Epaphroditus was not only a Those who work in the nursery are my fellow-laborers, they take care of your 13:8).1. How this happened or what his sickness was However, verses 2:26-28 tell us that Epaphroditus grew sick, to the point of death (vs. 27), while he was on his way to Rome. We need to know and be In Acts 17, Paul, on his second apostolic journey, came to Thessalonica and preached there. the important thing to remember is these gifts occur when the the Holy Spirit is working in us and we are fully submitted to his will. 1. Giving Bible readers what God said not what translators think God meant, Please Support the Bible Translation Work of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV). But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. We are not to selfishly guard our lives, we are to give them away in ministry to others. We are to follow the example of Christ who "emptied We don't like risks. He was highly regarded by the church there. Christ, but they were apostles of the churches: Epaphroditus was an apostle of the church of Philippi. (Acts 20:9-10) In fact, on one occasion, Paul had healed all of the sick people, even those with diseases, on Malta, an island in the Mediterranean. Not only did He save the former Pharisee, but He also gave Paul ext (Grand Rapids, 1979 rpt. Was it perhaps meant to ask for a clarification of my own comment ? PHILIPPIANS 2:25-30Some Bible scholars have asked the question, why was Paul not able to heal his coworker, Epaphroditus? And they did, because in the letters written after the Book of Acts, the sign gifts had ceased, just as the Lord said that they would. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. It is not confined to Asked January 21 2014 So Epaphroditus was sent to take care of Paul because Paul was imprisoned under house arrest, and in the end Epaphroditus became a burden to Paul because he almost died and Paul had to. And Paul who had miraculously healed so many left Trophimus at Miletus sick (II Timothy 4:20). In the cruel, sick, and unloving? build ourselves and the church up while battling all that come against us. involved in. He didn't want them to When Jesus said in Mark 16:17-20 that these signs shall follow those who believe. where it ends for many, they are brothers, but not for Epaphroditus. But when Epaphroditus fell sicknear to deathPaul was no longer able to heal him because the gift of healing had ceased to operate. We, as believers, are to be constantly practicing the kenosis of ourselves. What did the apostle Paul use the gift of tongues for? And in 2 Thessalonians 2:5 Paul reminds the Thessalonians of his teaching, as if it had not been very long since he had been with them. at after carefully weighing the facts. But when we turn to the letters written after the Book of Actsthe 4 Prison Epistles, and the 3 Pastoral Epistles, we find that the sign gifts either arent mentioned at all or we seeas with the gift of healingthat they were no longer operating in Pauls life. Emotional Shortly after that Paul traveled to Macedonia (see Acts 20:1 and 2 Cor. Testament, 20 of them refer to physical sickness. "distressed"ademoneo, it means: "to be depressed or rejected, be troubled, full of anguish or Thus, we can see Paul was not with Epaphroditus when he got sick, so the argument that he failed to heal him is not relevant. to worry about me. In English, as in Greek, this is a neuter pronounthat thing which is perfect. Paul was not writing about the coming of He who is perfect but of the coming of a thing which is perfect. Paul had to do a very trusted voice to help Epaphroditus offset his irrational thinking and replace it with rational thoughts, resulting in Epaphroditus actually changing his mood. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? primary reason for Epaphroditus being there was to minister to Paul's physical needs. In the 3 Pastoral Epistles, as in the prison epistles, we do not read of tongues or the gift of healing operating at this time. sick. So, Paul's third example is Epaphroditus, he is not an apostle, nor an Epaphroditus was also a common noun. Because a wonder-workering saints are not miracle-mills. Epaphroditus had nearly died in bringing the Philippians' gift to Paul in Rome, but God spared the apostle from great sorrow by healing him. we are all from the same womb, we're family. What year did Ezra leave Babylon and arrive in Jerusalem? "Epaphroditus is here to do what you can't do because you're so far away.". Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. He says, "We have the same There would be many ways of serving the captive, looking after his comfort, doing his errands, procuring daily necessaries, managing affairs, perhaps writing his letters, easing his chain, chafing his aching wrists, and ministering in a thousand ways which we cannot and need not specify. needs. I subscribe to the view that the reason is because the gifts that he was performing in the early days was a "sign to the Jews"; not all spiritual gifts are still in operation today; or, they aren't necessarily "needed." This is why he and these others were not healed by him. The difficulty of communication would sufficiently account for the partial intelligence. deliver the money and leave, he was to stay and to minister to Paul's needs. We need to "show" people that we love them by And in verses 29-30, we are given the exaltation and kenosis of The word of God is a Spirit. There was no reliable way of getting these to Paul but to take them, and so Epaphroditus faced the long journey across Greece to Brindisi and Rome, and when arrived there threw himself with ardour into serving Paul. He is saying, We have no reason to suppose that Epaphroditus took part with Paul in his more properly apostolic work, and the fact that the purely material help, and pecuniary service which most probably comprised all his 'ministering,' is honoured by Paul with these lofty designations, carries with it large lessons as to the sanctity of common life. Epaphroditus to you." That wonder-workering saints are not miracle-mills? We are to He knew they would be sad and their sadness has greatly affected him-- not his Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? Do you know who my co-laborers are? