That struggle led Jones to create a new, On February 28, Supervisor Jones hopes to persuade others on the Board to initiate hand counting as a way to tabulate election results in Shasta. At Shasta Scout, we believe a democratic community requires access to just and equitable news. Some are even Trump supporters, so go figure. Feb 21, 2023 5:15 PM Agenda Agenda Packet Action Agenda Ministry Watch reports: Redding is a city of 93,462 in Trump-red Shasta County, which has a popula A non-Bethel incumbent up for reelection was the top vote getter. Do you have feedback on how we are covering Bethel or other topics? People who havent drank the Kool-Aid find themselves on the outside looking in and naturally resent Bethels newfound economic power, attached as it is to the on-earth-as-it-is-in-heaven Seven Mountain Mandate. He said in his speech to delegates 'They are pressing and saying, 'no peace without the Jewish state Email us, or join the community conversation at Shasta ScoutsFacebook page. Independent online journalist Doni Chamberlain founded A News Cafe in 2007 with her son, Joe Domke. Bethel Church can push ahead with its plans to build a new campus on 39 acres on the northeast of Redding despite ongoing concerns from neighbors about . If you agree please share this blog on your social . Theres also concern that Bethel members are fanning secessionist movements and supporting militia groups in Shasta County. Feb 20, 2023 5:15 PM . In a normal county, candidates religious beliefs wouldnt/shouldnt be relevant in local elections. Some people even draw parallels between Councilman Dacquisto and his broken website address. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? The wording in the article could lead some to believe that it is still in that fellowship. Duly noted. This site uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. 2 min read. All rights reserved. Its notable that Partin, like Valenzuela, has also been identified and selected as a true conservative candidate by some of the same ultra-conservative folks whove embraced Dacquisto. Bethel is a congregation of worshippers of Jesus Christ in Redding, California, who long to see hearts ignited until heaven meets earth. Both Bethels size and its commitment to Seven Mountain dominionism have gained it increasing local influence over the last decade as it seeks to create heaven on earth.. Christianity Today defines Christian Nationalism, Supervisor Jones Wants More Power To Set The Board, And The Peoples, Agenda. But some residents have grown frustrated with the megachurchs combination of other-worldly theology and increasing this-worldly clout, as the appearance of Buck Fethel T-shirts show. The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? Lead Bethel pastor Bill Johnson has written all about it in hisbook, Invading Babylon, The Seven Mountain Mandate. Their social media pages are meaty, informative and substantive. A casino is more honest about stealing its customers money, pays its taxes and rakes the cash in 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With 10 city council candidates competing for three seats in the Nov. 8 general election, its a contentious game of political musical chairs. The Ridgefield Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce Pamme Jones as its newest addition to the Board of Directors. Feb 20, 2023 5:15 PM . Likewise, this new Bethel-hater label could easily lead HR folks to feel pressured just to be on the safe, right side to take action against any employee who says so much as an unkind word about Bethel on social media. From left, Red, White and Blueprint co-collaborators Jeremy Edwardson and Carlos Zapata. A casino! Add to the information pile the fact that Valenzuela, one of the youngest candidates at age 30, is one of three Redding City Council candidates recommended by Kathy Stainbrook, a notorious ultra-right Red, White and Blueprint supporter, and Leonard Moty recaller. For example, when The Stirring held a preachers conference, among the slate of speakers were BSSM staff member Hayley Braun, and Pastor Tinasha LaRaye, a frequent Bethel speaker and performer. As Trump ran for reelection, Vallotton used the Bethel pulpit to encourage attendees to vote for Trump or risk facing Gods displeasure. Based upon his performance during forums (though absent from the Shasta Environmental Alliance event), he seems a nice enough, grandfatherly guy. Tenessa is a graduate of Leadership Redding, and serves on the Steering Committee, organizing the Government program. Were you afraid to write black people? Patrick "Hacker" Jones He knows a thing or two about hackin', lemme tell ya. Bethels