Wot the hell,they also put a bill of 475 on car. The 14-day grace period is also referenced on the Gov.uk website, so can certainly be taken as official see quote taken from page below. Me.. but Im going on holiday and that will take me over the 14 days cant I just pay now? There is no way to alter the amount so if it asked for 3 I could not have just paid 2.50. I live in the North and only use the crossing once a year to go to the Channel tunnel for a holiday. Do you need more time to complete what you were doing? plus let us remember the toll/ charged was to repay to original builders as financed 100% by debt, with no equity contribution. I confirm that I have not. I live up north too and there are 10 in my area so no excuses. Where a motorist has paid slightly late, but, importantly, before Dart Charge have even issued a penalty, they can be no good reason for enforcing penalty. I called their help centre and was informed that I couldnt make the payment and will get a penalty for 70.00, no ifs or buts, just tough luck. i paid the toll a day late as it was good friday and bank holiday in one weekend and i totally forgot i crossed on the monday not the tuesday and paid on the wednesday will i be fined for this? I pity those who have to make the journey on a weekday rush hour. The cashless payment system does fail, and motorists are paying the London Congestion Charge by mistake. The crossing fee will be added to the Penalty Charge Notice. But called to ask asI found out going through the tunnel means I have to pay too (thought you only paid while going through the bridge) but the man I spoke to said I now have to wait to receive a pcn as he cant take the payment. YOU REALLY NEED CLEAR SIGNAGE 10 MILES OUT ON BOTH SIDES The only reason we noticed coming back was there were no tolls to pay !! I hope that i do not receive a penalty. Quote your charge notice number and explain why you believe the penalty is wrong. If the system is investigated, they will see we have only ever crossed once, and made one payment. This is the first time I forgot to pay. This is the sort of initiative that makes people feel that authorities are working against them rather than providing them with a service and supporting them. Yes I have had the same I remembered 6 days later (busy time with family etc sorry I have a life!). Dart Charge Fine. Failure to make payment within 14 days of service of the notice may result in the debt being registered at the Traffic Enforcement Centre. Payment should be made by midnight on the day after your crossing. Required fields are marked *. I then heard nothing from them until now when I received a final notice of rejection stating I should have known about the charges and my fine has increased to 70. Im really shocked by this system. Hope it helped. Now I see how they make easy profit. to pay the Charge, thinking to pay at some toolbooth, At no time has the fact that you can no longer pay the toll at the bridge ever been advertised in the North of England, being a Southerner that now lives in tat North its just another example of the southern isolationist attitude of institutions, I just want to cross the bridge not give my live story to some busy body, I dont use cards on line and you try to find a pay point that can complete the transaction, you could just have a text premium number that you could text your registration to, how about that! You can pay these online, and if you don't pay within 28 days the cost might increase by 50%. This demonstrates a fundamental flaw in your accounting system. You sign up and it automatically pays the toll then sends you an invoice. I used the crossing on 26th May and totally forgot to pay ( 1st time ever crossing it). If this is the first time you have forgotten to pay, then you will get a chance to pay within 14 days of a notice being sent to you. Since its inception, motorists have complained of being charged twice for a single crossing. We assumed that as we had by this point paid 2.50, we had complied. The petrol is more expensive.. Help help help..just received a letter from Dartford this morning with a pcn of 70 or 35 within 14 days but the incident happened in july my friend was driving and his english is not very good and didnt realise he had to pay passing charge. Hi, I big bold letters the covering letter stated that as a first timer the penalty and all other penalty issued within the last 28 days would be cancelled if we paid for all crossings within the next couple of weeks (a specific date was given). Had to telephone instead! On receipt of the PCN now requesting me pay 105 PLUS 2.50 for the Toll, If I pay this IT WILL BE THE THIRD TIME I HAVE PAID. Just the Government again hitting the motorist for more cash. Thanks very much. Its also clear the site is targeting millions of foreign drivers who use the crossing each year, with the website offering versions of the payment system in 18 languages.How to pay the official site: If paying online, make sure you save cash and get an official receipt by heading here otherwise you could be left with no proof of payment or means of appeal if something goes wrong.www.gov.uk/pay-dartford-crossing-charge. So many people like you just didnt know about the new system and why should you. If you call them, you may be able to pay over the phone then and there anyway. Is this a tax on the english again. They hung up on me.As i have never recieved a fine for the 1st of Feb and as far as i was aware it was paid do they have a certain time limit to send something to me cheers jim. I went to Dover and back in one daylong voluntary work day away on sat of first bank holiday. I then boarded a ferry which had such inadequate WiFi that I was unable to search online. This is the cheapest way to pay, with registered cars costing 2 per crossing compared with the new price of 2.50 for those who pay in other ways.Set up a new pre-pay account here Change an existing Dart Tag account. I think this is an absolute disgrace! It was their computer system that told me what to pay after entering his registration number!!!! But on 20 July they posted me penalty charge notice, with no mention of a 14-day period! Hi here is what I put in the feature. If they continue to issue incorrect PCNs do I have any process of redress against them? Has the charge notice included the offer to pay 2.50 within 14 days? I feel like some sort of criminal now. I have not heard this policy is changing. If convicted, he faces 30 years to life in prison. I did not know I only had 1 day to make the payment and ended up forgetting about it. So how can I get the 14-day grace period and pay 2.50 only please? The signs really need improving. (1) We are not 100% sure which vehicle we will be using, or we might even use the bike. HI I forgot to pay on the 21/12/2014 when the new system started I was later contacted by dart and offered the opportunity to pay which I did for both journeys/directions. there was chaos when we went through the tunnel northbound as a vehicle was causing a hazard in one