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. So, Paul says, "I'm sending him to you." We are He was not just to delivering the money and someone who would work so closely with the apostle would have to be [5] Lightfoot John Lightfoot, A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica, 4 vols. That makes Galatians the earliest of Pauls letters. He speaks of Epaphroditus' recovery as a mercy to himself 'lest he should have the sorrow of imprisonment increased by the sorrow of his friend's death.' . But then He tells them that even while they were doing these things, He had never ever known them. A: Paul did not have the power to arbitrarily heal: only God has the power to heal. This is uncomfortable to hear, isn't it? die!" We must not leave unnoticed the beautiful self-abnegation which sends off Epaphroditus as soon as he was well enough to travel, as a gift of the Apostle's love, in order to repay them for what they had done for him. The facts are simple; if we look at the context and the account, there was actually nothing for Paul to heal. 2:27). 3. 0 Responses He's probably one of the greatest Christians that ever lived. Erastus remained at Corinth, and I left Trophimus, who was ill, at Miletus. and suffering, and given a choice, Paul preferred death: But if Epaphroditus would have died, Paul would have lost a good friend and this would have 2:25-30) and Paul no longer had the gift of healing, and was no longer able to heal as he did only a few years earlier in Acts 28:9. We also looked at Paul, who was an apostle called of God to write most of the New Testament. the average person can relate to. would have been sorrow upon sorrow. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.. But the with this letter. The word believe means to accept, to receive, to take and also to agree. looked at it as "spiritual worship." However, Paul was often an instrument of healing. Paul uses this word again in: This is also primarily speaking of physical needs. We are not to fear people, they can't hurt you. function. And he wrote to the Corinthians about the gift of healing that was operating in their church during the Acts period (1 Cor. 2:4) had passed away by this time. honor him. ministry. During the transition period, while Israel was still on the scene, all the signs were in evidence, "for the Jews require a sign" ( I Corinthians 1:22 ). This is Heresy 101 at its best!). And this will we do, if God permit." It is after ignoring the Holy Spirit he is told that he will now have to be a witness all the way to Rome. The word "necessary" is the Greek word anagkaios, it means: "indispensable, what one cannot In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul prays that a " thorn in the flesh " would be removed, but God refuses to do this. It has an interesting But to understand when the sign gifts ceased, we need to read Pauls letters in the order that he wrote them. Not only did they intend for him to be the bearer of their gift; they also intended for him to stay in Rome and be Paul's personal servant and attendant. All through the Book of Acts Paul had only gnosis, partial knowledge of the message of grace, but when we turn to the Prison Letters we suddenly find Paul using that word epignosishe had now received that full knowledge which he didnt have when he wrote to the Corinthians: For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge (epignosisfull knowledge) of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ (Col. 2:1-2). Some people talk about health and It is what we tell ourselves; it is what we think about events, what people say, and circumstances that contribute to our mental distress, anxiety, or depression. 3:2) to the Apostle Paul, but He had not yet revealed the entire message to him. Amen. Epaphroditus who was to stay at Rome and help Paul in any way he could. But in this time period, in 1 Corinthians 13:8-12, Paul tells us that the Lord had revealed to him that these gifts would cease some day. You won't die prematurely, so go ahead and take some If you check take that Tour, and read other Q's, A's, and comments, you'll notice we're a group of people from numerous religions and beliefs, not needing anyone telling us who's right and who's wrongjust discussing what we see in Scripture. that Paul didn't heal. Also the casting out of 7 demons; Oh, by the way, I have the recording of this event. Romans 10:8-10 tells us: 8 But what saith it? Paul also had another concern on his heart. But then, when he wrote but then I shall know he changes the word from gnosis to epignosis, to fully know., We could paraphrase Pauls statement: Now, as Im writing 1 Corinthians in Acts 19, I have gnosisI know, in part, what Gods message is for us today in the dispensation of grace, but thenwhen that which is perfect has comeI shall have epignosisthe full knowledge of Gods message of grace for us today.. 4: 19 . In verse 26, Paul used the Greek word ( admone), to define/explain Epaphroditus situation/condition, which means to be distressed and troubled [i.e., depressed], with the probable implication of anguish, to be troubled, to be upset, to be distressed.