DEPTH CONCRETE AS PER FIRST AVE SPEC,1042A,B & 1050. The first and most expeditious option (see Diagram 2), is by using the DOT on-line NYCStreets Permit Management system. Section 3.5 Other Provisions Pertaining to Permits contains more information on holds. Share long-term capital plans for planned repairs, upgrades and new From a block party, which opens a single block to community activities for a day, to Summer Streets, which dedicates over 7 miles of streets to pedestrians, runners, and cyclists, programming reminds New Yorkers that streets are public space, and should support active, healthy, and sustainable lifestyles. Tel: (718) 699-4700, Staten Island Revenue hold If the permittee owes NYC DOT money for an open Corrective Action Request (CAR) or Jolt Elimination Team (JET) bill, all future permit requests may be placed on hold until the bills are paid. Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. Any work is subject to suspension during an NYC DOT-issued. TWO HUNDRED TWENTY OF THE LABOR LAW, PAID TO THOSE SO EMPLOYED. 2 HOURS BEFORE UNTIL 2 HOURS AFTER ALL YANKEE HOME GAMES ALL MOVEMENTS INTO AND OUT OF THE SITE ARE RESTRICTED ALONG EXTERIOR STREET. To release a POL hold, the Division of Traffic Operations, Office of Street Lighting must be contacted. The location to which the application should be submitted depends on the location and type of construction-related work to be performed: Central Permit Office in ManhattanIn-person applications for non-emergency work, including work on all streets in Manhattan and on all critical streets in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx; all work to be performed for sewer and water system construction; and all capital project work, all utility work, all crane requests, and all full closures of sidewalks and roadways must be submitted only to the central Permit Office in Manhattan. Check all types of work that will be performed by the applicant or his/her corporation. The applicant must maintain valid insurance and a canopy maintenance permit as long as the canopy exists. Street excavations must be performed in accordance with Section 2-11 (e) of the Highway Rules. LOADING AND UNLOADING, STANDING OR PARKING IN A LANE ADJACENT TO THE WORK ZONE IN THE ROADWAY IS PROHIBITED. 211th Street and 23rd Avenue, Queens Riverside Drive, Manhattan Benefits Enhances pedestrian safety and accessibility by reducing crossing distances and providing refuge for pedestrians to cross road in stages Calms traffic, especially left turns and through-movements, by narrowing roadway at intersection WORK FROM 7 PM FRIDAY THROUGH 6 AM MONDAY. ALL OVERDIMENSIONAL CRANE/TRAILERS REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL PERMIT FROM THE NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF BRIDGES. A list of the forms most commonly used during this process can be found inAppendix B, Forms. 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor 24 West 61st St., 5th Fl. For Holds: (212) 748-6609 The applicant may be required to address the circumstances of a hold before a permit is released. FLAGGERS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF SITE AT ALL OTHER TIMES. This form cannot be used if the permit has already expired. If all information is satisfactory, EAU will fax or call the applicant with an EAN, which must be available at the work site and presented to any governmental employee upon request. Tel: 311 or (718) 422-8700, Public Design Commission of the City of New York (PDC) To this end, NYC DOT has dedicated time and resources to enhance its own systems and coordination efforts. If there is a hold during the processing of the permit, the applicant is notified of the type of hold and the steps to take to release the hold. Permits reissued after three business days must be subject to the full permit fee. Staten Island, NY 10301 Tel: (646) 252-5517 or (646) 252-5544, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) SIGNS MUST BE POSTED AT WORK ZONES AS WELL AS BOTH INTERSECTIONS OF AFFECTED SIDEWALK. CONTAINER SHALL NOT BE STORED OR PLACED WITHIN: (I) "NO STOPPING", "NO STANDING", "NO PARKING ANYTIME" OR "AUTHORIZED PARKING" AREAS. Based on the documents submitted, HIQA makes a preliminary determination as to whether the proposed location may be suitable for a canopy. Registration applications should be printed on 8 1/2"x 14" paper. STLRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #3 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. MAINTAIN A 5 FOOT CLEAR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY IN ROADWAY. POST SIGNS MEETING NYCDOT SPECS AT WORK ZONE AND AT BOTH INTERSECTIONS DIRECTING PEDS TO OPPOSITE SIDEWALK. ALL SIDEWALKS IN C4-4 THROUGH C4-7, C5 & C6 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, AS DEFINED IN THE NYC ZONING RESOLUTION SHALL BE OF PIGMENTED CONCRETE WITH SAW-CUT JOINTS AS SET FORTH IN SEC. InspectionsAll work performed in the street is subject to inspection by the HIQA unit. NYC DOT's mission is to provide for the safe, efficient and environmentally responsible movement of pedestrians, goods, bicycles and vehicular traffic on the streets of the city of New York. Further information on responding to CARs may be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(d). The Highway Rules, Section 2-02(k) contains additional information. BROOKLYN BRIDGE CONTRACT 6 WILL REQUIRE NUMEROUS OVERNIGHT AND WEEKEND CLOSURES OF INBOUND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. At the HIQA borough office, applicants will be given a Canopy Authorization Application (. The full list of Canopy Permit types is shown in the table. Contact PEU for further information regarding the procedure to obtain initial and final approval for a transformer vault. AS PER STIPULATION MEC04-246 AND PROJECT PLANS DATED 04/30/04 WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO PERMIT. serviceInformation on long-term capital programs from potential street excavators helps NYC DOT to effectively coordinate planned street work. Once OCMC executive staff determines the final permit stipulations, the permit will be released. Standard Drawings are not currently available for download from the shaded states. Canopies must be well-maintained at all times. Listed in the table are the most commonly requested Sidewalk Construction Permit types, which may be used when completing an application. NO EQUIPMENT/MAT'L MAY BE PLACED ON TOP OF SENSORS. By accessing this map portal, a utility company or any other entity that performs street excavation work can find details on NYC DOT projects included in the city's 10-year Capital Budget, as well as more imminent NYC DOT and New York City Department of Environmental Protection capital projects currently in design or under construction. Registered Permittees may apply, pay for and print their permits anytime anywhere using the NYCStreets Permit Management online system. Clicking on the "i" button at the top center of the map will change the cursor into an arrow with an "i" next to it. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Staten Island THE SITE OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK MAY BE WITHIN 100FT OF A BRIDGE STRUCTURE. Tel: (718) 482-4516 Download about 619-011: Work Zone Traffic Control General Tables & Legend; General Information 619-012: Sign Table Keywords: Sign, Table. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Manhattan Unsafe Conditions If the permittee has been notified and fails to address an unsafe condition, all future permit requests may be placed on hold until the unsafe condition has been eliminated. Fax: (212) 788-3086, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) WORK 7PM TO 11PM MON. 3030 Third Avenue Attn: Forestry Links were last checked January 2023. LMZ (Lower Manhattan Zone) hold This hold signifies that you are working on a street that falls within the Lower Manhattan Zone (south of and including Canal Street). Some of the construction-related activities covered under this category include placement of materials, equipment and temporary structures on the street or sidewalk (e.g., building materials, cranes, boom trucks, a shanty or trailer, construction container, security structure, tool cart, or construction parking regulation signs) or movement of construction equipment across roadways and sidewalks. It draws from a wide range of resources and experience to present a coherent set of choices for street design.