tunnel. I did forget to pay on time but went in and paid when I remembered. I just received the Dart Charge PCN forwarded from the car rental company(with administration fee). I do want to pay, but was not aware of the strict timeline and penalties. Yes its known on the east side of London wider publicity is not available and you need to actively search to find out how the system works. Anyone know who is in charge of this? I have received 3 fines for one day in June but I have never used the Dartford crossing. You should certainly have a chat with the hire firm and find out their policy. This will give you plenty of time to pay before you fly. I have just returned home to find a fine for when I crossed on 17/04/2015 Youre not alone if you paid the London Congestion Charge by mistake. They have all our details, and can send out a fine snappy enough. In order for such a decision not be procedurally improper, there must be evidence that it has been taken in a discretionary way, not simply as the result of an effectively automated process. Its a lease car, so Ive never heard a thing since from either them, or the lease company Completely unaware, Call 0300 123 1059, and explain your situation to them and theyll send you some appeal forms, I just hope theyre successful, How this can be a fair, or cost-effective process is beyond me having never had som much as a parking ticket in my life, taking me to court for paying a 2.50 a day late is ludicrous. (2) We will be out of the country for the next three weeks so wont be making the return trip within the required 24 hours. First the Lendal Bridge in York, now the Dart crossing. We forgot to pay and a letter was sent, fine. If you have never used the Dartford Crossing before, you should receive a Dart Charge Warning Letter. Hi Lucy, I am sorry to hear about your experience at the Dartford Crossing you certainly arent alone. I think I have been reasonable but at 2-3 per phone call the costs to me continue to build up, not to mention the distress I feel each time a new PCN arrives through my letter box. MoneyNerd Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Key Retirement Solutions Limited who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference Number 224987) and is classed as a mortgage and home finance adviser. Firstly I didnt see the sign, which of course I now know I should have read whilst driving on these unfamiliar roads. There doesnt seem to be any way of checking that the toll has been paid. no barriers, no man at the tollbooths and I cant remember any sign over there I paid the 5 anyway and when the PCN arrives will try to appeal it citing that I paid, albeit just after the deadline. I just assumed that as there were no booths that theyd finally seen sense and dropped the charge. I frankly cant be bothered with using the crossing again even if I do succeed in appealing, its about the same length of journey round the M25 if I go north or south, and I cant for one second believe the toll booths were removed to alleviate congestion considering everyone still has to pay the 2.50 charge, plus a huge number of people a lot being occasional users must be getting fined for getting it wrong. MoneyNerd is not associated with MoneyHelper, we just think theyre great. Its a money-making scheme. i was travelling from Cardiff to Grays RM20 3AS . My family went over dartford crossing in August on holiday no signs saying when or how to pay didnt even know you had to wasnt till we visited fiends a few days later that we found out went online and paid for both journeys payment was accepted now 4 months later been sent a PCN for 14:50,really annoyed after theyd taken my payment.Mine is a lease car so fine sent to lease company they paid the fine,then took it from my wages, now Ive got to try and claim it back. You have no alternative to spending time having these charges cancelled, otherwise you could end up with a CCJ that would be hard to clear even though you are not at fault. The purpose of the penalty scheme is to encourage compliance with the payment system. Let me know how you get on.Thanks. I think this scheme needs a rethink. It says I can appeal this decision to an independent tribunal but I fear the worst and it was lapse into another larger fine. They have asked I pay another 5 or they will charge me the fine of 70 if I delay (aka appeal). I had paid the charge like a good little serf and in the allotted time before midnight the next day even though it meant I had to hobble from the plantation before I turned into a bumpkin. I was travelling with my family on holiday, and a part that I didnt know any thing about new rules Fixed penalty notices are issued by the police, your local council or the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). The UK is a lovely place but the governments are supporting the extortionists every which way you look. Can you please advise on what I should do? Willing to admit my mistake, cause it was first time I crossed this bridge and I was quite surprised by the system they had. To elaborate: just before Christmas I received a PCN for an alleged crossing made around 4pm on 8th December - for a vehicle I'd bought just 5 days earler on 3rd December. saw the sign for this ON OUR WAY SOUTH 2 DAYS LATER, thus realised you had to pay something but not how much or method. I driven through Dartford crossing on Saturday & driven back again on Sunday but felts so ill when I got back home so I went to bed as soon as I got in. It seems ridiculous you can be fining people nearly 5 months after the offence. Like many here I havent used the Dartford crossing for some time, so when I used it a week last Sunday we had change ready and were constantly looking for signs displaying the various charges, but didnt see any. Read on to find out what you need to know about a Dart penalty charge notice and whether you could get out of paying it. Dear all, I therefore deem the payment to have been accepted by Dart Charge in relation to the unpaid crossing which is the subject of this PCN. Over here from New Zealand this is an utter joke How the hell are we meant to know about this .Have 210 pound of fines to pay Any toll I have ever paid is done at the time. Heading on holiday can be both exciting and stressful in equal measure, making it easy to forget banal chores such as paying for your trip over or under the Thames Here are some suggestions to help ensure you dont come home to a big fine. Have appealed but not holding out much hope. Telephone 0330 460 5297 (local rate) to pay using our automated payment line or Contact Centre. This is really unfair. Julie Dart who was murderd by Michael Sams. Herve. ), so its important that you read the terms of any products that youre considering before you apply. However on my Birthday, I came back via the toll as I had no choice and made a mental note to pay it when I got home (how can you pay it when youre driving) but I have kids and a terrible memory, it takes me hours to get home and it is always stressful and it just slipped my mind.