theology and practices have long been controversial. Tenessa Audette leads the way in fundraising in the crowded Redding City Council race. However on March 7th PA President Abbas said that recognising Israel as a Jewish state is 'out of the question,' a decision unanimously endorsed by the Revolutionary Council of Palestinian Authority and by the council of the Arab League. Im not down with cancel culture. But no. Local critics oppose Bethels promotion of gay conversion therapy, and its fight against COVID masks, vaccinations, and closures. As you can imagine, the conversation sometimes gets testy. Scheide. Within the last two tumultuous years, Jeremy Edwardson partnered with a seemingly unlikely docu-series collaborator: militia-member, former-strip-club-owner Carlos Zapata, known for blood in the streets violent rhetoric that briefly thrust Zapata into fleeting, international alt-right celebrity status. Of those 10 candidates, three are current Bethel Church members, and three are members of The Stirring Church, including one whos a former Bethel Church member. Bethel's first global campaign, Arise & Build . As Snow Falls In A Redding Camp, Unhoused Community Members Keep Warm With Propane Heaters And Campfires, Shasta County Supervisors, Sheriff, Face Off Over Constitutionality Of Proposed 2nd Amendment Resolution, Reddings Proposed Short Term Rental Ordinance Update Doesnt Take Into Account City Housing Data: Heres Why That Matters, Proposed 2nd Amendment Resolution Is An Overreach of Boards Authority, Shasta County Legal Counsel Warns, Heres What We Spent To Produce The News In 2022, Heres How Weve Funded Free And Independent Shasta County News This Year, Editorial: We Build Democracy By Telling The Truth About Power, Our Diverse Community and Ourselves, Building Democracy: Were Opening Our Reporters Notebooks. But right now, after all the North States been through, Redding could benefit from some youthful zeal. Questions like that, generally asked while vigorously pacing about the room. In 2018, the last year for which data is available, the church had annual revenue of more than $60 million. Suddenly, theres the implication that companies should protect themselves and be rid of those youve now damned as Bethel-haters people whove done nothing more than belong to a Facebook group, or who happen to express negative opinions or concerns about Bethel Church on social media. Yes, Audette and Shea are Bethel Church members. I realize many interpret it differently, as a mandate to Christians to control all institutions, She explained. Kathy Vallotton, Bethel Church senior pastor, $1,000. Correction made. We are on the edge of the greatest revival of all time, says Bethels website. 1. As a result, followers of such anti-Bethel Facebook pages as Investigating Bethel (924 members) and Bethel Affiliated Businesses (1.8 mil members) have vowed to shun Bethel/Stirring candidates and choose only from the remaining candidates. However, as much as some members of The Stirring church might like to distance themselves from Bethel Churchs dramatic spiritual feats, its indisputable that The Stirring and Bethel Church are Christian kissin cousins. Redding council candidate Tenessa Audette is open about her involvement at Bethel Church. Jack Munns is one of three Bethel Church members running for the Redding City Council. Absolutely. And even though I attended Bethel Church in my youth, way back in its early Assemblies of God days, there remain many, many things I will never understand about Bethel Church. By continuing to use this website, youconsentto the use of cookies in accordance with ourprivacy policy. Both Bethel Church and The Stirring are noteworthy because The Stirring is often described as Bethel lite or Bethels little-sister church. Munns did not respond to multiple requests for comment. ods role in government and if politicians should Christianize a nation. I waited and watched Winter carefully for signs that shed wear Bethel on her sleeve. In 2016, I wrote a post titled, Bethel Redding: A Dangerous Evangelical Cult.Since that time, thousands and thousands of people (Almost 14,000 viewers in 2019, 18,000 in 2018, 24,000 in 2017, and 17,000 in 2016) have come to this site seeking information about Bethel Redding, an Evangelical megachurch in Redding, California pastored by Bill . Bethel wields immense local influence: of Redding's 90,000 residents, 11,233 are Bethel members, according to a report from northern California magazine A News Cafe. Im not entirely clear on what the agenda was, Crocket responded to Shasta Scout on Friday, but when you raise questions (at the church) they are not heard.. But Bethel Senior Associate Leader Kris Vallotton has made multiple political statements from the pulpit, including his prophecy that Donald Trump would win the 2020 presidential election. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Cover photo for Bethel Affiliated Businesses Facebook group. I have no influence on Bethels decisions, financial or otherwise, Shea wrote, I am just one of several thousand people who choose to spend my personal time there as a private citizen on Sunday mornings.. The race for Redding City Council is heating up as two candidates have made public announcements in recent days. Bethels theology and practices have long been controversial. Hear his TEDxRedding talk and tell me you hate his ideas about neighborhoods. Reminding readers Bethel saved the Civic Auditorium and funded the RPDs homeless squad only rubs it in. Bethel teaches what is known as the 7 Mountains Mandate, a theology that encourages Christians to influence the seven mountains of society, including the political realm, to bring Gods kingdom realities to earth. . In reply to R.V. Dacquisto may have once been an active member in the community, but it is widely known locally that is no longer the case. 2008. The seven mountains are education, religion, family, business, government/military, arts/entertainment and media. You know the difference between Bethel Church and a casino, Jake? While Crockett says its clear that Bethel is passionate about making a positive impact in the city, he worries that the ways they attempt to do so may not take into account the perspectives and needs of all. The 11,000-member Bethel Church in Redding, California, led by Bill Johnson, now hold the majority on the Redding City Council after a successful electoral run in November by Bethel members saw them emerge victorious and now hold the swing vote. Crockett says while hes sure some in the church would endorse Christian Nationalism he doesnt believe most in the churchs rank-and-file are even sure what that term means and he has not heard it taught from the pulpit. Redding council backs Bethel's new campus. Let Us Worship participants, many from Bethel Church and The Stirring church, crowd around Sean Feucht and musicians. is listed by the Shasta Economic Development Corporation as the 8th largest employer. James Crockett, who says hes a former Bethel Church member, is now a member of The Stirring. Members of Bethel, the 11,000-member northern California megachurch famous for elaborate healing services, Bethel Music, and musician Sean Feucht's nationwide worship protests against COVID restrictions, now hold the majority on the Redding City Council after November's elections, according to nearly complete . A City Council majority Monday night decided a lease with the large revival church would be the best option for keeping the building open to the public at least part of the time. Sunday morning sermons stream out to viewers in more than a hundred-and-fifty countries via Bethel TV, and church leaders are in demand as itinerant speakers both nationally and internationally. First, many members view Bethels strange brew of Christianity and New Age as a straight-up cult, a holy rolling, faith-healing pyramid scheme sucking the lifeblood out of the town and preaching a false gospel. In reply to Jeff Gorder. Members of Bethel the 11,000-member northern California megachurch famous for elaborate healing services, Bethel Music and musician Sean Feucht's nationwide worship protests against COVID restrictions now hold the majority on the Redding City Council after November's elections, according to nearly complete vote counts.. Bethel members Tenessa Audette, 45, a first-time candidate . About. Absences: Dacquisto has missed a number of meetings, including closed session meetings, joint session meetings, RABA, Library, Housing, Capital Services, and Successor Agency meetings. Some say the church has helped the city in many ways: But some residents have grown frustrated with Bethels combination of other-worldly theology and increasing this-worldly clout, as the appearance of Buck Fethel T-shirts show. Johnson, who publicly endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020, teaches that part of that revival will come through ballot boxes. I was born in the mid 80's in Yuba City, California but moved as an infant to Redding, California where I was raised and ultimately started my family. Hmm! She cited the churchs involvement in bringing funding to the city to help secure a daily flight from Redding to Los Angeles on United Airlines, the half-million in funding given by Bethel in 2017 for local police staffing, and Bethels decision to form Advance Redding, a nonprofit that was awarded a contract to run the citys Civic Auditorium. One area of government that could see significant turnover: the Redding city council. In fact, in most places it would be considered impolite and inappropriate to ask about candidates religious lives. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Second, Bethel Church and its infinite number of horizontally networked sub-ministries has raked in hundreds of millions of dollars during the past decade and hasnt been shy about spreading the manna around. Candidate Alex Sheaalso confirmed that he attends Bethel Church. Scheide is an award-winning journalist who has covered news, politics, music, arts and culture in Northern California for more than 30 years. Like Munns, Hill seems a good guy who truly wants to make a difference. Some of them are angry, as youve probably gathered from the voluminous negative emails youve received in response to your blog. If he does have campaign signs, they must be hidden in secret locations. Redding will lease its civic auditorium to Bethel Church for up to a decade. She attended Bethels School of Supernatural Ministry and says she now teaches a God and Government class there to help ensure that Christians know the importance of maintaining the appropriate separation between church and state. Julie Winter, Redding City Council member/Bethel Church elder, The 10 following candidates are competing for three available Redding City Council seats. eceived more than $15,000 in campaign consulting fees from Sean Feuchts failed congressional campaign in 2019 and early 2020, along with $2,800 in. She also served on the board of Advance Redding that manages the Redding Civic Auditorium, as well as Bethel Tech. If you are new here, or if you just fell off a turnip truck, Bethel Church is a world-famous Redding mega-church that boasts more than 10,000 members. They feel like their vision for Redding is being supplanted by someone elses, that theyre being replaced by Bethelbots, that the system is rigged. She didnt. Six evangelicalsthree Bethel members and three members of The Stirring church, which has connections to Bethelwere among 10 candidates running for three open seats, according to Doni Chamberlain, editor of A News Caf, a feisty local publication that expressed concerns about Bethel dominance. I grew up embracing a ranch life with early mornings feeding horses and late nights mucking stalls. Even so, his campaign is lackluster, with just a smattering of campaign signs, and to date, few to none endorsements. They come from all walks of life and all religious stripes, including Christians, pagans, agnostics and atheists. Former Bethel volunteer worship leader and visible political activist Sean Feucht has openly endorsed Christian Nationalism over recent months, but Shea and Audette both said that belief is not part ofthe churchs teachings. Of the 10 Redding City Council candidates, who would get your vote if you were ignorant of their religious affiliations? Bethel is a church not a PAC, she wrote. Although I dont always agree with Winter, theres no disputing that Winters been a responsible, dedicated and dependable city council member. Pastor Bill Johnson, who became leader of the Assemblies of God congregation in 1996, described his view of the churchs role in society in Invading Babylon: The 7 Mountain Mandate, a book he wrote with self-proclaimed Trump prophet Lance Wallnau: Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Redding native Jack Munns sits down with KRCR's Sam Chimenti to discuss how he'd help improve his hometown if elected to council (9/1/22) Turn to KRCR: Nort. Christianity Today defines Christian Nationalism as the idea that America is defined by Christianity and should take active steps to keep it that way. Even if Valenzuela hadnt liked [S]election Code on her Facebook page, the fact remains that Valenzuela like Hill and Vollmers lacks even a modicum of experience necessary to be an effectively qualified council member. Lake has claimed the vote was rigged and B.S. and is challenging the outcome. To think that people wouldnt call out my attendance at one of the biggest organizations in town, Shea said, is unreasonable. Third, as a result of its newfound power and its dominionism, Bethel has become openly entangled in city of Redding finances as well as our politics on the local, state and federal level. The last go-round she was running for the Shasta County District 1 race, but she dropped out mid-race, citing a lack of financial resources that would enable her to compete with the other well-funded candidates. In reply to R.V.