[4] In other words, Epaphroditus had become subject to extreme mental and spiritual distress, to the point of being depressed. gathered his congregation together and set them to burying the dead and nursing the sick in that The ministry is people! serve, you can meet physical needs. man awaiting trial on a capital charge was laying himself open to the very considerable risk of Are we fellow soldiers? himself." I find the denial of Divine Healing today interesting. soon meaning: "together with" and stratiotes meaning: "soldier." goddess of love. How about the Gift of Faith, do we not all have Faith, so how does this work when a person has a Gift of Faith? Paul would go on to write 13 letters in the New Testamentfrom the Letter to the Romans to the Letter to Philemon. He could heal all the sick on the island in Acts 28:9, but he couldnt heal any of his closest co-workersTimothy, Epaphroditus, Trophimusafter the close of the Book of Acts. And as for the gift of healing, we read of a co-worker of Pauls, Epaphroditus, who fell seriously ill during this time (Phil. However, by that time, those gifts had ceased, because the "signs and wonders" were to the Jews; the laying on of hands for healing and the gift of tongues had become unnecessary. In verses 26-28, we are given the reasons for Look at: Here he uses chreia to speak of physical needs. When I was in the military I met brothers and It is used in extra-biblical Greek to honor a solider. statements that address the actual question with Biblical text to analyze) Thanks. Colossians 1:7 of a different man. Still this does not explain why he and these other infirmed people did not seek someone who had the "gift" of healing. PROVERBS 1:1 How can we accept the majority of Proverbs by Solomon when Solomon did what was evil in the eyes of God? In fact, it is the words we tell ourselves about people, self, experiences, life, in general, God, the future, the past, the present. There no longer needed to be "signs and wonders" later on when Paul revealed to them that he had received the "revelation" from Jesus Christ on what they all were to go on preaching from them on, which is "the gospel" according to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (which Peter and the others agreed to in Acts 15 at the Council of Jerusalem). [1] Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe, When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties (Wheaton, Illinois: Victor Books, 1992). (e.g. our other elder. And I see no where in the Bible that tells us the working of miracles has ceased. Epaphroditus was willing to risk it all and Paul said to hold him in the highest regard. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. someone who would represent the church well. The reason it is "send" is because he was supposed to be there permanently. Work done for Paul was done for Jesus, and that, not because of any special apostolic closeness of relation of Paul to Jesus, but because, like all other Christians, he was one with his Lord. other words, they were to receive him as the Lord would receive him. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.. The word of God is very clear on every subject. Paul highly honors Epaphroditus with these For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. derived from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess, better known by her Roman name , Venus. 9 This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be [f]made well, 10 said with a loud voice, Stand upright on your feet. And he leaped up and began to walk. The reason why Paul didn't heal Trophimus is because he no longer had the 'gift' of healing. "Who ministered to my need" -- The word "need" is from chreia it means: "a need or When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. The miracles of healing that the B. 2. He says that Epaphroditus risked his life to 'supply that which was lacking in your service toward me.' Tongues is a written, spoken language, not mere blabbering in the air, which even Paul himself said was utterly useless and just mere cacophony). 8 And it happened that the father of Publius was lying in bed afflicted with recurrent fever and dysentery; and Paul went in to see him and after he had prayed, he laid his hands on him and healed him. This word is used 13 times in the New Testament, 12 by Paul of people who work with him in Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Testament use of this word. Yes, they really had had these experiences. It would be like the difference between being a child and becoming a grown man, or between seeing someones face reflected in a wavy ancient mirror, and seeing the person face-to-face. Weak in the faith is another use. Whether we are well or sick, whether we are like Epaphroditus or like Timothy, we can always claim this promise from the Lord that His grace and strength are sufficient for us. Faithful service is most surely bought by hearty praise. The order of these first six books is: In Acts 21 Paul was arrested and remained a prisoner through to Acts 28, and beyond. [7] Leon Morris, The Gospel According to Matthew, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Jesus said the greatest honor among his followers belongs to the one who renders the Where was Paul when he wrote to the Philippians? fellow laborers, they send out what I teach to others around the country. Have you taken the tour of our site yet? Epaphroditus lived out Philippians 2:1-16, he is the "Loving Gambler.". Epaphroditus means "belonging to Aphrodite" [1] which was an idiom meaning "lovely or handsome". The word "send" is pempo. Paul was saved in Acts 9 when the Lord appeared to him on the road to Damascus. He wrote to the Corinthian church that they came behind no other church when it came to the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. His level of sacrificial service becomes very instructive to us. Paul used this word in: It is a strong inward desire for the Philippians. healthy. 5:23) and Paul cant heal him, doesnt recommend that he go to a healer in the church, doesnt send a prayer cloth or a bottle of anointing oil (remember the miracles of some 8 years earlier in Acts 19:11-12). However, Paul was often an instrument of healing. Little is known about Epaphroditus (much less than Timothy). Paul goes on to say: "My companion in labor" -- the Greek word for companion is sunergos. But the promise that He gave to Paul is still our promise today in the dispensation of grace: My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. "Almost We begin by setting up a time line of Pauls ministry. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? He labored on Paul's behalf until his own health broke, and, even when he was sick, Epaphroditus took no thought of himself; rather, he was distressed because his church had heard of his illness, and he didn't want them to worry. Longer letters are first, shorter ones later. Living in the modern world, we enjoy the benefits of centuries of technological and scientific progress. ), Apostolic Fathers (e.g., Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp), Apologists (e.g., Justin Martyr, Clement, Tertullian), Church Fathers (e.g., Gregory, Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose), Flawed Biblical Historical Literary Criticism, PART 8-Jesus Resurrection to the Death of the Apostle John. (Phil. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul teaches us: 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new. Paul was imprisoned in Rome for his faith. It only takes a minute to sign up. Yes: Paul clearly had the gift of healing yet his friend almost died and he didn't heal him. This time he anticipates being beheaded for the Lord and writes the last letter, Second Timothy. 0 Responses lowest service. One of the most celebrated goddesses of the ancient world. The Book of Acts is replete with 'transitional stages' that are pivotal in the understanding of why all of these changes took place, and why, later, we see different signs no longer being used, or no longer operational in the sense of "signs and wonders," etc. Thanks. So if you're not dead, how could you ever complain (verse 14). Epaphroditus was distressed because the Philippians were distressed over his terrible illness. Besides, Epaphroditus was longing to see the church because he knew that they had found out that he had been ill (2:26). Let us hope he got safe back to his friends, and as Paul bade them, they received him in the Lord with all joy, the echoes of which we almost hear as he passes out of our knowledge. Three relate to his relationship with Paul and Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Epaphroditus was at the door of death. Was it because he had lost his faith, as some would tell us? He has authored ninety-five books. Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and hold such men in esteem; because for the work of Christ he came close to death, not regarding his life, to supply what was lacking in your service toward me (Phil. The principle here is that "God exalts the humble." He had the heart of a servant-- he was most likely a deacon. It was his brethren who were exhorted to receive their own messenger back again 'in the Lord with all joy, and to hold him in honour.' Hardly. By that I She was the goddess As a result, Paul says that he will rejoice in his infirmitiesa word normally used for various illnesses. 1:11,12) that a time was coming when these sign gifts were going to cease to operate. to meet someone's need? sacrificial life. You can help further this work by your prayer and by contributing online or by mailing to: Berean Bible Church Now we turn to the prison epistles, the four letters written shortly after the end of the Book of Acts, while Paul was a prisoner in RomeEphesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippiansand we find that there is not one word about tongues, or the gift of healing. In verse 25, we have a description of Epaphroditus. the proclamation of the gospel effective. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. He healed every sick person on the Island of Malta in Acts 28. Paul uses the word sunergos here of himself and Apollos. It is used again in: Paul says that he used his own hands to meet his physical needs. Epaphroditus but passes across the illuminated disc of the lantern for a moment, and we have scarcely time to catch a glimpse of his face before it is lost to us. The Christian Apologists (150 220 C.E.). 11:14). We never want to diminish the pain of our suffering, but, during times of trouble, we should also remember the ways God is sustaining us. his return to Philippi. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE REALLY TEACH ABOUT ________? If you haven't already, please make sure to take our tour, to get yourself familiar with the site and to see how we're a little different than other sites. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? be-shem omro)? 7 Now in the neighborhood of that place were lands belonging to the leading man of the island, named Publius, who welcomed us and entertained us courteously three days. a uniquely spiritual act. On the contrary, Paul considered him his "brother," "fellow-worker," "fellow-soldier," and "their apostle and servant" (2:25). soldiers marched abreast behind a solid wall of shields. And in the Acts Epistles we read of the gifts operating in the churches that Paul founded. 12:9). The gifts were all in operation all through the Book of Acts period and are mentioned in the letters written during that time, but the Lord had revealed that the sign gifts were going to cease at some time in the future. It means for any gift that you and I will receive from Him by the Holy Spirit is premised on your ability to accept,take, agree or receive without doubt His word which comes as a command, law, or instruction. We are to fear God and Him alone. No one was more charismatic than the Apostle Paul. It does not contain doubt, but refers to a decision arrived 14:30-33). We may note the generous heartiness of his praise in his associating Epaphroditus with himself as on full terms of equality, as worker and soldier, and the warm generosity of the recognition of all that he had done for the Apostle's comfort.